"Didn't they just stuff one hundred thousand taels into Sai's cash box?"

"I'll say it last. Get out of the way. I have something to find the people there." Naruto's face gradually turned cold. If possible, she didn't want to do anything to these monks, but if they continue to be ineffective, Then she doesn't mind incapacitating them.


"What a trouble, you! I have given so much money, and you can't be flexible? Naruto raised his hand, too lazy to listen to the monk's words, and the airflow from his hand knocked the monk in front of T flying away.

"Ghost shark, do it, remember not to kill them.

"Tch, what a hassle!"

Dried persimmon and electric shark had already held onto the shark's muscle, but he let go again when he heard Naruto's words.

"It's okay to kill ninjas, but it's better not to kill monks." Naruto took a deep breath. The tone: "Wind escape breakthrough!" Using a large number of straight carats to launch the wind escape breakthrough, its power cannot be blocked by these monks.

Naruto used the wind to escape the big sudden, so it is. The wind escape that was blown out in one breath was changed by Naruto to continuous use, and turned around. Circle, all the monks were blown out.

"I believe you can dodge, this is the trust from your comrades in arms! Kisame!" Naruto gave a thumbs up to a few Kakiki Min, showing a bright smile.

Well, in fact, she did it on purpose. If she can absorb Chakra's shark muscle, he is being blown away by the wind, so don't live, just find a puddle and drown yourself.

Dried persimmon and ghost shark. Before he even moved a single finger, the battle would be over. If the shark muscles hadn't absorbed the wind escape that Naruto had accidentally blown to him in time, maybe he would have been blown away too.

"What's the sound?! What happened?" Hearing the abnormal wind noise and the faint screams of monks, Lu Lu came out of the house.

"Let me destroy this thing! 039; Naruto raised his hand. The straight carat mixed with the straight carat after the nature of the wind changed. Gathered together into her hand, a piercing sound came from Naruto's hand, dried persimmon ghost shark He took a few steps back and saw that Naruto formed a shuriken-like straight carat in his hand.

Waking up in the middle of the night, when he looked up and saw the Fengtun spiral shuriken in Naruto's hand, there were multiple layers of bone walls growing inside it, and he closed his eyes and pretended to be dead.

"What kind of ninjutsu is this?!" Kisame Kisame showed a look of astonishment on his face, "Zokara turned into the shape of a shuriken!"

"Wind Dun Spiral Shuriken!" Naruto threw a shuriken-shaped straight carat at the huge iron. Uzumaki Naruto is really good at using this kind of ninjutsu. What a monster! Kisame Kisame looked at Naruto with a hideous smile.

"The person you're looking for is right there." Naruto looked at him. The big iron gate of the subway scraps was very relieved, and snorted arrogantly. With a loud voice, he walked over swaggeringly. When he walked in, he saw it. A shivering little boy with bandages wrapped around his hands, hiding in a corner.

"Naruto, my straight carat is on him.

"I really didn't expect it to be on a child, how can I take out the chakra from him?" Naruto looked suspiciously at the eyeballs floating in front of her.

"If you want to take out the straight carat on his body, you need to unlock the seal.

A tail appeared behind Naruto, and suddenly wrapped around the trembling child.

"What are you going to do to Sora?!" Dilu rushed over, seeing the strangely colored straight carat tail protruding from behind Naruto wrapped around Sora, he knew she must be doing something good.

"Ghostfish stop him, don't let him hinder me.

Naruto turned to look at Kisame, Kisame was surprised to find that Naruto's eyes turned blood red and his pupils stood up.

"Understood, you really can summon people!


Dried persimmon and ghost shark

Holding the Shark Muscle, he rushed up to stop Di Lu.

"Sorry. This way is blocked!"


The shark muscle hit the ground, smashing the ground out. It's a big hole, avoid it. Shocked Lu Lu's eyes revealed astonishment, and he carefully looked at some persimmon ghost sharks.

Hit by this huge weapon, even he would be incapacitated.

"Come and welcome the dry hand kill!"

