
Chapter 508 The significance of the army’s existence

Just as Zheng Peizhi said, the cavemen troops holding purple flags, with the support of the naval guns in the distance, beat the dog-headed people who dared to continue to resist into pieces.

Even though it was just an ordinary shell that flew into Sand Point City this time, the quality of the explosives of the Kingdom of Negan was much stronger than that of the Guangwu Empire. The orange-red flames produced by the explosion were not only mixed with the flesh and blood of the resisters, but also filled with pungent smoke.

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"Major General, what should we do? We..."

"Go ahead if you want to die. I won't intercept you. By the way, where is my rifle?"

Compared to Major General Zheng Peizhi who realized that the situation was hopeless and that he was about to be destroyed, the telegram files from the front line were brought into the palace by Prime Minister Aiqi and formally presented to Queen Winnie.

"It's rare for the soldiers in the army to meet an opponent, so they won't let go until they beat the dog-headed people to death."

"Winnie, the soldiers are happy to fight and kill. But what's next..."

"Alas. We don't have the ability to control Sandpoint City, let alone enough immigrants to develop Sandpoint City. So, after the battle, I personally suggest a temporary ceasefire with the Guangwu Empire and start the first formal diplomatic negotiations. First, recognize the Guangwu Empire; second, don't return any captured prisoners unless the Guangwu Empire can provide treasures that will make the Kingdom of Negan shine; finally, draw a red line, prohibit the dog-headed people from setting foot in all areas within the red line, and open the canal and caravan access to us!"

"Will the dog-headed people agree? Especially at the end, open the caravan access? I don't believe that the dog-headed people will not disguise themselves as bandits to rob our caravans in the future."

"So, Aiqi, you know what to do. Try to suppress them diplomatically and make sure these dog-headed people don't even dare to breathe Take a sip. It will save them from showing off their power every day, bragging about how powerful they are and how they can beat anyone in the world. If you don't teach them a lesson, do you really think our Negan Kingdom doesn't exist? "

"Understood. I'll let the diplomatic side take care of the bargaining. Another thing is that the civil war in the Golson Kingdom is getting worse day by day. Although the mayor of Lengchuan City, the border town closest to the Golson Kingdom, has ordered the caravans to suspend trade, the situation in the underground black market is not optimistic. "

"Not optimistic? Is it rampant?"

"Yes. Some gangs are almost as rampant as the Iron Fist Empire. "

"Puff. Don't tell me that those gangs will learn what the Iron Fist people say... Just this sentence, my Iron Fist military technology is the best in the world!"

Although it would be strange for Queen Winnie, as a female Kalai, to say such a sentence that should be said by a man with fanaticism and crazy thoughts in his head; but Prime Minister Aiqi could only nod his head to express his unparalleled agreement.


Everyone in the Negan Kingdom has heard of a famous statement that was once and is still the famous statement of the Iron Fist Empire. But the Iron Fist Empire really has the capital to say "My Great Iron Fist has the best military power in the world". The data of 2 million steels produced annually is enough to shock the Negan Kingdom and even many countries.

But then again, which gang is so arrogant these days and dares to challenge the military and police of the Negan Kingdom?

Could it be the dog-headed people?

Obviously, it is not the case at all.

Because in the city of Sand Point, the troops of the Negan Kingdom set up heavy machine guns one after another and fired at all the dog-headed people in the city who dared to continue to resist.

"Still not surrendering? Look at the gun! This is a heavy machine gun that can fire 6 rounds per minute, and can penetrate 3mm steel plates within 5 meters! Ahahaha..."

Accompanied by the roar of a minotaur machine gunner, Major General Zheng Peizhi was horrified. The minotaur tribe is a "notorious" fighting race in the old continent. Apart from the demons and even the cultists who believe in their power, the minotaur tribe is the most hostile to the existence of the human race.

Not to mention cold weapons, even hot weapons, the level of the minotaur tribe is enough to make the Iron Fist Empire extremely difficult.

Moreover, there is an unfounded speculation in the Guangwu Empire that the guns and weapons of the Nigan Kingdom have developed greatly because of the guidance of the Minotaur tribe. Of course, whether it is true or not is not something that he, a major general who is ready to put the muzzle of his pistol into his mouth, can continue to discuss.

Because the killing battlefield in front of him is completely one-sided. The guards of Sand Point City have become cold corpses one after another under the joint attack of the Minotaur machine gunners and caveman riflemen, as well as the bombardment of artillery shells falling from the sky from time to time.


So with bullets flying everywhere, no one noticed that a black-haired dog-headed man had shot himself.

For Zheng Peizhi, the battlefield composed of burning towns, charred land, and scarlet aura was no longer something he needed to worry about. After all, a corpse lying in a pool of blood like other kobolds would not change the outcome of the destruction of Sand Point City.

For this reason, Second Lieutenant Takamoto, who was fortunate enough to participate in and witness this scene, took it with a camera.

"second lieutenant?"

"This is a witness to history. I...if the child asks, I can tell her what happened."

It is true that Second Lieutenant Takamoto did not shed tears because of how many kobolds fell in Sand Point City, nor did he lament how many people were in purgatory due to the loud killings in Sand Point City.

On the contrary, he was always a father, an ordinary father. What the father has done will always let the children know, and it is impossible to hide it from the children forever.

At the same time, he also understood the reason why Her Majesty the Queen did not allow them to run to Butterfly City and deliver a fatal blow to the kobolds.

They are not the Iron Fist Empire of the Aisha continent. They are not the Iron Fist Empire that chases the heads of the enemy and kills them indiscriminately. They have a large number of tiger and wolf warriors who carry out crazy killings in order to gain promotions and even wealth and glory. They also have a military merit system. country. The purpose of fighting is to prevent the next war from starting, not to cause the next war!

This is the true meaning of the existence of the army! The army is supposed to stop the flames of war from burning, not to ignite them!

It's a pity that the kobold in front of Lieutenant Takamoto doesn't understand, and not every soldier in the Negan Kingdom can understand it.

Thinking of this, Second Lieutenant Takamoto suddenly felt funny. After all, it was he, Diego Takamoto, who ordered torpedo bombers to blow up the kobold expedition ship. When the child grows up, he sometimes doesn’t know what to say to the child.

A butcher with bloody hands, a cruel madman?

In short, his amphibious speedboat did not participate in the killing on the ground after landing, it was just an observation.

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