
Chapter 496: The lone blaster king, Yoda Ivan

In short, Ivan, who left the palace and went to the Orchid Republic to soak in the hot springs like a tourist, met his employer and paid his bills in advance.

"Oh? Let's take a hot spring bath together by the way?"

"No need. I can just soak it myself."

"I was introduced by a female friend here..."

"No. I'm used to living alone."

As a solitary demolition expert for a long time, Ivan is a loner who rarely maintains regular contact with the outside world.

After all, he was worrying about his future while soaking in the hot springs in the hot spring pavilion. He is only 482 years old this year. In theory, he is a young man of marriageable age.

However, even when he was serving in the army, he had never even thought about participating in a fraternity like his comrades.

Of course this doesn't mean that he doesn't have feelings for the opposite sex.

It's about his hobbies and interests, which are really hard to express. But there was nothing he could do about it. He was able to come to the north because of his grandfather, Yoda Ness.

Yes, Ivan's full name is Yoda Ivan, the fourth male grandson of Thorgen's friend Ness.

He came to the north because of his grandfather. But also because of his grandfather's advice, he started working for Irwin.

To be honest, he doubted that he was like this...

What are you thinking about so much?

After taking a bath, take a nap and then find Irwin tomorrow to see what tasks he has for you.

Obviously, Ivan, who knows what he is doing, is exactly the kind of weirdo that everyone calls a misfit. But he will not change his lifestyle because of this. He likes the explosions caused by explosives, no matter in the past, present or future.

But the moment he came out of the changing room of the hot spring, he almost collided head-on with a fair-skinned woman with blond hair and blue eyes, Kale.

"Ah! Sorry!"

After saying these simple words, Ivan, who had an unsociable personality, left quickly.

"Is this him you're talking about?"

"Yes. Demolition King Yiwen. One of the bombs he built once leveled an entire eight-story building to the ground. But for some reason, he refused the military's invitation and lived a solitary life. Life."

"King of Explosion? Is he really that powerful?"

"He is the first master in our army who can make his own homemade explosives."


"Moreover, he collected materials for production in the wild environment. But for this reason, his comrades and superiors don't like him very much."


"He made explosives so many times and was in very dangerous situations from time to time that his company didn't like to work with him."

"Haha. Then don't let him go."

Ivan, who didn't know yet that he was being targeted, went back to his room alone and went to bed under the moonlight. After all, his boring and monotonous life has long been his daily routine.

Even though the female Karai he just met made him a little tempted, but he...

forget about it.


"Finally waited until he fell asleep."

"But will he have explosives on him?"

"It's impossible to have explosives on him. He doesn't look like a madman ready to blow himself up at any time. Just be careful of the knives and guns he may be carrying."


"Besides, we just need to take his bag away. Anyway, there is only one requirement for us from above, explosives."

As the night grew darker, two figures lurking under the moon slipped into Ivan's room. And there is only one target, which is Ivan's explosive.

Thanks to the very good concealment of Ivan's explosives, even the army of the Negan Kingdom has always been quite interested. But there is nothing we can do about it. Compared with traditional high-performance explosives, the performance of magnetic storm bombs is too good.

Therefore, this renders Ivan's explosives useless.

But this is only within the regular army of the Negan Kingdom, and does not represent the common opinion of all members of the regular army or the officers and soldiers of the irregular army.


"Stop looking, I don't have what you two need."

As a result, when the impatient Ivan closed his eyes and reminded the two black figures who were searching for his luggage in a very boring tone, the two black figures immediately took out the daggers and daggers in their hands and placed them on his neck. superior.

"Do you know where the things we want are?"

"Speaking out will be very beneficial to you and us."

Seeing these two guys threatening him with sharp blades, Ivan didn't look scared at all.

On the contrary, he knew very well that if the two of them came to kill him, he would have to be killed by flying knives, hidden arrows, or even poisoning without waking up.

"Good for me? You are not here to kill me. And...female? Both of you are female? Especially you, I just smelled you, you just met me..."


One of the thieves who realized that his identity was exposed used the handle of a dagger to knock Ivan unconscious and began to search Ivan's body without any hesitation.

"Really? Why didn't he even have a knife or a gun when he was sleeping?"

"Look for another place."

So when Ivan woke up the next day, he covered his head and looked at the room where everything was normal and nothing was missing. For a moment, he felt that he was dreaming.

But it was obvious that his head was hurting and numb now.

The two thieves last night were really cruel and knocked him out without saying a word. Fortunately, as long as he entered a normal leisure and entertainment venue, he would never carry any type of dangerous goods and controlled items that were easy to be checked.

Otherwise, he would definitely be arrested by the Orchid Republic military police who patrolled the entertainment venues. No matter what, the Orchid Republic is a country that controls all kinds of weapons and even tools. Under the rather complicated laws and regulations, foreign tourists like him have to pay attention again and again.

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These days, being arrested as a spy is a "good thing" that is neither alive nor dead. Not to mention the famous forced living biological experiments on the Iron Fist Empire, which are extremely disgusting and resisted by all countries in the Elsa Continent, just in the Negan Kingdom where he was born, the spies who were forced to be the test subjects of experimental weapons are probably the most miserable spies in the world.

Anyway, he had heard of a lucky person who had the good fortune to "enjoy" a direct hit from a white phosphorus incendiary bomb, but he died with a cruel ending of being burned inside and out.

You know, white phosphorus is too flammable, and the smell of burning is full of all kinds of toxic and harmful smoke.

Anyway, after confirming that his belongings were not lost, he quickly left the room to inquire...

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