A bright yellow chakra formed behind Di Lu. Jin Sa, who is sitting cross-legged, has arms like flowers blooming behind him. Huh? Ganshou Guanyin? Naruto was a little confused when he saw this technique, thinking that there were more things to do, so he didn't look at it. He walked directly to the boy named "Kong".

Tore off his shirt, looked at the empty stomach. Naruto moved his fingers.

"Boy, it's the first time I've used this trick after learning it, so bear with it if it hurts.

Five groups of flames appeared in Naruto's fingertips, and five characters appeared respectively, thunder, wind, water, fire, and earth! Naruto's hand, burning with five groups of flames, fiercely Pressed on the empty belly!

"ah! ! !"

I saw the sealing formation on the empty stomach. It seemed to be lessened by the flames. The same disappeared, the straight carat of the nine tails overflowed from his body. A second tail appeared behind Naruto, wrapped around his body and restrained his movements.

"A technique I've never seen before! It's really interesting!" Qianshi Guishui picked up the shark muscle and rushed up, only to see Ganshou Guanyin instantly transformed into the angry face of King Ming and punched Qianshi Guishui with countless fists.

"Hmph! It's useless!

Dried Persimmon Diansha set up its shark muscles to block the attack of King Ming's angry face, after the attack, King Ming's angry face transformed back into Avalokitesvara with Thousand Hands.

"Is your technique just like this? It seems that there is no need to continue!" Dried persimmon ghost shark rushed up Shark muscle to several hands of Guanyin. With a wave, the shark muscles began to devour quickly to form the straight pull of Avalokitesvara.

"how come!"

Lu Lu stared at the disappearing Ganshou Guanyin in shock, and then was kicked to the ground by the dried persimmon ghost. The heavy shark muscles pressed on his shoulders, making him unable to move.

"Isn't it over yet?"

Dried Persimmon Kisame looked at Naruto. He hit everything on this side. Why is Naruto so slow?

"What's the rush! Do you think that the tail beast Zhike in his body is easy to pick off!" Wuren turned his head impatiently and stared at Qianshi Guixia. Looking at Ji Lu who was easily subdued by Kisame Kisame, he remembered what Ye Ye said.

Sure enough, the Guardians of the Twelve are. Helping the weak... Naruto's hand pressed Sora's abdomen. Nine-Tails' Chakra was quickly pulled out. Sora struggled in pain.

"Mother Nine-Tails, if you pull out your Zhikara, this brat will die, right?" Naruto looked at Sora who was struggling in pain, and narrowed his eyes.

"No, he's not a real Jinjuriki, even without my Chikara, he wouldn't die."

"Then I don't have any worries!" Naruto pulled hard with his hand on the boy's abdomen, and pulled out the Kyuubi Zhikra from Sora's body. A red light shot up into the sky, and the pulled out Nine-Tail Zhikra rushed to Naruto. inside the human body.

in the inner world. The nine-tailed car looked like the straight carat in her hand, snorted coldly, and crushed it vigorously. To her, this straight carat was nothing more than nine ox hairs sprinkled with water, and it was useless to ask for it. Know how long. She doesn't want it. If Naruto knew about it, I don't know how he would feel. He was so busy that he even paid a hundred thousand taels, but it turned out that his busy work was still in vain.

The bandage fell off from the empty arm, and the arm that had been alienated by Nine-Tails Zhikara returned to normal, see this. At the beginning of the scene, Ji Lu opened his eyes wide in shock, looking at Naruto.

"I just took out the tailed beast chakra from him. This is the purpose of my coming here. Now that the purpose is achieved, we should go."

Naruto watched. Sitting on the ground, I watched the space of my arm return to normal.

"It's finally over, this boring task." Kisame Kisame followed Wuren with his back on his back.

Stepping on the iron filings on the ground, Naruto turned his head to look at Ruodilu: "The repair fee for this broken iron] will be deducted from the incense money! Although it may not be enough, but I helped you solve that kid's problem, It would be good if your money was confiscated.

Said, Naruto didn't wait for Dilu to speak, formed a mudra with one hand, and the whirlwind wrapped her and dried persimmon ghost shark and disappeared in front of Dilu.

