Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 1107: Mozu Siege

In addition to unwillingness, there was a trace of regret in the expression of the Southern Sky Sword Saint. ". Δ.

Knowing that there would be such a consequence long ago, he hadn't sinned against this junior boy.

He couldn't think that with his status, an old man who had lived a few hundred years old would one day fall into the hands of a young boy of about twenty years old.

However, in that instant, it takes less than a tenth of the breath.

The body of the Southern Sky Sword Saint suddenly moved.

Kaka Kaka...

I saw that his body, like broken porcelain, showed thousands of broken marks and began to disintegrate!


The body of the Southern Sky Sword Saint peeled off and shattered, and finally turned into a cloud of blood that scattered with the wind.

A human intermediate-level half-emperor just fell.

Looking at the shattered Southern Heaven Sword Saint, Lin Fei's mood was a little sigh.

After beheading the Southern Heaven Sword Saint, Lin Fei took his space ring into his hands.

The lifetime collection of a half-emperor is naturally a very considerable wealth.

Lin Fei did not immediately check the Space Ring of the Southern Sky Sword Saint, but put it away, intending to check it later when there is time.

Lin Fei unfolded his magic escape, and after a while, he returned to Wanjianzhuang again.


The scene in front of him surprised Lin Fei a bit.

I saw that there was a piece of flying sand and rocks in front of me, and it was dark, and the dark red sand blocked all tens of miles nearby.

It was as if a dust storm was born.

At the center of this sandstorm, the entire Wanjian Village was sinking slowly.

Under the ground of Wanjianzhuang, there seemed to be a layer of soft sand, and Wanjianzhuang was slowly sinking into this layer of sand.

After half a stick of incense time.

The entire Wanjianzhuang finally disappeared under the ground.

Endless red sand poured in from all directions, and after a while, the original place of Wanjianzhuang was piled into small sand dunes.

"The palace of the sword emperor has disappeared under the ground."

Lin Fei looked at the scene before him, muttered to himself, sighed for a moment.

Then, he unfolded Shenfa and left.

Head straight back towards the imperial capital of the Yuyuan Empire.

at the same time.

In the imperial capital of the Yuyuan Empire.

The imperial capital was surrounded by dense demon races in all directions, and the dense demon energy that covered the sky and sun covered all the light.

The entire imperial capital was plunged into darkness, like the end of the world.

Amidst the black magic clouds, countless quacking demon monsters laughed.

Obviously, the imperial capital of the Yuyuan Empire was already surrounded by the demon army.

"Quack, all the human warriors in the city listen, you still have your last chance.

Within ten breaths of time, those who surrender out of the city can be exempt from death.

Otherwise, after ten breaths, our demon army will attack the city. In the entire city, if there are no dogs or chickens, everyone will die!

One, two..."

Outside the imperial capital, a tall body with a blue one-horned demon on his forehead said indifferently, his voice faintly resounding between heaven and earth.

Under the blessing of magic power, in the imperial capital, every human warrior can clearly hear the voice of this demon race.

The counted voices of this demon race rumblingly echoed between heaven and earth.

"Hahahaha, what **** Lin family army, in front of our demon army, they are not hiding in the city and dare not show their face!"

"Quack..., I can't wait any longer, I'll rush in, kill all these so-called Lin family troops, and avenge our dead demon brothers!"

"I really want to eat these human brains..."

Among the masses of magic clouds around the imperial capital, countless strange laughter of the demons continued to be heard, and countless rich magic clouds were roaring and wriggling crazily.

Moreover, these magic clouds are constantly changing colors, turning into a terrifying color like a sea of ​​blood.

On the front wall of the Imperial City.

The queen stood against the wind, and the gusts of wind blew the queen's clothes, hunting and moving.

She reveals her exquisitely curvy and attractive figure.

Looking at the exquisite shadow on the city wall, no matter how humans or demons were, they couldn't help but look more.

Beside the queen, standing four or five sub-sacred realms, and a dozen holy realm masters.

It can be said that the most important masters in the Lin family's army are almost all here.

"what should we do?

These demons obviously intend to attack the city after ten breaths.

The opponent has two masters of the Demon Saint. "

Wood Spring asked the queen.

Although the strength of the queen is the elementary level of the sub-sacred realm, the strength of Wood Spring is the intermediate level of the sub-sage realm, which is one level higher than the realm of the queen.

However, Woodquan knew that the relationship between the queen and Lin Fei was very close.

Moreover, Wood Springs has witnessed the Queen's powerful fighting power many times.

If it were to fight, Woodspring knew that he was not necessarily the queen's opponent.

Therefore, Wood Spring has always placed the status of the queen above himself.

At the moment, the queen frowned.

In terms of numbers, Lin Jiajun has more than 200,000 people.

And the number of this demons team in front of them is close to about 200,000.

However, in this demon clan team, there are two masters of the demon saint level.

In this way, Lin Jiajun was at an absolute disadvantage.

Because, just being two masters of the Demon Sage level can absolutely crush all the masters in the Lin Family Army.

Demon Saint is equal to the holy realm master of human warriors.

Including the queen, there is no one in the Lin family army, who is the opponent of the two demon saints.

Therefore, although this battle has not yet started, everyone can guess the final result.

Lin Jiajun has no advantage at all.

"there is always a solution to a problem!

The matter has ended, there is only one battle.

We have no other choice.

Since joining our Lin family army, don't be afraid of death! "

After a while, the queen said slowly.

A strong will to fight, from above her exquisite and graceful body, rose to the sky.

The Evil Shadow Race was originally a brave and combative race in ancient times. In addition, regardless of the appearance of the queen, she was petite and graceful, but in her bones, she had a strong and combative side.

"Yes, there is only one battle.

It's a big deal! "

Woodquan was originally a stubborn person, otherwise when he was in Sandu City, he would not stand up in front of the Southern Heaven Sword Saint and support Lin Fei.

"Yes, anyway, even if you surrender and fall into the hands of these demons, you will definitely become their slaves in the end. Pigs and dogs are better, it is better to fight these demons to the death!"

Behind the queen, all the sub-sacred realm and sacred masters all expressed their opinions.

"Six, seven..."

Between the heavens and the earth, the counts of the demons were still rumbling.

"If the order is passed down, all Lin Jiajun will be ready.

Fight to the death with the demons! "

The queen ordered.

Suddenly, the queen's order was passed on as quickly as possible.

"Fight to the death!

Fight to the death! "

Among the Lin family's army, some people took the lead in shouting loudly, bursting out a boiling war.

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