One night after Naruto had practiced for several months, Naruto received an admission letter from Iruka. However, when Iruka saw Naruto, he put on a forced smile, trying to show his friendly side, but in Naruto's perception, his heart was very conflicted, and the emotions of good and evil were colliding with each other. This was the first time Naruto had seen such a strong emotional collision. However, Naruto took the letter and went home, leaving Iruka outside to resolve his own conflicts. The Naruto in this world did not have any friendship with this Iruka, and it is highly likely that they would not have any deep friendship in the future. Now Naruto has practiced the Diamond Seal, and his strength is enough to compete with the Third Generation. Of course, there is a high probability that he will lose, but with a little more time, Naruto will definitely be able to press the Third Generation to the ground, mainly because Naruto lacks practical experience. Those few people cannot be pulled to practice with Naruto, and the old man of the Third Generation sometimes peeks at Naruto. Naruto cannot set up an isolation barrier to prevent him, so he can only set up a perception barrier to remind himself that the old man of the Third Generation is about to move the telescope to his place.

Now Naruto is trying to master the ninjutsu of Flying Thunder God, but it is a bit difficult, and this cannot be practiced in a sealed space. This ninjutsu can only be practiced in the real world. This ninjutsu is based on the seal technique to refine runes that can sense space, and punctuate through the runes. Flying Thunder God uses these punctuation marks to open the space and go to the next punctuation mark.

The next day, after Naruto packed up his medical books, he went to school.

Naruto actually has a teacher now, who is the current dean of Konoha Hospital.

Naruto really didn't expect that since he showed his talent as a medical ninja, the third generation directly invited the dean of Konoha Hospital to be Naruto's teacher.

Naruto also understood at this time the specific meaning of persuading people to learn medicine and being struck by lightning - there are so many books to read!

Naruto usually has to calculate his training time carefully in order to maintain the previous training speed.

In fact, the medical ninjutsu that teacher taught Naruto was not very many, at least not many in Konoha Hospital, but there were a lot of medical books.

Naruto's talent for ninjutsu, with the help of his aura and his own high mental strength, can learn any ninjutsu that is not extremely difficult or that Naruto does not have the conditions to learn.

So after Naruto finished learning ninjutsu, the teacher asked Naruto to learn basic medical knowledge.

Because the next step is the highlight of"internal medicine", and surgery cannot be performed without solid medical knowledge.

If it weren't for the third generation old man who would regularly ask Naruto's teacher about Naruto's learning progress, Naruto would not want to bother with this teacher.

After Naruto packed up a few books, he went to the ninja school. The distance was not very far, and Naruto arrived there in a short time with his own strength. He came to the school and found his class. He found the last row of the chosen seat by the window and read quietly.

Naruto was reading quietly, but those students began to whisper,"Look, that's the demon fox. Stay away from him, it will bring bad luck." There were many similar words, but Naruto didn't intend to pay attention to them. Ignorant people are not worth Naruto's unnecessary emotions.

Soon it was time for class, and the noise in the classroom began to quiet down. Iruka also walked into the classroom and started teaching."Hello everyone, my name is Iruka and I am your homeroom teacher. Since the school has just started, everyone should introduce themselves first," Iruka said with a smile.


"My name is Akimichi Choji, my dream is to stay at home and have endless delicious food to eat."

"My name is Nara Shikamaru, and my dream is to live a peaceful life when I grow up."

"My name is Uchiha Sasuke, and my dream is to become a powerful ninja like my brother."


Soon it was Naruto's turn. Naruto put down his book, stood up and said,"My name is Uzumaki Naruto. My dream is to become a medical ninja like Tsunade-sama and become Hokage."

The Sandaime, who was watching from the crystal ball, smiled and said,"I said I could make Naruto the successor of the Will of Fire." Mito Kado En and Utane Koharu could only nod in response to the Sandaime's words. On the other side, Danzo said firmly,"Huruzen, you should hand over the Jinchuriki to me. With his talent, I guarantee that I can turn him into a strong and loyal ninja in a very short time. Instead of wasting time by learning medical ninjutsu and going to ninja school."

How could Sarutobi Hiruzen not know what his old partner was thinking? Once Naruto fell into his hands, Naruto would not know whether to be loyal to Konoha or himself. The Third Hokage took a puff of his cigarette calmly, and then said seriously,"Naruto's current situation is already very good, and there is no need for any changes. Besides, you have to know that Naruto is also the child of the Fourth Hokage."

Danzo poked the ground with his cane angrily, and then said gloomily,"Huruzen, you will regret it."

The Third Hokage was not to be outdone, and said firmly,"Danzo, I am the Hokage."

Hearing this, Danzo lost the desire to attend the meeting, turned around and left, and finally closed the door heavily.

Back to Naruto, after listening to Naruto's dream, Iruka also began to teach normally, but Naruto did not listen to his class. He was concentrating on reading his own book. The main point was that you talk about yours and I learn from mine. Naruto was not the only one who did this. Choji was eating potato chips as if no one was around, Shikamaru was catching up on his sleep, and Kiba was chatting with Shino.

After enduring for a while, Iruka yelled at Naruto and the others,"You guys, stand here as punishment. You have no respect for classroom discipline. And you, Uzumaki Naruto, are not allowed to read extracurricular books during class. Get out now, too."

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