
Chapter 550: I can't argue with you

"You think that what the people below do has nothing to do with the country if you don't use your own country's equipment? This may be the funniest joke I have ever heard in my life. Winnie, we used to have the equipment of the Black Crow Principality. Do you think we really had nothing to do with Eri before?"

As the small fights of the kobolds continued for three years, more and more southern towns submitted reports about attacks by kobold bandits to Solo City.

Therefore, Aoba Gru, the prince consort of the Kingdom of Nigan, who had been busy with scientific research and field assessments on the southern ice continent, couldn't help it.

"So, you, don't interfere."

"Oh? Really?"

"Don't interfere. If you want to let the dog-headed people know what it means to stop, the best way is not to destroy them through our soldiers. Don't forget that there are many natives in our northwest who are willing to destroy the dog-headed people for us."

"Relying on their current black gunpowder and big blades? We deliberately leaked these two things, and they spent who knows how many years to imitate them."

"For this reason, I hope they can reunite and resist the southward movement of the dog-headed people for the Kingdom of Negan."

Although it seems very strange for Queen Winnie to say such words, especially when she is the culprit who agreed to Abu Sogen's suggestion to split the Kahn Empire, and one of the most hated objects of the Ascetic Church, the largest religious force and unification force in the Kahn Empire.

However, this is also based on the fact that the dog-headed people had not yet come from the Elsa Continent at that time, and the Kahn Empire was the only one in the Neoland Continent.

After the current dog-headed people collectively moved from the northeastern region of Aisha Continent, a place called Jiwei Peninsula, they, who have modern weapons and equipment but have extremely strong militaristic ideas, are holding a knife on the neck of every race that they cannot defeat on the Neoland Continent.

In this way, as long as the divided indigenous forces have always maintained a mentality of not working together, it is inevitable that they will be destroyed one by one by the dog-headed people of the Guangwu Empire.

And what surprised her very much was that the high-level officials of the Guangwu Empire, that is, those white-haired dog-headed people, actually possessed magical powers. Regardless of whether this was tinkered with by themselves, or taught or even inspired by someone, the white-haired dog-headed people can maintain their absolute dominance over other dog-headed people with just the power of magic.

Not to mention that until now, the white-haired dog-headed people still have the absolute right to interpret and use Hangul, that is, the dog-headed people's writing.

In other words, if you want to defeat the Guangwu Empire from within, the white-haired dog-headed people must be eliminated first. But the white-haired dog-headed people themselves are also aware of this, so they have always let the black-haired dog-headed people serve as their warriors and enslave the gray-haired dog-headed people who have never made any mistakes in history and do not know why they became slaves.

Therefore, such a pyramid-like ruling structure is the most stable for the white-haired dog-headed people. At the same time, this is also the fundamental reason why some gray-haired dog-headed people have resisted the enslavement of the Guangwu Empire and joined the Orchid Republic as the republican, equal, free and democratic ideas of the Orchid Republic have spread to the Guangwu Empire.

"Resist... It would be fine if you released the first emperor of the Kahn Empire, Maokoleta Rufus van Kahn."

"Him? I would rather turn his soul into a candle that emits light and heat than let him out."

"So you, give him to..."

"He has confessed everything in the past few hundred years, and there is nothing of surplus value, what is the point of keeping him?"

"He is a time traveler. Have you ever thought of using him as a teaching material to warn our people?"

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"Don't. Including Eli, there are too many countries in the world that want to know and obtain the knowledge of time travelers. Like Maokoleta Rufus Van Kaan, his soul is more dazzling than the sun above our heads, and it is very easy to attract the attention of outsiders. Moreover, the knowledge of the other world mastered by a time traveler is enough to subvert a country and even make the whole world tremble. Even I myself doubt whether the planet that Maokoleta told us, Terra, is the true origin of the human race we see now. Those mysterious ruins discovered and excavated by countries around the world, and even the technology in the ruins, are all from Terra. Once such things are made public... Although it is nothing to us Negan, it is completely unpredictable for countries like the Crurod Empire that have been harmed by time travelers to do something."

When it comes to time travelers, Queen Winnie is very worried. If nothing else, this thing is too easy to attract hatred. Even if the knowledge in a time traveler's mind is very valuable, it is definitely worth the relevant investment work by the Kingdom of Negan. But until now, the priests of the Kingdom of Nigan did not know where the time traveler came from.

The only thing that the Black Dragon God mentioned was that there were a large number of consciousnesses lingering in the void about the mystery of the universe's alternate dimensions, which gave the priests a clear research direction.

"Then he..."

"I have asked the priests to melt his soul into plasma fuel and send it to the arsenal as a production energy source."

"This... This means that he will not even have the chance to reincarnate."

"Of course, I don't want any time travelers to come back to life in front of me and give me a resurrection."

"Uh... come back to life... such time travelers probably won't live more than three days, right?"

"That's for sure. The body and soul don't match, and there are too many gaps in between. Such time travelers can't escape the observation of any wizard who has the ability of vision, and they may even be separated from their souls on the spot. As for time travelers whose bodies and souls match, hum! In our country, there are officials from the household registration department to check and approve the identity information of every citizen. Do you think it's easy for outsiders to get into our country?"

"Okay. I can't argue with you."


His queen wife was right. Any country that has entered the modern era must have a very strict household registration management system. Let alone the Kingdom of Negan, let's change to the Crurod Empire, a country that has been harmed by time travelers. They even have to provide waist badges with detailed identity information for registration when staying in a hotel.

Otherwise, the hotel owner will be fined and sent to jail with all the hotel staff for suspected crimes of harboring spies of hostile forces.

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