After Naruto and Jiraiya left the laboratory, Naruto used Flying Thunder God to bring Jiraiya to Konoha Hospital.

"Teacher, is the person you asked me to pay attention to still in Konoha Hospital?"

Naruto asked Chizuki Izumi, the director of Konoha Hospital and Naruto's medical teacher.

"You haven't come to visit your teacher for such a long time, have you forgotten your teacher? Oh! And hello, Jiraiya, advisor!"

She didn't mind Naruto's usurpation of the throne, after all, she was not a member of the previous interest circle, and it would be a great honor for her if her student became Hokage.

"It's okay, you guys chat, don't worry about me."

Jiraiya wisely took himself out

"That's not the case. I've been busy with the experiment on Hashirama's cells recently and don't have time!"

Naruto said with a wry smile, a little embarrassed.

"Was the experiment successful?"

She also knew about her apprentice's experiments. Naruto would come to her to ask questions when he encountered some problems, so she also knew about Naruto's experiments.

"It succeeded. After that, I will ask the teacher to send some trustworthy people to my laboratory to produce more. I will give the formula ratio to the teacher later."

"Don't worry, I will carefully select the candidates."

Qiyuequanli also understands the importance of Hashirama's cells to Konoha, and will be extremely rigorous in selecting personnel.

"As for the young man named Kabuto Yakushi who you asked me to pay attention to before, he is currently working in the hospital. Do you need me to call him over?"

"Sorry for the trouble, teacher."

"That's not necessary."

Qianyuequan didn't hesitate and directly asked someone to invite the pharmacist to come over.

"Dean, what do you want me to do for you?"

Soon, Pharmacist Dou came to the Dean's office, bowed slightly to the Dean, and showed his politeness with a smile on his face.

"It's not me who's looking for you, it's the Hokage who's looking for you."

Qian Yuequan shook her head and said

"I wonder what the Hokage wants to ask me for? I will definitely do my best to assist."

Yakushi Kabuto was not afraid of the stage and pledged his loyalty to Naruto.

"Put away your fake smile! Ever since Yakushi Nono died in your hands, have you ever really shown a real smile?"

Yakushi Kabuto's pupils shrank violently for a moment, but his years of spy experience still made him calm down, and he continued to smile and replied:"Hokage, Yakushi Nono was the director of my orphanage before, and he treated us like his own children. How could I kill her?"

"Danzo, Orochimaru, spy work, photos. Do I need to list more things?"

Naruto looked at Kabuto who was still playing dumb and said jokingly

"Tell me! What do you want from me?"

Yakushi Kabuto held his eyes, the smile on his face disappeared, and he looked at Naruto with sharp eyes.

"Two things! One is to help me contact Orochimaru. I need to make a deal with him. The other is that I need you to be my assistant and help me complete an experiment."

"You know I'm Orochimaru's man, aren't you afraid that I might betray you? This is not what a Hokage should do!"

Yakushi Kabuto teased Naruto, saying how stupid it was to bring a spy to his side.

"I'm not afraid that you will betray me. As long as my experiment succeeds, Yakushi Nono can be resurrected. It's not the kind of resurrection that you've been experimenting with recently near Konoha, but a real resurrection with a physical body. What do you think?"

Naruto is well aware of the current weakness of Kabuto Yakushi, and that is Nono. As long as Naruto can resurrect Nono, he will do it even if the chance is slim.

However, Naruto's experimental data should be known to Orochimaru, which is inevitable. Kabuto Yakushi is absolutely loyal to Orochimaru now, but if Naruto really needs to research the resurrection technique, then Naruto must obtain Orochimaru's research experience and data on the human body.

If this venomous snake was not very slippery, it would be extremely difficult for Naruto with his current strength to hunt down the alert Orochimaru. Naruto wants to catch Orochimaru and help him experiment instead of bringing Kabuto Yakushi with him and making him a tool to contact Orochimaru.

"I'm not sure if I can contact Lord Orochimaru, don't hold out too much hope for me."

"Just do your best. I believe in your ability. After all, not everyone can stay with Orochimaru. You have your talents, so you are still valuable in Orochimaru's eyes. I think it's okay to contact you."

Although Kabuto Yakushi has not been with Orochimaru for a long time, Naruto knows that Kabuto Yakushi has entered Orochimaru's eyes, otherwise he would not be taken by Orochimaru to test ninjutsu.

"It seems that Lord Hokage knows a lot!"

Yakushi Kabuto was also very clear in his hands. As he spoke, he made a seal of summoning technique with his hands. After a puff of smoke, a poisonous snake appeared in Yakushi Kabuto's hands.

""Do you have anything to report?"

The venomous snake spoke in human language, with a slightly hoarse voice, which was undoubtedly the voice of Orochimaru.

"Orochimaru, long time no see!"

Jiraiya greeted his long-lost friend Orochimaru.

"It seems that Kabuto has been discovered! Jiraiya didn't expect that you would find my people as soon as you returned to Konoha. You are quite capable.

The snake turned its head towards Jiraiya, spitting out its tongue.

"This is not my credit. Your spy has long been discovered and monitored by Naruto, and Naruto wants to make a deal with you."

"Is that so? Naruto-kun, what kind of deal do you want to make with me?"

Orochimaru controlled the snake head to look at this guy who looked like a boy but had powerful strength. Orochimaru really wanted to study this evildoer Naruto. Naruto's information had been dug up by Zetsu, and the most important thing was the relationship between Naruto and Jiraiya.���A duel, Orochimaru also saw it from Akatsuki, and his curiosity about Naruto reached its peak.

"I need your two ninjutsu, the Reincarnation of the Dead and the Improved Impure World Reincarnation, and I can give you some secrets about the ninja world and the perfect Hashirama cells."

Naruto stated his needs and the items for the trade.

"Although the perfect Hashirama cells are very tempting, I am not sure if they are useful. Besides, I should know more secrets of the ninja world than you do! The balance of the transaction is not equal, Naruto-kun."Orochimaru is not so easy to be fooled by Naruto. Without the real thing, he will not believe Naruto's words, even though he is very curious about him.

"Your ninjutsu should be able to transmit information, right?"

Naruto asked, looking at the venomous snake.

"Yes, whatever it sees and hears can be transmitted to me. If you have the ability, you can even transmit some images to its mind, and I can see them as well."

Orochimaru proudly introduced his ninjutsu achievements. Orochimaru used this ninjutsu to perfectly direct the battlefield in the direction he wanted.

"So, then take a look at the secrets of the ninja world I gave you and then tell me if I am qualified to trade with you."

Naruto walked in front of the venomous snake and put his hand on the snake's head, transmitting the content of Naruto that he had received when he was a child.

A minute later, Naruto put his hand down, while Orochimaru on the other side was in deep shock, and the amount of information was a bit too much to react. Although Orochimaru did not digest all the memories transmitted by Naruto, he also understood the general idea.

"Naruto-kun, are you from the future?"

Orochimaru was a little curious about Naruto's identity. Isn't this information just the memory of Naruto's first half of his life?

"No, you can tell whose memories those are by looking at the perspective."

The scenes Naruto gave Orochimaru were modified by Naruto. Although the specific content remains the same, the perspective has been changed. Otherwise, it would be too shocking to find that everything about oneself is recorded in an anime.

"The Nine-Tails of the future world?"

Orochimaru asked tentatively. The only thing that could directly record Naruto's first half of his life was the Nine-Tails.

"Great, can the transaction continue?"

"Of course you can, just this memory alone will give you these two ninjutsu."

In the Sound Village, Orochimaru's eyes were full of fanaticism, the direction of immortality was already set, so sooner or later he would achieve immortality.

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