"I think so too, haha."

Xiao Li laughed confidently. Ever since he became Naruto's apprentice, his strength has always been the strongest in the small group except for Naruto, so Xiao Li has become much more confident.

"Since you can already absorb natural energy by yourself, I will not help you draw natural energy today."

"But you have to remember that you can't absorb too much natural energy. If your body feels saturated, stop. Too much is not good for your body."

Naruto solemnly told Xiao Li

""I will remember the master's teachings."

Xiao Li put away his smile and answered seriously.

"Let's hurry up and practice! I plan to hold a dinner party here at noon today, so that everyone can get together and relax."

Naruto introduced his plan to Xiao Li, but he did not mention that today was his birthday.

Today is indeed Naruto's birthday but it is also the anniversary of Naruto's parents' death, so Naruto does not want to make it too grand. Getting together with friends to chat is already Naruto's best birthday gift, and there will be a big dinner in the evening.

After hearing the word"dinner party", Xiao Li replied excitedly:"Dinner party! That's great! The master is basically busy with work, and only has a little time in the morning to practice with us. We rarely have a good dinner party."

It's no wonder that Xiao Li is so excited. Naruto has always been training with them and often having dinner together. Although there is no luxurious meal, only the game they hunted and the fruits they grew, it is very lively to chat and eat together. After Naruto suddenly became the Hokage, he rarely had dinner with Xiao Li and the others. Without Naruto as the backbone, the connection between them was not so close. After all, everyone gathered together because of Naruto.

Then, when it was about 6 o'clock, Shikamaru, Kiba, Sasuke and the rest of the people also arrived at the secret base to practice. Naruto first helped them to attract natural energy and then told them about Naruto's dinner plan.

Hearing that Naruto rarely took the time to have dinner with them again, the others were naturally very happy. However, no matter how happy they were, Naruto still had to supervise them to practice well. Naruto wanted to It's time to send troops to the Land of Fire, and that's where their small group will go to war for the first time. Naruto wants them to deal with the ninja monks of the Fire Temple, which is the strongest shield of the Land of Fire.

Although on the surface only Dilu is stronger, it's better to prepare well. It's better to fight a weakling on the battlefield than to fight someone of equal strength.

Now Shikamaru, Kiba and Ino are considered ordinary jonin, while Choji, Sasuke, Neji and Shino are elite jonin. At the level of Kage, there's only Lee, and it all depends on luck. If he doesn't make mistakes with Flying Thunder God every day, he can be considered an elite jonin.

Hinata's strength is also an elite jonin, and from memory, Hinata's appetite is amazing. Logically, Hinata's strength should increase quickly. But from Naruto's point of view, Hinata's appetite is not very large, about the same as Choji.

And except for Sasuke... Apart from them, other people have basically never seen blood. This is also what Naruto is most worried about. Whether they can maintain their fighting spirit after seeing blood determines whether their lives will be in danger.

Moreover, the reason why Naruto often arranges Sasuke to go on missions is to grind Sasuke's arrogance when he has a little strength. Grinding from a young age can reduce the danger. After all, Naruto can arrange some people to protect him now, but in the end, no one will be able to cover him.

When everyone was practicing until almost noon, everyone stopped practicing. They began to arrange the dinner in an orderly manner. Everyone used to have dinner like this before, so they still understood their work.

Today, Xiao Li shot a big wild boar. After cleaning and slicing the wild boar, everyone sat around a kang. There was a large round bluestone slab on the kang for barbecue.

Everyone chatted about their own During this period of time, Naruto encountered some trivial matters and gossips around him while eating barbecue. Such a lively scene is the best comfort for Naruto's heart, which is also the reason why Naruto did not leave Konoha to develop on his own.

Here are memories and friendships that he cannot give up. Naruto's heart is very greedy. Not only does Naruto want to conquer the world, but he also wants friendship.

After lunch, Naruto took Hinata for a walk around. Although Hinata was a little shy, she agreed without resistance.

The autumn woods were golden, and the road under their feet was also rendered in brilliant gold. A pair of childhood sweethearts strolled on this road.

They did not communicate much, but they understood each other's intentions through the warmth of their palms. Their love does not need any romantic plots. They just want each other to be together forever. Accompanying each other is the greatest happiness.

Suddenly Naruto said:"Hinata, I really hope that I can practice with you all the time and have lively dinners together."

"Naruto-kun, aren't we always by your side? And we are now strong enough to help you.

Hinata smiled sweetly and said gently.

"Yes! But what we are facing next is no longer a peaceful life, and I don’t know when this kind of lively gathering will take place again."

Although Naruto is very powerful, he doesn’t know how likely it is to conquer the entire ninja world. Naruto can conquer the entire ninja world alone, but if it is just Naruto, then no one except the older generation can understand the cruelty of war.

In this way, Naruto is just a dictator, and such peace is difficult to maintain. Only by deeply experiencing the pain can people understand the difficulty of peace, and in this way they can push their friends higher.

Naruto has the same concept as Uzumaki Nagato.���The same thing is that Naruto wants to unify the world. Naruto understands that only unification is the truly correct path, and the killing in the process is an important key that affects whether peace is stable.

If the upper echelons do not have the fear of death, then peace will never come. As for the people, they are just manipulated by the upper echelons. They have not read any books and they have no ability to discern the practices of the upper echelons.

Just like after Naruto became Hokage, there were no dissatisfied protests from the villagers. This also made Naruto understand that these villagers are just bullies who are short-sighted. This also made Naruto understand the importance of learning. Without knowledge, people will only show the bad nature of human beings.

After conquering the Land of Fire, the first major change that Naruto will carry out is the education of the villagers. Without good ideas, it is impossible to enter the next stage of society.

"No matter how long it takes, we will eventually be together, we are a collective!"

Uchiha Sasuke came out from behind a tree and said coolly

"This is not like your character, Naruto! So sentimental!"

Yaya echoed

"We are always behind you. When we achieve that dream together, the dinner will be even happier!"

Shikamaru also appeared and said with a smile.

"Thank you for your support!"

Naruto was touched but suddenly he shouted to them:"Why did you follow me?"


Shikamaru scratched his head, then shouted"Run" and ran away.

The others were not stupid either, they came here to spy on what the couple was doing, so of course they ran away when they were discovered. They all ran away in a flash, Naruto was speechless, and Hinata's face was red.

"But thank you all anyway."

Naruto no longer missed that joyful scene, as they still had plenty of time to spend together!

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