"Okay then!" Kurama agreed helplessly with his head down.

Although Kurama hated the Uchiha clan, he had to be protected by them now. He had almost no resistance to the Mangekyō Sharingan.

The advisors on the side were also very shocked to see that the Nine-Tails trusted Naruto so much. The Nine-Tails looked no different from the Inuzuka clan's ninja dogs. They felt that their worldviews had been overturned.

"Even the Nine-Tails, a collection of hatred, trusts Naruto! A man with great strength, clear direction, a gentle heart, yet ruthless towards his enemies, this kind of Naruto must be the son of prophecy that I have been looking for for many years."Jiraiya looked at Naruto in the sunlight, and firmly believed that his choice this time was the right one.

And Naruto in the sky said to Kurama:"Don't move here for now, I'm going to talk to them about something." Naruto turned his head and turned his gaze to Uchiha Fugaku and the others

""Okay." Nine-Tails was not in a hurry and sat down obediently.

Naruto looked at the obedient���The lama was very satisfied, and Naruto felt that after Kurama came out, he became much easier to talk to, and was no longer ferocious. It seemed that he had developed a rage disorder due to being locked up.

This was only Naruto. If someone else spoke to Kurama like this, Kurama would definitely beat the shit out of him.

Naruto slowly flew down and looked at Uchiha Fugaku and the others and ordered:"When you go back, spread the information about the Jinchūriki and the Tailed Beasts so that the people can understand these things. In addition, mark the place where Kurama lives as a restricted area, and no unauthorized persons are allowed to enter."

"However, this will cause panic in Konoha Village, and may cause a large number of people to leave, which is not good for the development of Konoha Village."After careful consideration, Shikaku thought that this was not appropriate.

"Indeed, this will indeed have a great impact on the stable development of Konoha Village, but now the most powerful in the ninja world is undoubtedly our Konoha Village."

"And I am about to fire the first shot of the Third Ninja World War. By then, even if they are afraid of Kurama, they will have to return to Konoha if they don't want to be involved in the war."Naruto clenched his fist with one hand as if he was holding everything in his hand, and spoke his thoughts coldly.

"But would this be too cruel for them?……"Nara Shikaku was about to say"忍" but thought of their previous sarcasm towards Naruto and stopped.

Nara Shikaku thought about it from another perspective. If he had experienced what Naruto had experienced, then given the relationship between Naruto and the Nine-Tails, he would have definitely blown up Konoha on the night of the seizure of power.

"Is it cruel? Maybe! But compared to their opinions, I care more about whether I can realize my dream. And they have no status in front of me."Naruto said lightly, his tone was full of indifference.

Naruto's actions refreshed everyone's views on Naruto, but everyone did not think that there was anything wrong with Naruto. After all, this was the result of the people's efforts.

"Yes, we will complete the task!" Seeing that there was no reason to dissuade Naruto, and Lord Jiraiya did not say anything, Nara Shikaku had to do as he was told.

Naruto nodded and activated the Flying Thunder God Array to send them back to the Hokage's office, while he took Kurama around a detour to his secret base.

In the Konoha Hokage's office, everyone was teleported back. Nara Shikaku asked Jiraiya in confusion:"Why didn't Lord Jiraiya dissuade Lord Hokage!"

"You yourself think that what Naruto did is understandable, so I can still persuade him! And although the order has been issued, it is up to us to do it." Jiraiya understood that if his reasons could not persuade Naruto, then Naruto would definitely stick to his own ideas. This is a common problem among people doing scientific research.

With Naruto's experience, it would be harder than climbing to the sky for Naruto to be nice to the people. Jiraiya is not a fool. It is impossible to persuade Naruto to think about the people in a few words. Instead of persuading Naruto, it is better to think about how to reduce the impact of the matter.

"That's right! Thank you for your reminder, Master Jiraiya."Nara Shikaku smiled knowingly, returned to his seat and began to think about specific actions.

As for Naruto, he sat on Kurama's head and pointed the direction of his secret base. Kurama ran very fast in the forest according to the direction.

Wherever Kurama passed, birds and beasts fled in a hurry, making a lot of noise. After a while, everyone who was training in Naruto's secret base also felt this movement.

"Such a strong aura, everyone be careful. Something is coming."After sensing the strong and unfamiliar aura of Jiu Lama, Xiao Li immediately reminded everyone

"Quickly disperse, hide your breath and observe the situation."Nara Shikaku commanded everyone.

"It's okay, it's Naruto-kun and a big guy coming over." Hinata opened her Byakugan and observed Naruto in the distance.

"Big guy? A summoned beast?" Nara Shikaku also calmed down and asked.

"I don't know, it's a fox with nine tails, it seems to be... the tailed beast in Naruto-kun's body." Hinata said her opinion, she also knew about Naruto's status as a Jinchūriki in her family.

"Is that so! Let's gather together and see what Naruto wants to do!" Nara Shikamaru was not very afraid of the Nine-Tails. It was not because of his confidence in himself but his trust in Naruto's powerful strength.

Soon, Naruto and Kurama came in front of Shikamaru, and Naruto jumped off Kurama's head with his signature smile:"Yo! Hello everyone!"

Shikamaru was stunned for a moment and then ran to Naruto and said softly:"Naruto, why did you bring this big guy here?"

Naruto saw the panic in Shikamaru and other friends, and hurriedly explained his agreement with Kurama, the potential danger of the masked man, and his own arrangements again, and everyone suddenly realized.

"This way my brother can practice with me!" Uchiha Sasuke clapped his hands happily.

"You have a clear mind, you are awesome!"Naruto had to admire Sasuke's brother complex. I let Uzumaki Xiangling go, but you didn't change at all. It seems that I have to betroth Xiangling to you completely.

"Xiao Li, what do you think?"Naruto asked his disciple's wishes. Although he had made arrangements, he still had to ask. If it didn't work, he could change it.

"Guarantee to complete the task!" Xiao Li raised his thumb and showed his white teeth.

"Hmm!"Luckily, Naruto had the foresight to forbid Rock Lee to have a bowl cut, otherwise it would be too eye-catching. This kind of Rock Lee is okay, at least it is acceptable. It is enough for Konoha to have one blue beast.

Naruto turned his head and looked at Kurama and said:"You will live in this area from now on, stay here for a few years. When the ninja world is unified, you can run wild in the ninja world."

"That's fine! It's quite similar to where I lived before."Ku Lama didn't choose, because he was dozing off most of the time outside anyway.

He put away his tail, curled up into a ball, and lay down to sleep peacefully.

"If you don't provoke Kurama, it won't disturb you, just practice normally!"After Naruto settled Kurama, he came over to remind his friends.

"Don't worry! We don't have the guts to provoke it." Ya said while hugging the curled up Akamaru.

"You guys should practice well, you will be able to fight soon."Naruto reminded them again.

"Don't worry! Naruto. You are almost like my mother, and we know the importance of it."Shikamaru restrained his laziness and said seriously

"That's good, I should get back to work." After that, Naruto used Flying Thunder God to return to his laboratory to prepare improved ninjutsu to match his talent to realize the resurrection technique.

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