Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 1319: Mission to Qin

The days of practice, time flies.

Inside the Qi Refining Hall, Lin Fei sat cross-legged quietly, motionless, like an old monk entering concentration.

One day, two days, three days, four days...

The vitality contained in this hall is too strong and violent. On the floor of the hall, there are many spider-like ground cracks, and a steady flow of spiritual energy is constantly erupting from the ground veins below.

As the cultivation time got longer and longer, Lin Fei's whole person was completely submerged in the dense spiritual mist.

Inside the body, a series of golden vitality rivers rushed turbulently, and a faint rumbling sound came out.

After about two months.



An extremely powerful wave of vitality suddenly rushed out of Lin Fei's body.

Intermediate half emperor!

Lin Fei's eyes slowly opened, with a gleam of light.

"This Junior Brother actually broke through again!"

Inside the main hall, the four or five seniors were practicing cross-legged training. At this time, they opened their eyes at the same time and looked at Lin Fei together with a shocked expression.

"Haha, brothers, excuse me.

I retire first. "

Lin Fei stood up and said to the four or five seniors who were full of shock, and then walked out of the hall.

Just after breaking through, Lin Fei did not intend to continue to retreat.

Because too frequent breakthroughs in the realm are bound to be a good thing at the end, and it is easy to have the consequences of not having a solid foundation.

We must find an opportunity to first experience and consolidate the realm.

"This junior is incredible. For him, breaking through and upgrading is as easy as eating and drinking!"

"Hey, in this world, there will always be an evil genius. The future achievements of this Junior Brother are beyond limit!"

"In this hall, there is a lot of spiritual energy. For people below the strength of the emperor realm, if they can bear it, the speed of breakthrough and upgrade will indeed be doubled when they practice."

"It seems that in our Cangyan Holy Land, there will be an incredible enchanting genius!"

Watching Lin Fei walk out, the four or five seniors in the hall began to sigh.

After leaving the Qi Refining Hall, Lin Fei immediately unfolded his body skills and teleported back towards the low mountain where he lived.

Soon, he returned to the low mountain.

From afar, there was a charming and beautiful figure waiting there, it was Qingluo.

Lin Fei was surprised to find that Qing Luo had broken through to the strength of the junior half emperor!

"In the past two months, I have taken the remaining two Green Pills.

The effect is very good, directly let me break through to the junior half emperor. "

Qing Luo was also very pleased and said to Lin Fei.

"In fact, people of our evil shadow clan have a natural physique that is very suitable for cultivation. When you practice, your breakthrough speed is much faster than that of your human warriors.

It's just that in the Yuanwu world, energy was scarce and the rules of heaven and earth were not sound enough.

Now when I come to the Holy Venerable Continent, I find that it's much easier for me to cultivate. "

Qing Luo said.

Lin Fei also nodded.

Indeed, in that Yuanwu Realm, the various energies between heaven and earth are relatively thin.

Not only is the vitality needed by human warriors like this, but the evil spirits needed by the evil shadow race are also relatively thin.

After coming to the Holy Venerable Continent, the various energies that existed between the heavens and the earth were much higher than those in the Yuan Wu realm.

"By the way, during the two months you were away, someone came to you."

Suddenly, Qing Luo's tone became a bit resentful, and said to Lin Fei.

"Huh? Someone is looking for me? Who?"

Lin Fei couldn't help being taken aback.

"look by youself."

Qing Luo glared at Lin Fei with an angry look, then raised his jade hand lightly, and a stream of light came out.

Suddenly, a female figure condensed by divine consciousness appeared in front of Lin Fei.

Lin Waner!

Lin Fei suddenly realized.

Then, looking at Qing Luo's bitter look, Lin Fei couldn't help but smile a little bitterly.

"This elder sister, she met when she went to the Wild Medicine Forbidden Valley to collect medicines and practice. It is a common relationship."

Lin Fei explained.

"What's the matter? Don't tell me."

Qing Luomei gave Lin Fei a blank look.

Lin Fei sneered.

at this time.

Lin Fei and Qing Luo both moved their expressions at the same time, looking far away.

I saw a figure in the distance, galloping toward the side of the low mountain.

In an instant, I came to Lin Fei and Qing Luo.

"Brother Luo Hui!"

Lin Fei was a little surprised. It turned out that the person here was Luo Hui.

"Haha, Junior Brother Lin, your residence is very elegant and quiet."

Luo Hui said with a smile.

"so so.

Qingluo, let me introduce this to you. This is Brother Luo Hui, who was led by Brother Luo Hui last time when he picked herbs for the Wild Medicine Forbidden Valley.

Brother Luo Hui, this is my friend, Qingluo. "

Lin Fei introduced for the two.

"Hello Brother Luo Hui."

Qing Luo smiled at Luo Hui.

So beautiful!

Looking at the beautiful Qing Luo, Luo Hui couldn't help but lose consciousness.

However, he immediately reacted and nodded to Qing Luo kindly. He could naturally see the relationship between Lin Fei and the beautiful woman in front of him.

"Junior Brother Lin, I came to see you this time mainly to invite you to join a mission."

Luo Hui said straightforwardly.

"Oh? Brother Luo, please say."

Lin Fei's heart moved.

"This time the mission, the destination is the Sun-Moon Sect of the Qin Kingdom. The Great Elder asked me to organize some elite disciples below the emperor realm's strength to go together.

I specifically invited Junior Brother Lin, but according to the elder, the task may be very dangerous. I wonder if Junior Brother Lin has the intention to go on this task together. "

Luo Hui asked Lin Fei.

Last time, Lin Fei's performance in the Wild Medicine Forbidden Valley impressed Luo Hui.

So this time, the great elder said that he needed some elite disciples below the emperor realm's strength, and Luo Hui immediately thought of Lin Fei.

Luo Hui knew that although Lin Fei's vitality realm was very low, his true combat power was already equivalent to an ordinary intermediate emperor realm.

"Qin Sun and Moon School? What is the specific task?"

Lin Fei was a little curious.

Last time, the disciples of Cangyan Holy Land entered the forbidden valley of wild medicine to collect medicines under the banner of the Sun and Moon Sect of the State of Qin.

Lin Fei had already faintly guessed that there must be some relationship between the base of Cangyan Holy Land and the Sun-Moon Sect of Qin State.

Unexpectedly, this time there was a mission to send to the Qin State Sun and Moon.

"I do not know either.

The Grand Elder said that he would not announce the details of the mission until before he set off. "

Luo Hui said.

Lin Fei thought for a moment.

"Okay, Brother Luo, let me join this mission."

Lin Fei thought about it for a while, then nodded.

Just breaking through to the Intermediate Half Emperor, Lin Fei had originally planned to find a chance to experience it. Now that he has such a task, Lin Fei naturally does not want to miss it.

What's more, since the great elder said that this mission will be dangerous, it shows that this mission must be very challenging, and it can be said that he has done a good job.

"Okay, Junior Brother Lin is really refreshing, so Junior Brother Lin will prepare first. At noon tomorrow, he will gather in the square and set off.

Seeing Lin Fei's promise, Luo Hui couldn't help being overjoyed and said to Lin Fei hastily.

Then Luo Hui left.

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