
Chapter 499: You can’t beat me, you can’t beat me

In terms of armament alone, compared to the Leiden class, which has three guided missile launchers, the 55mm main guns that have been used recently have six firepower. Not only the kobolds on the ship, but also Major General Zheng Peizhi are holding their own telescopes, looking at this steel behemoth that is only 7 meters away from the coastline and feeling terrified.

"Major General... this..."

"Your Majesty, our empire is in big trouble."

"Then should we attack those amphibious vehicles..."

"Hide behind the reverse slope and continue to bombard the troop transports that have not left the field of vision! I don't believe that their battleships have the ability to accurately hit us under the cover of icebergs!"

Obviously, it is a very happy thing to chase the Marines who obviously don't want to fight a big battle, but when the battleships of the Kingdom of Negan came, all the kobolds took a breath of cold air. However, for Zheng Peizhi, if he didn't kill some dark elf marines at this time, he would have no way to report to the higher-ups.

After all, this time the dark elves set foot on the territory of the Guangwu Empire for no reason, seriously infringing on the authority of the Guangwu Empire!

Even if he knew that the other side had battleships, he could guess that this battleship would smash his side to pieces with a salvo. However, he had to fight hard, kill some dark elves, and bring the bodies of the dark elves back to see His Majesty before he could talk!


So under the order of Major General Zheng Peizhi, the black-haired dog-headed man, the few 2mm field guns that had not been destroyed and the 7mm caliber infantry guns used by the infantry, and even the larger 9mm mortars, all joined the bombardment of the transport ships of the Nigan Kingdom Marine Corps.

"Do you really think we can't hit you because there are icebergs blocking our sight? Order! Do your best to cover the Marines, and use all weapons to fight back!"

Accompanied by the captain's order with the Queen's permission, the first battleship of the Kingdom of Negan, the Leiden class, broke the floating icebergs and began to fire volleys towards the coast. As for the Kaito-class destroyer that happened to come over and waved the magatama flag on the ship, it was eager to leave the battlefield as soon as possible.

Even if the Leiden class did not put the main firepower on its head, the scene of the Leiden class firing while bursting out various beams still made the dog-headed man on the Kaito-class extremely panic.

However, there was no way.

The dog-headed man on the Kaito-class destroyer also knew that if he really ran back without firing a shot, all their officers and soldiers would have to be tried by the Empire's military court and executed for deserting the battlefield! So...


Even though he knew that his shot at the bow of the battleship did not cause any damage, it was proof that he had participated in the battle anyway.

However, the crew of the Leiden was not blind. An 84mm secondary gun had locked onto the destroyer that quickly turned around and left. As an 84mm shell passed over 3 meters of sea, the Kaitu-class destroyer instantly burst into a bright red mushroom cloud.


"Abandon ship! Everyone abandon ship!"

Due to the fact that the destroyer's armor was not thick enough and not hard enough, the Kaitu-class destroyer could only withstand one shell before it had to declare its fate of sinking. For this reason, seeing these dog-headed people who didn't know what was good for them and didn't know what it meant to be a mantis trying to stop a chariot, the captain of the Leiden confirmed that all the Marines were intact, and then asked them to return to Ligang City and wait.

"Do we still need to bombard them?"

"No need. But can we determine the location of their cannons on land? I have to blow up the cannons, otherwise it will not be safe for us to evacuate."

Compared to the captain's nonchalant and calm appearance, Zheng Peizhi felt what it was like to be on a giant ship with cannons. Even if he found a reverse slope to bombard, the main force of the Leiden's armed forces was a low-flying guided missile. Once such a missile exploded over the target location, the warhead formed by the cluster bombs could still blow his troops to pieces.

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The shock wave generated by the explosion alone can also cause serious internal injuries to myself...

"Puff, cough, cough cough!"

"Your Excellency."

"It's okay. They have temporarily ceased fire, and we should also prepare to withdraw. We can't stay here any longer, we must withdraw!"

However, Major General Zheng Peizhi's words have not yet been finished. Another missile with a red warhead and a white body exploded directly behind him.

Instantly, not only the major general, but also the dog-headed people hiding in the valley on the beach once again felt what it was like to have bombs raining down from the sky...

"Finally, it turns out that my father and the late emperor were right."

"Your Majesty?"

"The dark elves are really hiding in the southeast and southernmost areas of the continent. So, let's test their strength first."

"Yes. But if they are very strong..."

"I believe the dark elves will take the initiative to send diplomatic documents."

Compared to the camp on a peninsula at the southern end of the Neoland continent, which was in a state of actual warfare, the emperor in the capital of the Guangwu Empire, Quan Cuiren, looked relaxed. After all, for a long time, not only him, but also the civil and military ministers of the Guangwu Empire and even his father and two previous emperors had long suspected that the southernmost area of ​​the continent must be related to the dark elves. But unfortunately, the empire has never been able to implement it.

Especially when the empire is currently in the process of conquering the south to open up territory.

In any case, compared with the wasteland area north of Butterfly City, the towns in the south developed and operated by the indigenous people are more in line with the development and expansion of the empire. And the indigenous people are too weak, so weak that they have not yet begun to use normal weapons to deal with themselves. Not to mention the power of magic, the Guangwu Empire has been studied and analyzed by a generation of royal family, and that is to form a special supervisory army to participate in all aspects of military activities.

"Your Majesty, judging from the current situation, the number of dark elves is insufficient. And as far as I know, even though the dark elves once defeated a country called the Kingdom of Golson, they did not conquer and annex it."

"So we need to take advantage of this opportunity to compete with the dark elves and see their actual military strength before we can make a normal judgment."

Although Quan Cuiren's words were right, the problem was that Major General Zheng Peizhi was being beaten one-sidedly. Even the guard who saved his life before... He is now just a rotten piece of meat that looks like a honeycomb.

Completely cold, there is no hope.

Therefore, he and the remaining soldiers were helpless. Even if they learned to run on four legs like wild wolves, could they be faster than the guided missiles that suddenly flew over?

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