Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 1237: Enter the top 15

In the rest area, Qing Luo also looked anxious, and even lifted his heart, a pair of pink fists involuntarily clenched tightly. "ΩΩ Literature" fan. .

On the other arena, Xiao Yinyue displayed the glazed moonlight body, which was crushing the opponent to death, and had the absolute upper hand. Her divine consciousness also sensed the situation on Lin Fei's side, and she couldn't help but worry: "This guy, nothing will happen, right?"

At this time, Lin Fei was displaying the body technique of Lai Mo Dun, turning into a streamer, avoiding the bombardment of the blood palm in the ring.

At the same time, the Domineering God Sense Swords were also slashed out like splashing water, blocking the blood palm, and matching the power of the Sixth Sword Region.

For a while, he was able to persist undefeated.

However, there is not much possibility to kill Liu Jin.

"Hmph, I see how long you can escape!"

Liu Jin couldn't think that Lin Fei could hold on for such a long time and couldn't help but snorted coldly.

"It seems that the Tyrant Sword of Divine Sense cannot kill him.


In that case, try the power of that small tripod. "

Lin Fei's thoughts moved to communicate with the small bean-sized divine sense dinging in the Na Hongmeng Ding in the dantian.

call out!

The Xiaoding trembled lightly, then moved with an incredible degree, and instantly arrived in front of Liu Jin and rushed directly into Liu Jin's sea of ​​knowledge.

"Oh no……"

Liu Jin stood still suddenly, his face showed an unbelievable look, and then he fell forward slamming and fell to the ground, dying of anger.


So the audience who followed this game were completely confused.

This scene happened too quickly.

All people who are so fast can't react.

It was obvious that Liu Jin had the absolute upper hand, but suddenly he fell to the ground and died.

At this moment, Lin Fei couldn't help being overjoyed. The power of that divine sense small tripod was too strong.

In an instant, he broke into Liu Jin's sea of ​​consciousness and smashed Liu Jin's soul body directly without any resistance.

"Hehe, boy, I said at the beginning that your terrifying little cauldron can't resist even the high-level divine consciousness of the emperor realm, let alone an intermediate divine consciousness of the holy realm."

Emperor Yan's voice sounded in Lin Fei's sea of ​​consciousness at this time.

"Yes, the power of this small tripod really surprises me."

Lin Fei replied.

At this moment, on the east side of the playing field, high in the sky, on the floating grandstand, an old man with a rickety body and a shawl was shaking violently. His face was full of unbelieving expressions, the whole old face, Distorted into a terrible shape.

"Impossible, Jin'er actually let that little thief kill him.

Jin'er cultivates the blood burning forbidden technique, and already has a certain degree of fire, and the power he wields can easily kill the half emperor, and coupled with the dazzling gold battle armor, it was originally intended to kill the Lin Fei little thief. Palm.

Why is the ending like this!

Little thief Lin Fei actually killed my two grandsons of Liu Guangjue, I hate it! "

This old man is Liu Guangjue. At this moment, his heart is full of hatred, and it is simply overwhelming.

"Little thief Lin Fei, I, Liu Guangjue, must crush you to pieces!"

Liu Guangjue's gaze stared at Lin Fei incomparably bitterly, and he couldn't wait to rush down and kill Lin Fei immediately.

But, of course he didn't dare, because at the moment, above the stands, there are three holy places, and representatives of many big sects in the Eastern Region.

The performance contest, although on the surface, was organized by the royal family of a country.

But in fact, it is a competition held by the three holy sites in the Eastern Regions and those first-rate sects, second-rate sects, and third-rate sects to select outstanding talents from each country.

The real organizers behind the game are actually the three holy sites and the big sects, the national royal family, who just came forward on their behalf.

As a general marshal, Liu Guangjue naturally knew this point.

Therefore, at this time, no matter how bold he was, he did not dare to rush to find Lin Fei's trouble.

Otherwise, once angered the representatives of these three holy places and major religious sects in the stands, not only himself, but the entire Liu family may be completely ruined.

At this time, Lin Fei had already returned to the rest area, sitting next to Qing Luo.

"Just scared me."

At this moment, Qing Luo was also relieved, involuntarily stretched out his hand, stretched out a soft jade hand, tightly holding Lin Fei's left hand, as if afraid that Lin Feifei would be gone.

"Oh, you have a little confidence in your man, OK?"

Lin Fei smiled.

"Unexpectedly, in that situation, you actually killed Liu Jin."

Xiangfeng blew her face, a long and slender figure had already returned to Lin Fei's side and sat down. It was Xiao Yinyue who stared at Lin Fei with a pair of beautiful eyes. The splendor glowed slightly. She was a little worried about Lin Fei just now on the ring. Flying, unexpectedly, in the blink of an eye, Liu Jin was strangely killed, making her secretly surprised.

And Xiao Yinyue herself, who was on the ring just now, also relied on the power of the glazed moonlight body to win with absolute advantage.

Of course, because that opponent was also bought by Liu Jin in advance, Xiao Yinyue directly killed him without mercy.

At this point, the eighth round is over.

The top fifteen players are born!

Lin Fei and Xiao Yinyue both entered the top fifteen.

"Hehe, boy, in this way, you finally have the opportunity to become a disciple of the first-class big sect in the Eastern Region.

However, with your perverted combat power, I had long expected that you would have a chance to enter the top fifteen.

Next, work harder to see if you can get the top three, and strive to become a disciple of the three holy places.

Once you become a disciple of the three holy places, it will be of great benefit to your future cultivation. "

Emperor Yan's voice sounded in Lin Fei's sea of ​​consciousness.

"The disciples of the three holy places..."

Lin Fei's eyes were also a little bright. It was a good thing to be a disciple of the three holy places.

at this time.

Over the playing field, a stream of light flashed, and the figure of the old **** appeared.

"Well, guys, the top 15 of this year's martial arts competition has come out.

The top 15 players will participate in the next finals.

In the finals, they will compete for the top three in this martial arts competition.

The top three will have the opportunity to become disciples of the three holy places.

Since there are fifteen contestants participating in the finals, the method of batch competition is still adopted.

In the first batch, fourteen players competed in the ring. Seven players were eliminated, and one player had a bye.

In the second batch, the remaining eight players competed in the ring and eliminated four.

In the third batch, when the last four people are left, the melee game will be implemented, that is, the four players all board the same arena and attack each other. The first player to be blasted out of the arena wins fourth place. Then the second one was knocked out of the ring, third place, and then the third one was knocked out of the ring, second place.

The last one to stay in the ring is naturally the first place in this martial arts competition. "

The old **** said loudly, with Yuan Li's blessing, his voice resounded through the entire playing field like a rolling thunder.

"Well, the finals of this martial arts competition, now start!"

The old **** announced, and then his figure disappeared from the sky in an instant.

Suddenly, all the audience became enthusiastic.

The fifteen contestants who participated in the finals were all refreshed and bursting out of fighting spirit. Each one secretly looked forward to it.

Because, whether you can become a disciple of the three holy places, since then, it depends on this time!

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