"Song! Are you okay!" Di Lu came to Kong's side and looked at Kong with concern.

"Lord Lulu, I'm fine, my arm has returned to normal, really...well... I took it up and showed my arm to Lulu finely. As a result, the eyes in front of me became blurred and dim. The body was shaking, and finally passed out in Dilu's arms. Dilu hurriedly put his fingers under Kong's nose, and felt that Kong was still breathing. After careful observation, he found that Kong was just asleep.

"It turned out to be asleep.

Dilu heaved a sigh of relief, and left here with Ruokong. Now that Kong doesn't have a tailed beast on his body, there is no need to keep him here to prevent him from going berserk. !

Chapter 142 Hair is the Body (1/2)

It wasn't long before Naruto and Kakisame left the Temple of Fire. In the wilderness, Naruto's perception of good and evil from Kyuubi sensed that the malicious person was quickly chasing him. "Participation in reading books"

"Ghost, there is an enemy." Naruto reminded Kisame, stopped in her tracks, and waited for the enemy to arrive. She really wanted to know who came all the way to die.

"Let me see who is so short-sighted.

Dried Persimmon Kisame smiled. He stretched out his hand to hold the Shark's flesh, "How long will it take for the enemy to arrive?"

". Less than a minute.

Naruto watched. Sleeping on her back with eyes lying on her back, it was very sweet and sweet. She poked her cheek with her fingers, and Si Ye's small mouth was slightly raised when her cheek was poked, muttering like she was saying something, and then her cheek The bone spurs growing on his body pierced Naruto's fingers that were too late to remove, and the corners of Naruto's mouth trembled in pain.

damn child

"It's finally here!" Kisame Kisame, who had grown impatient with his shark muscles, saw the four people approaching quickly from a distance, stretched his neck and looked at the four chasing people with a smirk on his shoulders.

"I'm tired of waiting. You're finally here!"

"It's you who broke the seal on Sora and took away the Nine-Tails Zhikara from him?" The leader held a tin stick and looked at Naruto and Kisame Kisame angrily.

"It seems that you stole Nine-Tails' Zhikara seal and put it on that brat.

Originally, she wanted to hand over these people to Qianshi Diansha, but now she changed her mind. She will never let anyone who dares to take advantage of Kyuubi's straight carat!

"So what? Kid, Kyuubi Zhikara is on your body, right? You can leave after handing it over, otherwise don't blame me for being rude! 039; Today's Konoha has been severely injured by Sand Ninja's attack. At this time When would it be better not to take the opportunity to kill Jiraiya, who is likely to sit on the seat of the Fifth Hokage? He wanted to use the nine-tailed straight carat on Sora's body to kill Jiraiya's Fudo, but when he was looking for Sora, Sora The nine-tailed straight carat on the body is gone.

"Mother Nine-Tails, lend me. Order straight carat.

"If you want to use it anytime, why does Naruto say "borrow"?" Kyuubi's voice reveals. The slightest dissatisfaction.

"I'm sorry, sorry, I was wrong, Nine-Tails mother gave me some straight carat, let me tease them.

Naruto stretched out his hand, and a blood-red chakra appeared in her hand. NW.

Kisame Kisame saw Naoka Kura appearing in Naruto's hands, and immediately understood what Naruto was thinking. This guy's character is really bad enough. ΨΨNaruto noticed that the shogun who was very excited when he saw the Kyuubi Zhikra in his hand rubbed the Kyuubi Zhikara with both hands, and it was done. A blood-red ball, playing with it in his hand, revealed a lovely and delicate face. A naughty smile: "Do you want it? If you want it, you can get it~! The Kyuubi Zhikara you want is here.

"No wind! Don't move! No fate! Do it!"

"Understood! The wind escapes and dances! There is no wind, the hands are sealed, and the whirlwind of the flowering period swept towards the two of them.

Naruto and Kisame Kisame jumped into the air to avoid the whirlwind.

"Ghost, that dead ladyboy and that uncle are handed over to you, and this woman and that long-haired monster are handed over to me!" "Understood.

