Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 1216: Chase and flee

"Two. "Wen   Xue Fan. ㄟ."

The brutal cavalry behind him continued to count.

Lin Fei felt the terrifying aura of the long arrow in the hand of the brutal cavalry, knowing that no matter how fast he was, it might not be as fast as the opponent's long arrow.

Because that long arrow had obviously locked its own Qi.

Generally, bow and arrow magic weapons will automatically track the opponent, and will not stop if you don't shoot the opponent.

Therefore, under such circumstances, it is by no means a good way to use one's body skills to continue to escape.

The only way Lin Fei thought of was to enter the city on his body.

However, at this moment, the voice of the goblin rang in Lin Fei’s sea of ​​consciousness: "Boy, in this situation, as long as you travel through space and enter the void, his arrow will lose its accuracy. I can't track you down."

Lin Fei couldn't help feeling refreshed after hearing what the goblin said. Yes, you can try this method.


Okay, kid, a bit spine.

But people with hard bones generally die faster.

Die! "

The cold voice of the brutal cavalry rang again.

call out!

A cyan long arrow flew out of the string, with a terrible whistling sound that pierced through the golden cracked stone, and instantly across the sky, chasing Lin Fei.

Lin Fei only felt that his whole body was erect, and a threat of death came to his mind.

So he didn't dare to hesitate, and immediately stretched out his hand to brush away from the space in front of him, showing the power of space.

Suddenly, the space in front of Lin Fei began to rippling like water waves.

Lin Fei grabbed the queen's jade hand, stepped out one step, and instantly the two figures disappeared in the rippling space.

call out!

The next moment, the cyan long arrow whizzed past Lin Fei's position just now.


Behind, the brutal beast cavalry cried out, looking incredulously at the space where Lin Fei had disappeared, a pair of eyeballs almost fell out of their sockets.

"How is it possible for a kid who has entered the Holy Realm with such a poor strength to travel through space!"

Brutal cavalry is a bit unacceptable.

At this time, the cyan long arrow he shot out, because it lost Lin Fei's breath, turned into a headless fly, and finally hit a mountain a few kilometers away.


That beautiful mountain was suddenly shattered and the upper part seemed to have disappeared out of thin air.

After about a breath, two figures appeared out of thin air from the location where Lin Fei had just disappeared, more than 700 meters away.

Lin Fei can only travel more than 700 meters through space.

Moreover, he did not dare to stay too long in the chaotic reality.

Because being in the chaotic void is very dangerous. It will be torn into pieces by the turbulent flow of the void at any time, or taken away, and may even be exiled to the endless chaos and void of the unknown, and will never return.

Unless you comprehend the powerful enough space power, you can come and go freely in the void.

Therefore, with the space power that Lin Fei now comprehends, he can only spend one or two breaths in the void at most.

Lin Fei took the queen, and as soon as she emerged from the void, she immediately unfolded her magic escape and fleeed away.


The brutal cavalry was willing to watch Lin Fei leave, shouted angrily, and shot a blue long arrow again, chasing Lin Fei like lightning.

call out!

This time the cyan long arrow was faster, directly splitting the air ahead, and the terrifying energy attached to the long arrow whizzed and rolled, causing the entire sky to tremble slightly.

Lin Fei showed his magic escape, and just escaped from a distance of less than 10,000 meters, the cyan long arrow at the back was already chasing after him.

Obviously, the cyan long arrow shot by that brutal cavalry was faster than Lin Fei's demon escape!

In desperation, Lin Fei had no choice but to use space power again, pulling the queen, her figure instantly disappeared again and entered the void.


The cyan long arrow lost its aim again, and finally hit the ground, exploding a large hole in the ground that was dark and deep and had a width of 1,000 meters, which was very terrifying.

The second long arrow shot fell into the air, and the brutal cavalry's face was so gloomy that it almost dripped water.

He is an emperor-level high-level strength. It was an easy and effortless task to kill a holy ant, but he couldn't expect that the other party could travel through the space and let him lose an arrow.

The heart of the brutal cavalry is already raging.

"Huh, it is said that traveling through space is very space-consuming. I want to see how many times you can travel through space."

The brutal cavalry said coldly.

Next, chase and flee.

The long arrows in the hand of the brutal cavalry kept shooting out.

However, at every critical moment, Lin Fei went straight into the void to escape.

After a while, Lin Fei had already traveled through space a dozen times.

And the brutal cavalry also shot a dozen long arrows. At this moment, the anger of the brutal cavalry had reached a peak, roaring again and again.

"Boy, **** it!

I will kill you! "

The roar of the brutal cavalry resounded in this land, and the monstrous anger almost turned into substance.

He couldn't think that a little boy who had entered the Holy Realm would be able to spend this kind of time with him.

As for Lin Fei, after traversing space a dozen times in a row, both physically and mentally, he reached a rather exhausted state.

Lin Fei knew that if this continued, he would soon be unable to continue to use space power because of the energy consumed.

And the brutal beast cavalry behind is a high-level emperor, with a vast and endless source of energy, it seems that it will not dry up, and it is estimated that it will always pursue and kill itself tirelessly, and will not give up easily.

And Lin Fei would not directly enter the city in front of the brutal cavalry.

If you do this, it is estimated that the other party will immediately guess that he is entering a hidden space magic weapon, maybe he will stay in place until he appears.

It is even possible to find this city of his own.

"No, I have to find a way to get out!"

Lin Fei thought in his heart.

After thinking about it in his mind, Lin Fei suddenly remembered an old way.

That is to find a big river, and then use the city to get away.

Lin Fei had used this method many times before, and it was very effective, so Lin Fei decided to take a risk.

Lin Fei released his divine consciousness while running away.

After a while, what surprised Lin Fei was that on the left side, there was actually a very large river.

I saw the rocks pierced through the sky, the turbulent waves hit the shore, the surging river water, the galloping roar, the river surface was wide, a full four to five hundred meters, the scale is very grand, very suitable for Lin Fei's requirements.

"Okay, it's you."

Lin Fei took the queen's hand and directly used the magic escape.

Suddenly appeared over the river.

Then without hesitation, he plunged his head into the surging river to the bottom.

"Roar! Die!"

The savage beast covered with cyan scales carrying the cavalry also appeared directly on the river bank.

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