"Naruto, maybe I really don't understand this. I still can't agree with your idea."

"No, you know! It's just that you don't want to think about it or you have been resisting this kind of thing. In your opinion, we are not clean. But have you ever thought that if you don't do something, then everything will remain unchanged."

"So what do you want me to do?"

Jirai is not a fool, Naruto obviously needs his

"Let's fight! Let me see how strong I am and give me the key to the Bagua seal."

"What can I change?"

Jiraiya looked at Naruto sharply.

"If you can defeat me, you can become Hokage. Although you cannot change the past, you can change the future of Konoha. Even if you transform Konoha into a place of wind and flowers, it will not be difficult."

"I have never wanted to be the Hokage, either in the past or now."

"Oh! So what do you want?"

"You are right. The past cannot be changed, but the future can go in the direction you want. If you lose, then become my disciple. I will correct your ninja way."

"Yes! But I will not fail."

Naruto's aura changed instantly, and the elegant scholar's temperament disappeared. A high-level predator's pressure attacked Jiraiya.

Jiraiya had seen everything and was in his prime, which was the peak of his strength. He was not afraid of Naruto's pressure.

"As expected, you are the strongest person in the ninja world. Let's see how many cards you can force me to reveal."

As Naruto was speaking, several space runes extended to the surroundings and covered all the people in the Hokage's office.

In an instant, all the people in the Hokage's office came to Naruto's secret base.

"Naruto and father, why are you here?"

Nara Shikamaru, who was training, was startled by their sudden appearance.

Others heard the noise and rushed over to greet their fathers and uncles.

""Master! Is there something you need this time? Is it finally my turn to go out on a mission?"

Xiao Li started to perform a set of Konoha Steel Fist, and the air around him was whistling.

"Don't worry, Li! You won't be on a mission for a long time."

"Why? I can even beat Master Kai who has opened 6 gates. Even Uchiha Sasuke can go on missions, why can't I? I also want to share the burden with you, Master!"

Xiao Li looked at Naruto with his starry eyes, praying for a chance to show his skills.

"No! No matter how you look at it, you have no chance to play now. I put your strength on the front battlefield. Now is not the time to start a war."

"And Sasuke, did you say something that irritated Xiao Li?"

Sasuke, who was called out, shook his head and said,"It's not me, it's none of my business."

""Okay, Naruto, do you have anything to do?" Shikamaru came out at the right time to interrupt the two clowns from continuing to fool around. Business is more important. When these two are together, they can't tell what is business and what is fooling around, as if they are a pair of living enemies.

"Well, this time I came here to fight with Jiraiya, one of the three ninjas behind me. You are responsible for watching and learning. Your strength is far beyond your peers. Although this is a good thing, your sense of urgency in training has also begun to decline, especially for you, Sasuke. So I want to take this opportunity to let you see the battles of strong men of different levels."

All the little strong men looked at the strong man with long white hair but a little wretched behind Naruto.

"What a lack of temperament!"

The Xiaoqiangs couldn't help but say

"Ha! How can you little devils understand my charm?……"

"Don't underestimate anyone. Appearance and temperament can show a person's strength. Remember that a lion will fight a rabbit with all its strength. Don't ruin your life because of your complacency."

Naruto interrupted Jiraiya and reminded Shikamaru and the others that they have strength but they are still children after all. They are very impetuous, even Shikamaru is a little impetuous. It can only be said that it is good that Jiraiya came back, just in time to help them cool down.

"Come on, let's go to the other side of the river! My secret base won't be destroyed there."


After saying that, the two of them left their original position and rushed to the other side of the river.

In the blink of an eye, the two of them were on the other side.

"I didn't expect your speed is also good."

"Fortunately, I didn't expect that you could use the three stages of Flying Thunder God so skillfully, and you can activate it without making any hand seals."

"If you have anything to say, just say it after the fight. Once the stone falls to the ground, it means the beginning."


Naruto picked up a stone and threw it into the air.

With a"pop", both rushed towards each other.

The two sides punched and kicked each other, Naruto didn't feel anything but Jiraiya's hands were numb.

Knowing that Naruto was a strong ninjutsu expert like Tsunade, Jiraiya first swept his leg towards Naruto's middle gate, and Naruto hurried back to defend.

But Jiraiya increased the angle of attack, swept directly over Naruto's head, did a backflip and pulled back and made a seal before standing firm.

"Earth escape, Yellow Spring Swamp.

Suddenly, the grass turned into a swamp and pulled Naruto in.

Just when Jiraiya was about to show off, Naruto flew up from the swamp and landed on the grass beside him.

"Ah! Naruto, you are cheating! How can you fly?"

Jiraiya never thought that his ninjutsu could be broken in this way. This is the first time.

"Stop being funny, Jiraiya! Doesn't the old Tsuchikage's lineage also fly? There's nothing surprising about it, just use your Sage Mode! You don't interest me right now."

"Is that so? Then you'd better not get hurt."

Jiraiya also became serious. His current ninjutsu could not hurt Naruto in terms of scale or strength. He could not match Naruto in physical skills. Naruto's strength was even stronger than Tsunade's. He would suffer a loss if he fought head-on.

He needed stronger strength, otherwise he would just waste his chakra. Jiraiya would not bet that Naruto would run out of chakra due to frequent use of Flying Thunder God. He also did not have the ability to control Naruto who flew out of his ninjutsu casually.

Jiraiya bit his finger and smeared the blood on his face, turning it into a mask. Then he quickly made seals with both hands, and finally clapped his hands.


"Little Jiraiya, what do you want us to do now? I'm still cooking!"

Shima Sennin looked at Jiraiya with a little dissatisfaction.

""Okay, okay. Little Jiraiya wouldn't call us for no reason, right?"

Fukasaku Sennin hurried out to smooth things over.

"Excuse me, Shima Sage. But I need you to help me enter Sage Mode, otherwise I can't beat Naruto."

Jiraiya looked at Naruto solemnly and said

"Naruto? Minato's child?"


"Why did you two start fighting?"

"Naruto asked for a sparring match to prove his strength, but I can't do anything to Naruto under normal circumstances"

"If you had practiced well before, you wouldn't need us two old men to help you every time!"

Shima Sage said helplessly. Although he was helpless, he still helped Jiraiya gather natural energy.

Naruto was not idle either. While Jiraiya was in Sage Mode, he felt wholeheartedly how Jiraiya absorbed natural energy.

Although Naruto can now feel the natural energy around him, and can even observe the existence of wind, fire, thunder, earth, water, and wood in detail, he can't absorb the energy of wind into his body when he wants to.

Naruto couldn't feel any special energy flow from them. Just when Naruto wanted to give up and ask Jiraiya later, Naruto felt that their minds were in an empty state, as if this person had merged into nature.

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