Although there are many data that Orochimaru deliberately left for Danzo and his team, which should be wrong, Naruto also learned some of Orochimaru's experimental methods based on the data and some notes. As long as the method is still there, Naruto can reproduce the complete data, and with the existence of Yamato, the cells of Hashirama that Naruto obtained should be more perfect. It's just that Orochimaru's method is a bit useless, but Naruto has no other choice. After all, Naruto doesn't have much knowledge in this area now, and a lot of the current knowledge is learned from the data of those experimental personnel in the root.

More than a week later, when Naruto was reading the data as usual, an Anbu came to Naruto and reported to him,"Hokage, Captain Kakashi has completed the mission, but one of the rescued people has a weak breath of life. Advisor Fugaku hopes you can go there quickly."

After Naruto put down the data in his hand, he looked up at him and said,"I know, you go down!" After that, Naruto used Flying Thunder God to disappear on the spot and rushed to the rooftop of the hospital.

Since Naruto learned Flying Thunder God, Naruto has left his own Thunder God mark in various places in Konoha. After Naruto became Hokage, the Flying Thunder God ninjutsu became Naruto's magic to travel. After

Naruto arrived, he followed Uchiha Fugaku's breath to find him, and finally saw Uchiha Fugaku and Kakashi outside an intensive care unit. When

Uchiha Fugaku saw Naruto coming, he walked forward and said to Naruto,"Although the rescue was completed perfectly this time, Naruto, one of your clansmen has extremely low vitality because the people in the Kusagakure Village sucked your clansmen like blood bags. The hospital has determined that there is not much time left."

After listening, Naruto nodded and said,"As long as she is not dead, then I still have a way to save her." After that, Naruto walked into the ward. When Naruto entered, he saw a mother and daughter in the ward, but the mother was pale and her whole body was like skin and bones. The little girl helplessly held her mother's hand that looked like a bone claw.

Uchiha Sasuke asked Naruto at the side,"Naruto, in this situation, are you sure?"

"I am sure, but the specific effect will not be known until the treatment is completed. You take the child out first, I will start the treatment," Naruto replied.

Uchiha Sasuke walked to the little girl and said to her,"The doctor is going to treat your mother, so we have to go out first, don't disturb the doctor, otherwise your mother will not be cured."

"Really? Can my mother recover? Uzumaki Xiangling replied happily.

"Of course, he is the Hokage of our Konoha Village and his medical skills are very superb. He will definitely make your mother recover."Uchiha Sasuke said to Uzumaki Karing gently. After that, he took Uzumaki Karing's hand and went out.

After everyone else went out, Naruto looked at Uzumaki Karing's mother who was breathing weakly and couldn't help but sighed,"The fate of our Uzumaki clan is really bumpy!

The ninja world is so big, but it seems that there is no place for us to survive.

We are either being used or on the way to being used.

But that will all pass.

I will open up a peaceful era and our clan can live a stable life.

I originally thought that you were the only daughter, but I didn't expect you to live until now, so I won't let you die like this.


After Naruto finished speaking, he used the Palm Fairy Technique to give Uzumaki Karing's mother a general treatment and transferred part of his life energy to her in the process.

After a while of treatment, Uzumaki Karing's mother's complexion began to gradually become rosy, but Naruto also found that some of her organs had reached a state of exhaustion.

With Naruto's current ability, if he did not use a large amount of his own life energy to treat them, those organs would not be able to be completely awakened and restored to life.

With this in mind, Naruto also stopped his treatment and began to think of other ways. Naruto has only been Hokage for a short time now, and Naruto is not sure whether Konoha is completely stable, so it is impossible for him to transfer a large amount of his vitality to her.

After Naruto thought for a while, he immediately thought of"Since it cannot be cured quickly, then use the Yang attribute chakra and my part of the vitality to slowly nourish her.

In this way, with my part of the vitality and the assistance of the Yang attribute chakra, those organs will slowly recover in a year or so.

By then, my experiment should have produced results if nothing unexpected happens.

At that time, if I add some Hashirama cells, her vitality should be able to return to its original state.


Do it as soon as you think of it. Naruto made dozens of seals and pressed them on Xiangling's mother's forehead. Suddenly, several spells appeared in Naruto's hands, but in less than a moment, those spells began to slowly retract to Xiangling's mother's forehead and slowly formed a diamond-shaped mark.

After seeing the success of the technique, Naruto closed his eyes and guided the Nine-Tails' pure yang-attribute chakra into the diamond-shaped sealed space. Just as Naruto was concentrating on filtering the Nine-Tails' chakra, the Nine-Tails shouted to Naruto,"Naruto, what are you doing! The amount today is a bit too much! You, the vampire, have gone too far today."

Naruto did not respond to the Nine-Tails' words immediately. When Naruto felt that the chakra was enough for her for two years, he stopped. It was at this time that Naruto replied,"There is no way. Your chakra is of yang attribute and has high strength. It also has certain healing abilities. So in order to save my people, I have to put up with you first."

The Nine-Tails roared,"Isn't your own chakra also of yang attribute! Why don't you use your own chakra."

Naruto just laughed and said,"Maybe next year! I will let you go, so if I don't take advantage of you now, I'm afraid I won't have the chance in the future.""

"Next year?���Murmured."Remember your oath"

"Don't worry, I, Uzumaki Naruto, am not a person who says one thing and does another. Doing what I say is my ninja way."Naruto replied seriously.

After that, Naruto checked the sealed space in Xiangling's mother's forehead and the positive chakra of the Nine-Tails was normally introduced into her body. He was relieved and said,"Finally, it's done. I have nothing to do next."

Naruto walked out of the ward, and Uzumaki Xiangling saw Naruto coming out and rushed over and asked,"How is my mother?"

Naruto comforted,"Don't worry! She's fine, but she just needs to rest for a while. During this time, you can live in Sasuke's house first!"

Uchiha Sasuke was surprised,"Why my house!" Naruto said lightly,"I can't do it. I can take care of myself, but if I have to take care of them, I can't take care of them. And her mother needs my experimental results to recover to the best state. Your mother is passionate and careful, and I can be more assured."

Uchiha Fugaku also replied at this time,"Don't worry! Lord Hokage. Our family will definitely take good care of them."

Naruto nodded and said,"Then this mission will be completed here. Hatake Kakashi, you can go back and have a good rest. I will also go back to continue reading." After that, Naruto disappeared on the spot.

Uchiha Sasuke looked at Naruto who suddenly disappeared on the spot, and asked his father curiously,"Father, do you think it is possible to learn Naruto's Flying Thunder God? Naruto always appears and disappears like this, and he looks really strong."

Uchiha Fugaku said to Sasuke,"You hit the nail on the head. Not long after you set out, Naruto passed on the training method of Flying Thunder God to people like us in big families, but it is a bit difficult to learn. I haven't learned anything so far. Now there is only one person who has made obvious progress in training."

Uchiha Sasuke asked curiously,"Shikamaru's father?"

Uchiha Fugaku shook his head and said,"No, it's a little girl named Tiantian. Among those who have obtained the training method, she is the only one who has made obvious progress. The others have almost given up now. Your classmates also practiced for more than a week and then continued to practice their own family's inherited ninjutsu."

Uchiha Sasuke asked in confusion,"After all, it is the high-level ninjutsu of the Fourth Hokage, so it is normal that it is difficult to practice! How can I learn it in a week!"

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