Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 1162: Practice

Lin Fei explained to Shenji a little bit. "Literature Δ  fan. .

Shenji heard that Lin Fei was actually planning to understand space power, and was a little shocked. As a figure of the older generation, he naturally knew how difficult it is to cultivate space power.

However, Shenjizi did not go into details any more, but casually encouraged a few words.

Soon, Lin Fei followed the goblin to the exit of that space-time transmission channel, about 20 meters away.

"Okay, right here.

To perceive the power of space, you only need to release the power of divine consciousness, perceive it carefully, and experience it with your heart.

Well, let me put all my previous understanding of space power into your sea of ​​knowledge, and you can compare it for your reference.

As for whether you can feel it in the end, it depends on whether you have the talent in this area. "

The goblin said to Lin Fei.

After the goblin finished speaking, he entered Lin Fei's sea of ​​knowledge with a message of divine consciousness.

This information is all about the knowledge and explanation of space forces.

Then, the goblin calmed down, ignored Lin Fei, released the beast spirit power, and began to feel the power of space at the exit of the space-time transmission channel.

Lin Fei also sat down cross-legs, closed his eyes, and embraced Yuan Yuan. Of course, he sat in the air, suspended in mid-air.

First, Lin Fei began to read the information about space power that the goblins had just entered in the sea of ​​knowledge.

I have to say that these information about space power is very obscure and very difficult to understand.

There are some aspects that are very hollow and profound.

Lin Fei often takes a lot of effort to reluctantly understand.

However, Lin Fei's character will never give up easily.

Time passed slowly.

Lin Fei has always been in the knowledge of the sea, understanding the information about space power that the goblins have entered.

He didn't rush to release his divine consciousness to perceive the space power in the space-time transmission channel ahead.

"Well, this kid is still understanding the spatial knowledge I just called him. He knows how to learn things step by step, and he is not in a hurry for success, which is very good."

An hour later, the goblin suddenly opened his eyes, looked at Lin Fei, and nodded secretly.

Two hours, three hours, four hours...

Time passed slowly.

Lin Fei and the goblin had been sitting in silence with their eyes closed before the exit of the space-time transmission channel.

And Lin Fei, at this time, was still in his own sea of ​​consciousness, repeatedly reading the information of those spatial forces that the goblins had entered.

After six or seven hours, Lin Fei had already begun to understand.

"Space power, it turned out to be like this..."

Lin Fei muttered to himself, and gradually understood in his heart.

at this time.

In Lin Fei's sea of ​​knowledge, he suddenly received several divine consciousness transmissions.

It turned out that after most of the day, the warriors of the Yugoslavian army had already carried out a carpet search for the headquarters of the Zhongtian Palace, and turned the bottom up, and only a little more valuable things had all been raided. Up.

Then, all the warriors returned to the outside of the square.

Because Lin Fei is the commander of the Yugoslavian army.

Therefore, everyone is waiting for Lin Fei's order.

Lin Fei thought for a while. He and the goblin are here to comprehend the power of space, and they don't know when it will be.

You can't let these 800,000-plus FRY troops all stay outside the square and wait for yourself.

Therefore, Lin Fei sent the Divine Sense Transmission to the dozens of half-emperor masters, and asked them to take the Yugoslavian troops back first.

After receiving Lin Fei's order, all the members of the Yugoslav army quickly left.

For those members of the Lin Family Army, Lin Fei also asked the Queen to bring back to the Heavenly Dragon Sacred Kingdom, where Master Li lived in hermit.

After half a day.

Outside the square, there was no one.

Only in the square, several hundred meters high in the sky, Lin Fei and the goblin were two figures.

One day later.

Lin Fei finally drove the goblin into his own sea of ​​knowledge, and all the information about space power was understood.

"Okay, start to release the power of divine consciousness, and take a closer look at the space power in this space-time transmission channel."

Lin Fei secretly said in his heart.

Then, it released the power of divine consciousness and slowly extended to the exit of the space-time transmission channel.

Space power!

Sure enough, when Lin Fei's divine consciousness, from the exit, perceive it after entering.

It immediately captured the traces of fluctuations in space power.

"It turns out that this is the power of space, and I am really curious..."

The divine consciousness closely perceives and appreciates the fluctuations of those spatial forces, Lin Fei is a little fascinated, and feels that he has entered a new world of unknowingly, very novel and interesting.

Two days, three days, four days, five days...

Lin Fei and the goblin, time passed day by day.

Lin Fei and the goblin had always stayed at the exit of this space-time transmission channel, closing their eyes and feeling.

The only thing that changed was that the positions of Lin Fei and the goblin were gradually moving closer and closer to the exit.

And the closer you are to the exit of the space-time transmission channel, the more and clearer the space power you can perceive.

Ten days later.

Lin Fei and the goblin finally reached the exit of the space-time transmission channel completely.

Twenty days later.

"Boy, why did you run into the teleportation channel!"


The goblin opened his eyes abruptly and was taken aback.

It turned out that at this time, the goblin appeared, Lin Fei actually walked into the passage of time and space.

"Boy, the inner space of this space-time transmission channel has collapsed, the space is very unstable, and the environment inside is very dangerous. You dare to walk in, do you want to die!"

The goblin roared.

"Hehe, it's okay, I won't go deep.

I just want to really experience the power of space in person.

Instead, only perceive with the power of divine consciousness.

Don't worry, I have a sense of measure. "

Lin Fei turned his head and smiled at the goblin.

It turned out that outside the exit of the space-time transmission channel, at best, the power of divine consciousness can only be used to extend into the channel to sense the power of space.

If you want to really come into contact with space forces, you must enter the channel.

After 20 days of comprehension, Lin Fei already has a certain understanding of space power.

However, Lin Fei was not satisfied, but planned to actually get in touch with space forces at close range.

This is why Lin Fei wants to walk into the time and space transmission channel.

Lin Fei explained a couple of sentences to the goblin, and he moved slowly into the teleportation channel and walked in cautiously.

"This kid..., once he cultivates, he really won't even want his life..."

The goblin looked at Lin Fei's back and couldn't help shaking his head with a wry smile.


"That said! This kid really understands space power!

This kid... is really a weird! "

The goblin reacted at this time, and couldn't help laughing wryly.

Soon, Lin Fei walked into the space-time transmission channel.

Immediately, a strange power wrapped around Lin Fei's body in all directions.

Space power!

Lin Fei refreshed.

Within this space-time transmission channel, there really is a lot of space power.

About 50 or 60 meters into the transmission channel, Lin Fei was afraid to go any further.

Because the space in front of the passage was already distorted, misplaced, and chaotic, and bursts of dangerous aura of destruction filled the entire transmission passage.

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