Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 1160: ended

Listening to the violent and slightly panicked roar in the space-time transmission channel, Lin Fei's mouth evoked a mocking smile. "Δ Literature" "" "Mystery. ㄟ.

"What **** Black Devil Emperor, it's not that easy to send it over!"

Lin Fei's movements didn't stop at the slightest, but accelerated.

A cloud of misty sword light, instantly killing and shaking, like a glimpse of light, continuously rushed in from the exit of that transmission channel.

The white dragons also slashed out from the ancient dragon sword, roaring and roaring, and rushed in from the exit.

At the same time, Lin Fei displayed the Sword of Domineering Divine Sense and the sword of Hong-class magic weapon Ancient Dragon, which cooperated with each other. This was already the most powerful combat power Lin Fei could wield.

In that space-time transmission channel, the space violently quaked and distorted, and bursts of violent and fierce energy continued to explode.

From the exit, bursts of devastating energy explosion shock waves rushed out.


damn it!

The space of the space-time transmission channel is getting more and more unstable!


Who the **** is, I won't let you go! "

At the other end of the space-time transmission channel, that arrogant and domineering voice sounded hateful at this time.

All the humans and demons in the square could hear that there was great anger in this voice.

"Do not!

Lin Fei, **** you, dare to destroy the space-time transmission channel!

Come on, give me all on, stop Lin Fei! "

The half-emperor leader of the Demon Race was also completely panicked at this time. With a wave of his hand, he took the remaining two half-emperors of the Demon Race and tens of thousands of celebrities and horses, and rushed towards Lin Fei.

It's just that, including the half-emperor of the demon clan, the remaining three demon clan and half-emperor are already injured, and their combat power has dropped drastically.

Moreover, the demons and the Zhongtian Temple's people, together, are 50,000 to 60,000 at most.

For Lin Fei, such strength and scale were simply not enough.

Lin Fei just swept out a few sword lights, and rushed to the front thousands of people, all beheaded to pieces.


Boom, boom...

Finally, under Lin Fei's continuous attack in that space-time transmission channel, it seemed that a big change had taken place, bursts of violent, confused, and distorted auras rushed out from the exit.

"Hahaha, boy, this space-time transmission channel, the internal space has collapsed, and it was finally destroyed by you.

Now, the Black Devil Emperor is miserable.

Using the space-time transmission channel to transmit, if the space in the transmission channel collapses during the transmission, it is a very serious matter.

I guess that this black devil emperor, even if he is not dead, will take off his skin severely this time.

He can be regarded as being overcast by you. "

At this time, the triumphant laughter of the goblin rang in Lin Fei's sea of ​​knowledge.

Sure enough, the goblin's voice just fell.


No, the space of the transmission channel actually began to collapse.

How can this be……

Damn it, go back, if you don't want to die, go back to me all.

It's miserable..., rewind...! "

In the space-time transmission channel, the distant voice became completely anxious, even a little incoherent.

Then, this angry voice completely disappeared in the transmission channel, and it never sounded again.

Boom, boom...

In the square, within the space-time transmission channel, there were still bursts of violent vibrations that made people palpitation.


It's finally over!

Lin Fei exhaled gently, and the nerves that had been tense before were also completely relaxed.

"Sorry, your Black Devil Emperor, it seems that he won't come again."

Lin Fei's gaze fell on the body of the half-emperor of the demon race, and he smiled.

"It's over, this time, it's completely over..."

The half-emperor leader of the demon race, facing such a reality, was already desperate and mumbled to himself.

The remaining fifty to six thousand demons, and the warriors of Zhongtian Palace, were ashamed, without any fighting spirit anymore.

Outside the square.

"it is good!"

The 800,000 Yugoslav troops burst into terror-like cheers like a tsunami in an instant, and the huge waves gathered together, stirring up the atmosphere between this world and the earth to a boil.


Commander Lin finally destroyed that **** space-time transmission channel! "

"Commander Lin is too good!"

"Lin Commander!"


In the huge cheers like the ocean, many warriors directly called Lin Fei's name.

Because just now, all the people were watching. Lin Fei was alone, facing the more than 200,000 horses of the Demon Race, rushing out of heavy encirclement, and finally successfully ruining the space-time transmission channel.

It can be said that at this time, Lin Fei has reached an unparalleled height in the minds of the human warriors of the Yugoslavian army.

In this carnival atmosphere.

Some young warriors, at this time, had completely regarded Lin Fei as their idol.

And some young female warriors stared at Lin Fei closely with the gaze constantly shining with stars.

It is true that beauty is worthy of a hero. In the minds of some young female warriors, there is always a lingering hero complex.

At this moment, Lin Fei is their hero!

Lin Fei looked out of the square, and couldn't help but laugh at the extremely lively cheering scenes of those Yugoslav fighters.

"Well, you are left. Let's solve it all at once."

Lin Fei looked at the remaining fifty or six thousand demons, with a sharp killing intent in his eyes.

Then, his body moved and rushed over.

"Die to me!"

Lin Fei roared wildly!

call out!

The Domineering God Sword was displayed.


The Hong-class magic weapon, the ancient dragon sword was also smashed out, and the white dragon roared through the sky.

These demons, including the three demons and half emperors, have lost their fighting spirit at this time, and how can they resist Lin Fei's fierce attack.

After a while.

The three half emperors of the demons were all severely injured by Lin Fei, dying, leaving their last breath.

Then, he was teleported into the city by Lin Fei.

Lin Fei temporarily left the lives of these three half emperors of the demon race, naturally to obtain their demon psychic powers.

Lin Fei killed all the other fifty to six thousand demons, including the demons and the warriors of Zhongtian Palace, and none of them remained.

This is not because Lin Fei is cruel.

But because the war in the world of warriors was originally so cruel.

In particular, since these demons invaded Nanda 6, they successively occupied Nanda 6, 40 or 50 countries, and they killed countless human beings.

In many cases, even when confronted with a little bit of resistance from human warriors, they would slaughter the city and kill the whole city without leaving any dogs or chickens.

Therefore, now Lin Fei, naturally, would not practice any kind of women, and let them be merciful.

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