Later, Hyuga Neji wanted to join Naruto's group for strength, but Naruto refused. After all, Naruto had already pulled Hinata into the group at that time. Naruto was afraid that there would be conflicts between his two cousins, especially that Hinata would be sad.

In Naruto's eyes, Hinata was the only person alive in the world who had such a pure and warm feeling for Naruto, so he was extremely concerned about Hinata, although Naruto had always been silently protecting this warmth in his own way. There was no way. Whenever Naruto spoke to Hinata, Hinata would become extremely shy and stumble when speaking. Naruto had no way to change this situation, so he had to get closer to Hinata and let Hinata get used to Naruto's presence.

Unwilling to condescend to others, Hyuga Neji had to sell himself in exchange for the opportunity to become stronger, and Naruto did not treat him badly, promising that as long as he listened to him in the future, he would help him get rid of the caged bird in the future.

Back to the present Hyuga Gate:

"My dream does need someone to help me realize it, but I don't want you to be a sword, I need you to be a general to help me expand my territory. So practice hard, I don't want you to be weak when I need you in the future."

"General? How interesting."Ningji thought to himself.

"I won't let you down. The bluebird that escapes from trouble will only fly higher. I promise!"

"The premise is that you can really remove the caged bird curse"

"Don't you still trust me? Maybe for you, the caged bird curse seal is an unbreakable nightmare, but for me who has inherited a lot of the Uzumaki clan's heritage, it is just a little difficult."

Naruto took off the white cloth wrapped on Neji's forehead, made a few seals, and then pressed his hand on the caged bird on Hyuga Neji's forehead that bound the Hyuga branch family's mind and body for a lifetime. As Naruto's hand pressed down, a dazzling white light emerged from Neji's forehead. As the person involved, Hyuga Neji also felt a slight piercing pain from his forehead. Hyuga Neji gritted his teeth and persisted without any shaking.

After a while, Naruto put his hand down, and as Naruto put his hand down, Neci's smooth forehead was revealed.

""Okay, Ningci. Open your Byakugan and look at the remaining angle. Do you think it has recovered?"

Ningci could clearly feel that he seemed to be relieved a lot. After hearing what Naruto said, he quickly opened his Byakugan.

"Completed! Completed! This is the 360-degree Byakugan without blind spots!"

Hyuga Neji shouted excitedly.

After hearing this, everyone in the branch family's eyes sparkled. Naruto felt that at this moment they had the vitality of living people instead of living like zombies.

Hinata, who was following Hyuga Hiashi, also looked happy, thinking to herself,"That's great! Brother Neji. Congratulations on regaining your freedom!""

"Okay, hurry up and finish it and go home to rest, we still have work to do tomorrow!"

Naruto walked around the excited Neji and walked towards the group of Hyuga branches.

"You can't do this. This is an internal matter of the Hyuga clan. We can accept Hyuga Neji, but no one from other branches can ever remove the caged bird seal, even if it costs me my life."

A somewhat old elder of the main clan came up from behind the branches and shouted

"If you hadn't retreated behind the people who had separated from the family when I first arrived, I might have thought highly of you, but……"Before Naruto finished speaking, he used Susanoo to grab the elder of the clan and squeezed him tightly. However, when Naruto saw Hinata next to him, he threw his Hokage robe on Hinata and wrapped her up. Finally, he squeezed him to pieces.

"I will not listen to the kind of people I hate, especially those who are ants who don't know the seriousness of the matter."

The blood of the elder of the main family also splashed on some of the branch family members behind, and the closest one, Hyuga Hiashi, was splashed with blood on one side. As for Hinata who was next to Hiashi, there was no blood on her because of Naruto's Hokage robe.

After Hinata took off the Hokage robe, Hinata saw that one side of her father's body was covered with blood, and hurriedly said,"Father, are you okay?"

"I'm fine, Hinata. You and your mother should go back to your room first! There's nothing for you to do here."

Hinata Hiashi looked at the Hokage robe in Hinata's hand and told Hinata

"Are you really okay?"

"Don't worry! You should take your mother back first. Hanabi may be waking up soon. You and your mother should go back and take care of her."

Hiashi was about to pat Hinata's shoulder, but he put it down when he saw the blood on his hand.

""I understand."

Hinata answered her father in a low voice, then ran to Naruto and returned Naruto's Hokage robe to him, then took her mother back.

"I'm sorry, elder. Although Naruto's actions are a bit cruel, I still hope that our clan can be like Neji and escape from the cage and be ourselves." Hinata thought secretly.

"So is there anyone who wants to stand up and oppose me now?"

Naruto put on his Hokage robe and looked at the people of the main family coldly.

After seeing the blood splattering, the people of the main family, except for the old ones, became panicked and retreated in fear.

The other clan leaders and those who were in charge of the siege seemed very calm. After all, when Naruto met someone who disobeyed, he would either be beaten or die. It all depended on how important you were.


Naruto said coldly, and then used the Multiple Shadow Clone Technique to remove the caged bird curse seal from the remaining members of the Hyuga branch family.

Soon, all the members of the branch family had their caged bird curse seal removed.

"Thank you for your help, Hokage-sama. We, the Hyuga branch family, are willing to offer our loyalty to Hokage-sama, and will go through fire and water at all costs."

An elder of the branch family came out to express his gratitude.

"Very good, I hope your clan can send more people to Konoha Hospital to learn medical ninjutsu to prepare for the future."

"I will definitely complete the Hokage's orders."

"Hinata Hiashi, you go to the Konoha Police Department to help manage it. Those elders don't have much experience in handling affairs, so you go and keep the order."

""Hinata Hiashi received the order and will definitely live up to the trust."

Hinata Hiashi didn't expect that he could be reused, and he was ready to retire at home.

"The old rules are to bring some Hyuga clan members in. Now, since we are responsible for the entire Konoha, we are a little short of manpower. If I were originally from a branch family, I would not want those cowards. Do you understand?"

"As you command." Anyway, Hinata Hiashi is not happy with them.

"That’s all for today, let’s go!"


In a blink of an eye, Naruto left the spot and went back to meditate and practice.

Nara Shikaku became interested in Naruto's ultimate dream that Hyuga Neji had just mentioned.

After returning home, Nara Shikaku took a bath and played chess with his son Shikamaru.

"Shikamaru, do you know what Naruto’s ultimate dream is?"

"You can just ask Naruto yourself! Naruto is very easy to talk to as long as he is not at work. Didn’t he visit our house last week?"

"Haha, indeed. Maybe that night was the influence of Uchiha's Sharingan on Naruto!"

"Or is it that Naruto's personality is just like this? But this is none of our business. In my eyes, Naruto has always been a strong and cheerful person. Even after he became Hokage, he treated us the same as usual. There was no barrier between us."

"Is that so? That’s right! After all, Naruto is their child!"

"Naruto once said during a training break that he hopes to create a long-lasting peaceful ninja world, by annexing other countries and ninja villages to form a completely unified country, so that everyone can enjoy long-term peace. In this way, even if Naruto dies one day, if there is unrest in the ninja world, there will be a new"Naruto" who will stand up for the peace that once existed and quell the unrest and bring peace to the ninja world."

"Is that so? Perhaps this is the most realistic approach!"

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