
Chapter 536 Life as usual

I have been using the Origin Calendar recently [To be honest, I have been using it recently, both Android and Apple can use it.] 73 [To be honest, I have been using it recently, both Android and Apple can use it.] February of the year, I have been using it recently, the 4th

Negan Kingdom, Lengchuan City Northwest Border Area

Da Da Da! Boom!

"How many times has this happened?"

"Uh, the sixth time."

"If possible, I really hope you won't start any war within meters of the border of Lengchuan City, even though I know that your border guards are ordered to clear out drug dealers' dens and other types of bandit strongholds in the Kingdom of Golson."

"Mayor Sogen, if you say so, it's hard for us to do it."

Thanks to the increasingly serious civil unrest in the Kingdom of Golson, the members of the Golson royal family, who existed in name only, either became an excuse for various parties to fight for power or ambitious people who personally sought to usurp the throne, or were forced to flee to other countries to seek asylum.

As a result, the Kingdom of Golson, which had completely entered a state of anarchy and chaos, naturally became a chaotic hell with constant smoke, death and wailing every day.

So a special activity of the Kingdom of Negan, the work of transferring and handling excess intelligent creatures, officially continued.

However, compared to Abu Sogen who complained that the border defense forces involved in the operation would fire at any time, seriously affecting the normal social production order of Lengchuan City, and the fourth-level sergeant who still returned to the army to cook, Lai Ting Jiaqi was still kneading noodles in his kitchen car workshop.

"Your Highness, are you sure you are the only one kneading the dough, okay?"

"No problem. But the fighting outside is really fierce."

Even though she was just cooking noodles in the back, Princess Jiaqi saw the spectacular scene of large white mushroom clouds blooming one after another outside the window from time to time.

Needless to say, the rumored fuel-air bomb.

Moreover, the large missiles launched by the current Negan Kingdom army are not driven by fuel. The magnetic ejection in the launcher and the missile's own engraving device are the reasons why the Negan Kingdom's missile weapons can quickly and accurately hit the target.

Therefore, compared with the missiles used by the countries on the Elsa continent that need to be loaded with liquid fuel or solid fuel to provide flight power, the warhead volume and weight of the Negan Kingdom's missile weapons are much larger.

Therefore, the large "crossbow arrows" that are not fired by traditional bowstrings have become the main force of the long-range strike weapons of the Negan Kingdom Army. In addition, their cost is lower than that of missiles that need to be loaded with fuel. The concept of giant ships and giant cannons popular in the Elsa Continent has not affected the Negan Kingdom.

On the contrary, even if the Leiden-class guided missile battleship is now equipped with 2mm caliber naval guns, the Leiden-class, which adopts the base strike theory and catapult device, does not use naval guns as the main means of combat.

The missiles that can be self-guided and maintain supersonic flight are enough to give the opponent a pot. As for the air defense problem, the fully automatic three-tube beam launcher with performance far exceeding the 4mm caliber machine gun and the new 85mm high-level dual-purpose rapid-fire gun are not used as decorations.

Of course, the current army also has light tracked armored vehicles that use 85mm caliber small guns for assault operations. But compared to the navy, the army would rather have more 2mm caliber smoothbore armor-piercing guns.

Anyway, the navy is now polarized in the choice of naval guns. The 2mm caliber guns that were supposed to be used by the navy and the army were gradually removed by the navy after the 55mm and 85mm guns appeared. As a result, the 2mm caliber guns that the Kingdom of Negan has used for a long time have gradually changed from rifled to smoothbore guns that are now used exclusively by the army.

In this regard, Princess Jiaqi can only sigh that the officers of the Quartermaster Department finally found a good opportunity to be lazy. After all, the Kingdom of Negan will not mix the same caliber shells.

Like the Guangwu Empire, there are three types of 75mm caliber guns: howitzers, field guns, and anti-aircraft guns. The shells of the three types of guns are also very different because of their different uses and different launch carriers.

Once the shells used for anti-aircraft guns are mistakenly inserted into the breech block of the howitzer and fired, the explosion accident is 100% inevitable.

Although everyone can guess that the main force of the artillery is the gray-haired dog-headed people, and the black-haired dog-headed people are in charge of command. Once the explosion occurs, the black-haired dog-headed people will definitely not take responsibility, and all the guilt will be put on the heads of the gray-haired dog-headed people who were killed or injured.

This is also an important reason why the gray-haired dog-headed people will become the vanguard of the anti-Guangwu Empire as long as they break away from the rule of the Guangwu Empire.

In short, under the shining white mushroom cloud that blooms from time to time outside the cooking car, Princess Jiaqi, who relies on her strange power, did not find that a group of friends who are definitely not here to eat have come behind her and a slope near the entire cooking class.

"What a delicious smell, I didn't expect these dark elves to find a chef to cook for their troops."

"Hmph! This is obviously a luxury! The soldiers always eat the food that only the nobles are qualified to enjoy, and the consequence is that the soldiers will definitely forget the purpose of going to the battlefield!"

"Ah? This..."

"Soldiers who always think about eating good food will definitely not fight well, and will always find opportunities to desert. How can their combat effectiveness be guaranteed? Moreover, everyone, listen carefully, that car must be a place for cooking. The chef is no match for me, Viscount Barrestan! While their guards are patrolling somewhere else, we will go directly!"

Obviously, this Viscount Barrestan has no idea that the emperor does not lack hungry soldiers. He even firmly believes that the soldiers should eat more food that is not very good in taste and style, and is purely guaranteed to have combat effectiveness.

Therefore, the more than 30 musketeers who followed him out were unwilling and completely disagreed with his concept.

Good food and good wine have always been a magic weapon to motivate soldiers to fight bravely. Unless you are a corpse that has been cooled thoroughly, or a soldier played by a mechanical puppet.

Therefore, because the soldiers of the Kingdom of Negan have clear requirements, and in actual combat, professional cooks are also needed to ensure the safety of food.

Yes, safety.

This is why the Kingdom of Negan and even other modern countries require that the quality of cooks must be excellent, and must be fairly loyal professional soldiers to serve.

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No one wants their army to fall because of food and drink problems, and even less wants anyone to poison the military rations. As a result, this has led to the fact that only soldiers who have been rated as sergeants or non-commissioned officers can become cooks in the Kingdom of Negan so far. After all, tampering with military rations is an absolute disaster.

But there is no way, these guys are all desperate people who have surrendered to Viscount Barrestan. If they want to survive in troubled times, a big backer is a very good choice.

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