Wearing women's clothing and heavy makeup, Buyuan heard Naruto calling him a "dead shemale" and angrily yelled at Wuren: "Damn girl, who are you calling a dead shemale?"

"I'm sorry, your opponent is me!" Kisame's tall body rushed towards Buyuan who was retreating quickly, and the shark muscle smashed down on him.

Buyuan, who barely avoided the attack of Ganshi Guisame, saw the big hole in the ground that was smashed by that weird weapon, and his pupils shrank suddenly.

"Tu Shi Ling Tuanzi!" He clapped his hands on the ground without moving, lifted a huge stone and threw it at the dried persimmon ghost shark.

Facing the huge stone that was thrown over, Dried Persimmon Diansha held his hands like a shark, as if playing baseball, and knocked the huge stone back.


Looking at the stone that was knocked back, Fudo screamed and was crushed under the boulder. After solving Fudo, Kisame turned around and rushed towards Buyuan, but Buyuan's body suddenly disappeared in front of him, it was an illusion!

Spikes grew from the handle of the shark muscle knife and pierced into the palm of the dried persimmon ghost shark. The dry persimmon electric shark who had escaped from the illusion raised the shark muscle and was about to smash it down when two huge boulders rose from the ground and squeezed him heavily in the middle.

"Shi Shi's rock-slab coffin!


The moment the two stones came together, the two stones shattered, and the chakra in them was eaten by shark muscles. Qianerjing.

"How could it be?!" Emerging from the ground, he was astonished to see that the two stones formed by the earth escape rock slab coffin he used were shattered. Drop dirt.

"Little sister, you are very confident in your strength~!" Bufeng showed his face. Looking at Naruto with a slight smile, and noticing the sleeping Aiye on Naruto's back, "Oh, aren't you afraid that she will get hurt if you take that child with you? 039;

"This girl's life is very hard, don't worry, instead of worrying about her, you should worry about yourselves." The chain whip thrown by the tin rod in Jiangshi's hand hit Naruto with a "bang". The smoke dissipated, and Naruto became. The stakes were chained and whipped to pieces.

"It turned out to be a substitute...

Jiangtu froze when he saw the shattered wooden pile.

"Shulker Snake Hand!"

The snake that flew out of Naruto's sleeve that fell from the sky wrapped around the body of the descendant. The descendant has an impression of this technique, which is the famous Sanninzhi. Orochimaru's technique! Why does this girl know how to use Orochimaru's technique? Jiangtu Zaruo tried to break free from the snake's shackles, but the more he struggled, the more tightly the snake entangled.

Naruto grabbed the snake and threw the soil up, hitting the ground heavily.

"Lightning away! Bufeng formed seals with his hands, an electric current flashed on the ground, and the snake wrapped around Jiang Tu turned to ashes.

"Ahem... The descendant got up in a panic, threw away the tin rod in his hand, put on a claw-like straight katana and rushed towards Naruto.

"Soil Fit Rock Pillar Gun!"

Protruding from Naruto's feet. A slender ground thorn, Naruto. Kicked it to pieces, turned sideways to avoid the attack of Jiang: Tu, with chakra condensed in his hand.

"Screw pill!"

The spiral pill hit Jiangtu's abdomen, and Jiangtu immediately lost his ability to fight and spewed out from his mouth. With a mouthful of blood, he fell to the ground, and his internal organs were greatly damaged. If he didn't get timely medical treatment, it would only be a matter of time before he died. Naruto turned around, condensed straight carat on his feet, and kicked out. A spiral pill hit Bufeng's body with seals on his hands, and he saw that the originally very beautiful Bufeng had aged for decades in an instant, and his face was full of wrinkles. Naruto took a few steps back in fright at the lack of wind, his face full of disgust.

"So you are such an old woman!"

"Smelly girl, you dare to treat my body! The ghoul turned around! 039; Bu Bufeng's wrinkled body gradually turned into a dusty color. The muddy man, only his hair remained, and Bu Feng's body appeared again Got it! The ghoul turned around?!

The woman's body just turned into mud, there. In an instant, only her hair was left. Could it be that her hair is the body? Naruto frowned and looked. Eyeless hair.


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