
Chapter 6 Aren’t you afraid that I will escape?

"Don't move, let them get out! Close the door by the way!"

"I...everyone go out...you, don't mess around."

Compared to the warning given by the kidnapped samurai in front of them, the dozen or so samurai in the room all retreated when their colleagues let Sogen's blade control them.


Seeing these warriors leaving, Sogen let go of his meat ticket, and then chopped off the law enforcement officer's head with a knife.

"You... know magic..."

"Yes. So you should know that I will not give up resistance easily."

Thorgen himself knows that with his existence, no one in Eli will let him go easily.


"Then why did you..."

"Because you kept me alive, I came here to recover weapons and equipment. By the way, I want to ask, have you heard of the Black Dragon?"

After Thorgan completed the beheading, he took the Hurd lever rifle and bullet belt on the table again. The white-skinned, pointed-eared warrior who had blocked his colleagues from killing Sogen immediately was also wary, because he knew very well that the brown-skinned Kale in front of him was not easy to deal with.

"I know. The black flying dragon, the dragon god who left Eli ten thousand years ago."

"Let me ask you something, do you think brown-skinned Karai needs to survive?"

"Yes. Brown-skinned Kalai is a member of Eli and a believer of the Golden Dragon God."

"I have never seen the Golden Dragon God, and I don't know what kind of power the Golden Dragon God has, let alone whether I can see the Golden Dragon God. My mother is just like you said, she is also a believer of the Golden Dragon God. But she has been a believer in the Golden Dragon God all her life. Her piety is the result of the flood that the master deliberately created! Don’t tell me that this is the price of believing in the Golden Dragon God! Her purpose in believing in the Golden Dragon God is not to be murdered by you white-skinned bastards! The so-called altar is the object of water washing by you white-skinned people.”

Sogen, who had completely lost his faith in the Golden Dragon God, roared at the warrior. In his heart, he was extremely disgusted by the shackles given to him by the white-skinned Karai members.

"Your Majesty the Golden Dragon God, I can swear that this is definitely not what the Golden Dragon God expected. The Golden Dragon God will not use your lives or your souls as sacrifices!"

"Shut up! Do you know? The Black Dragon God once appeared in front of me and asked me to convert to its power."

"No! The Black Dragon is the defeated party in ancient times, and its power is not as good as the great Golden Dragon God. If you convert, everyone in Eli will not let you go, this heretic!"

"Heretic? Let me go? Have you forgotten something? What did this head just say?"

As he spoke, Saugen chopped the law enforcement officer's head with a knife, then unfolded the four-sided spear at the lower end of the muzzle of the Hurd lever rifle in his hand, and pointed the crosshair at the warrior.

"Ah...yes! You have been sentenced to death, why do you care so much?"

"What's your name? Full name."

"Hengurid Lesa Gros Ensadoras."

"Thorgan. Thank you for letting me live until now, but I have to go."

"You can't leave. Your Utopia organization has repeatedly committed crimes such as attacking innocent civilians and setting fire to important buildings. Do you think you can get out?"


"And even if I don't have a weapon, I'm not afraid of the gun in your hand."

Seeing that Hengrid began to condense white lightning balls, Sogen nodded gently. Then Thorgen took a step forward and directly activated his flying ability to break through a window in the room and fly out.


"I'm fine. Chase him! If he escapes, no one will be able to live a peaceful life in the future. This brown-skinned Kalai named Sogen is much more difficult to deal with than the guys we captured before and this time!"

Thanks to his magical ability since he was a child, Sogen quickly walked into the back door of a wine house. Here he took a rest first and prepared to sneak out while the pursuers left.

However, before he could move, a fair-skinned woman about the same height as him suddenly appeared in the bar where he was.

"do not move!"

"You...what are you doing?"

For this woman in a pink skirt, Sogen immediately put the spear of the rifle in his hand against her throat.

"Put your hands up, turn around, and go!"

Although he was very reluctant to cause trouble, Saugen could only lament that he was really unlucky. Especially when he suddenly felt a blow to his head, he immediately fell to his knees, and the scene he saw with his eyes quickly turned into a black canvas.


"Hey! It's time to wake up!"

With the stimulation of cold water on his face, Saugen quickly woke up from his coma. What surprised him was that he was tied to a chair with a hemp rope by a Kalai male with brown skin, blue hair and blue eyes.

"You guys...didn't I enter a wine shop? I..."

"You're not looking for death by so boldly holding our employees hostage, right?"

"Looking for death? Ha! I fall into your hands, I have nothing to say."

Facing one of the brown-skinned Kalais in front of him, Thorgen had nothing to complain about. He knew what he had done today.

"And, did you kill the law enforcement officer here?"

"Yes, he said that if it weren't for the mercy of the Golden Dragon God, everything in the plantation would have to be turned over."

After saying this, Sogen looked at the room. The red walls in the room were matched with the occasional white horizontal parallel thin lines. Such decoration should only be owned by nobles like the master, right?

But now, the brown-skinned Kalai member in front of him was wearing simple clothes made of cloth that was obviously not fished out of the river, and he had his own straight sword on his waist.

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In other words, he is likely to be caught by another force similar to the Utopia Organization.

"In addition to the law enforcement officer, what other targets have you killed?"

"One of the three in the family. But that is not my credit alone. It was just my first time to go out for activities, and the result... is here. Maybe... this is the punishment of the black dragon."

Sogen, who didn't want to say too much, closed his eyes, and the two brown-skinned Kalai men nodded. When Sogen opened his eyes, the white-skinned woman he had held hostage before brought a tray with orange and black clothes.

Compared to this white-skinned woman with pink hair and green eyes, Sogen was more concerned about why this brown-skinned Kalai man could act like a master and command her, who should have a higher status than him.

"Listen carefully, you are an employee here now. Your job is to deal with specific objects according to the requirements of customers."


"My name is Luo Shan, and you will be my subordinate in the future."

"Aren't you afraid that I will escape?"

"Do you think you are safe outside? Don't forget, you killed the law enforcer. In the United Kingdom of Eri, you will always be a felon."

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