Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 1308: Do a big vote

In the city.

Lin Fei's divine consciousness perceives the outside world.

The place where Lin Fei was hiding now was very close to the place where he killed the disciple of Taizhen Holy Land just now, so he felt very clearly.

In a short while, more than a dozen groups of people came to the spot where the fierce battle was just now.

However, soon, they left one after another.

Obviously, these people are all tracking the whereabouts of Lin Fei and Ren Shanshan.

Lin Fei discovered that all the people from the three holy places had appeared.

There are also many first-rate, second-rate, and even third-rate sects.

Among the groups of people and horses who came to the scene one after another, Lin Fei quickly followed one group of people.

There are more than one hundred people in this group. They are a second-rate sect from the Eastern Region, Liedaomen.

Among the disciples of this group of Liedaomen, there are ten emperor realm masters.

"Damn, a second-rate sect, so weak, dare to join in the fun and track down the whereabouts of Miss Ren and me.

Well, in that case, you deserve to be unlucky! "

Lin Fei had a murderous rage in his eyes, licked his lips with his tongue, and then told Ren Shanshan and Luo Hui the situation.

Everyone unanimously decided to attack these disciples of the Lie Dao Sect!

So, wait until there is no one else nearby.

Lin Fei quietly teleported out from the city.

Toward the direction where the group of disciples from the Lie Dao Sect had left, unfolded the demon escape and chased after him.

There are more than one hundred disciples in this group of Liedaomen. If there are more, the target will be bigger, and they are very easy to track.

After a few sticks of incense, Lin Fei's divine consciousness was able to perceive more than a hundred people in the front row of swordsmen.

Moreover, there are no other disciples in the vicinity.

good chance.

Lin Fei didn't hesitate, the demon escape's body technique unfolded, and in a single thought, he was already behind the group of disciples who had chased the Liedaomen.

Most of the disciples of Lie Dao Sect practiced the sword technique, and the light of the sword rushed out from each of them, extremely fierce.

Some disciples even tied a long knife to their backs, which looked quite exciting.

"Stop it all!"

Lin Fei yelled, domineering infinitely.


More than a hundred people at Liedaomen all turned around, and more than a hundred pairs of eyes fell on Lin Fei.

"It's you! Kid!"

"It's the kid we're looking for!"

Immediately, there were many screams.

Lin Fei did not change his appearance, but appeared as he is.

"Damn, kid, we have had a hard time finding you these past two days, so you dare to deliver it yourself!"

These disciples of Liedaomen were surprised and delighted one by one.

"Stop talking nonsense, you all have to die today!"

Then, with Lin Fei's thoughts, more than four hundred figures appeared in an instant, one by one burst out a powerful bombardment, rushing to the disciples of the Liedaomen.

There are only ten emperor realm masters among these disciples of Liedaomen.

And Cangyan Holy Land, and the people of Luohai Commercial Bank, add up to more than fifty emperor realms.

The difference in strength is too great.

It was simply a tragic massacre on one side.

After a while, the battle ended, and more than one hundred people from Liedaomen were killed.

After that, everyone searched all the valuables at the fastest speed and left quickly.

In this way, Lin Fei sneaked in this area quietly.

As soon as they found that there were people who could deal with them, they rushed forward immediately, sent the people from Cangyan Holy Land and Luohai Commercial Bank, and made a quick battle.

After the opponent was wiped out, he left the scene immediately.

Once you encounter a brigade, you cannot deal with it.

Lin Fei directly found a hidden place and hid in that city.

Lin Fei's city, the divine consciousness of a warrior in the emperor realm, could not be perceived at all.

after one day.

Already eliminated more than a dozen groups of people, and the number of disciples killed was nearly a thousand!

Among them are the disciples of the three holy places.

Each sect is just a part of the disciples sent out to track down the whereabouts of Lin Fei and Ren Shanshan.

There are a large number of disciples, up to more than 100 disciples, and a few, only dozens of disciples.

For example, there are only about fifty or sixty disciples sent from each of the three holy places.

And the other disciples are busy looking for picking herbs.

And the people of Cangyan Holy Land and Luohai Commercial Bank together, there are more than 50 emperor realms, more than 400 people.

Such strength was more than enough to deal with those martial disciples who came to track down the whereabouts of Lin Fei and Ren Shanshan.

Two days later.

Lin Fei sneaked for most of the day in the enclosed area of ​​the Forbidden Valley.

No one came to track down again.

Only occasionally encounter some disciples of the martial arts who gather medicine in the central area.

"It seems that all the people who came to track down the whereabouts of the two of us have been killed by us!"

Lin Fei said to Ren Shanshan.

"It should be. Humph, this is a lesson for them.

It's not a pity to dared to send someone to track down this lady! "

Ren Shanshan nodded and said, there was a fierce look on the beautiful face.

She felt very relieved when she thought of the events of these two days.

"Miss Ren, do you want to do a bigger vote.

Those sects sent people to track down the two of us, the purpose is to **** our things.

Hey, in this case, we don't have to be polite.

Simply, we took the initiative to find the door.

When looking for and picking herbs, any school must be scattered within a certain area.

For those sects who had sent people to track down the whereabouts of the two of us, we went to the door one by one, looking for opportunities, and beheading them one by one! "

Lin Fei said to Ren Shanshan.

Ren Shanshan was taken aback when she heard it.

In the past two days, a total of more than a dozen sects have sent disciples to track down the whereabouts of Lin Fei and Ren Shanshan.

Moreover, it includes three holy sites, six or seven first-rate major sects, and some second-rate and third-rate sects.

What Lin Fei meant was to look for opportunities to kill all these dozens of sects!

"Miss Ren, how about these schools, since they want to grab our things.

Then, we can also grab their things.

This is also called not to be indecent!

Hey, killing people and surpassing goods, the gains we get are far higher than the gains that we have worked so hard to find and pick herbs on our own. "

Lin Fei followed Ren Shanshan in a good way.

At the same time, Lin Fei will call Luo Hui over and discuss together.

"Huh, it's okay, in the final analysis, it's their sects who are unruly toward us first, so we don't have to be polite."

Ren Shanshan said.

"Haha, Junior Brother Lin made a point and went straight to grab it. Compared with our own hard work to gather herbs, the harvest is much greater."

After a while.

Both Ren Shanshan and Luo Hui nodded in agreement.

Both of them are not pedantic people, both have the courage to deal with matters and make decisions.

"Okay, it's so decided, let's do a big vote, specifically to grab those sects who have sent people to track our whereabouts!"

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