Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 1321: Sun Moon School

I saw below, mountains, rivers, and land, and from time to time some densely populated and prosperous cities appeared. It seemed that they had indeed entered a country.

After a long time.

Entered an area with dense mountains.

"The front is the location of the Sun-Moon School."

The third elder said to the disciples.

Under normal circumstances, the address of the denomination will be selected in some large mountains with lush vegetation and sufficient aura, because such a place is very good for cultivation.

In front of me, the mountains are majestic, magnificent, and very beautiful, which can be called magnificent.

The forward speed of the animal bones also gradually slowed down.

Soon, the beast bones landed on a giant peak, and when you looked around, you could see that in the surrounding field of vision, birds and beasts were lying down, the palace was misty, and the clouds were lingering, very peaceful.

It is indeed an ideal address to start a school.

The animal bones landed in a square.

A middle-aged man with a slightly fat body is already waiting there.

The third elder led the disciples, jumped off the beast bones, and then collected the beast bones.

"Three Elders."

The middle-aged man hurriedly came to the front of the third elder with a very respectful attitude.

"Well, this is Deacon Ma. He will arrange specific matters for you."

The third elder said to the disciples.

Then, the three elders confessed to Deacon Nama and left the square.

"Okay, everyone.

In the next two months, among you, those with the strength of the Emperor Realm will act as inner disciples.

Half-Emperor's strength will act as an outside disciple.

Don't worry, everyone, as to your identity, the disciples of the Sun-Moon Sect, you will not doubt.

Because of our Sun-Moon School, every one or two years, there will be some relatively good and potential disciples who are selected and sent to the base for key training.

Moreover, in the base, there will be some disciples from time to time, returning to the Sun-Moon Sect to participate in the calendar training or perform various tasks.

Therefore, the disciples of the Sun-Moon School are not surprised at this point.

We declare to the ordinary disciples of the Sun-Moon Sect that in the mountains behind the Sun-Moon Sect headquarters, there is a secret training base that specializes in training disciples with excellent qualifications.

Your current identity is the disciple who came out of the secret training base in Houshan.

However, you must bear in mind that you must protect your true identity, and you must not disclose any information about the Cangyan Holy Land base to anyone, and you must not say a word.

This is related to the safety of our Cangyan Holy Land.

Also, within our Sun-Moon Sect, internal fights between disciples often occur, and you may also be involved in it. At that time, you should take the opportunity to investigate whether those disciples are the spies of our Sun-Moon Sect.

do you understand? "

Deacon Ma told everyone.

All the disciples nodded, indicating that they had understood.

Then Deacon Ma took the disciples and left the square.

The Sun-Moon School belongs to the fourth-class sect in terms of strength.

However, the sect of the Sun-Moon School is very magnificent, with a vast area, undulating mountains, ancient trees, misty, and strange flowers and plants abound.

After a while, Lin Fei and a dozen disciples with the strength of the emperor were taken to the outer disciple area.

A large area with numerous rolling peaks.

With the arrival of Lin Fei and his party, countless outer disciples all stared at them and fell on Lin Fei and others.

In these eyes, there are surprises, horror, admiration, and envy. Of course, there are not a few crazy jealous...

"Are these people the disciples who came out of the secret training base in the back mountain of our Sunyue Sect?"

"I heard that the disciples who can enter that secret training base are all highly qualified people..."

"Hmph, in my opinion, they are also very ordinary, the realm strength of the half emperor, among our outer disciples, abounds, I can't see what they have to do."

Voices of discussion sounded quietly.

It seemed that many of the outer disciples did not respect Lin Fei's special identity, but showed a provocative attitude.

However, this is also normal. In any school, there will definitely be competition among disciples.

Soon, Lin Fei and his party were taken to one of the scenic peaks.

A large number of clean courtyards have been built on this mountain peak.

Lin Fei and others chose a courtyard that they liked randomly as a place to stay.

Then, they each entered their own courtyard and recuperated.

About an hour later, suddenly there were more than a dozen figures, rolling over and falling on this mountain peak.

"Everyone, Xiao Huafei, here comes to see you all!"

One of them said, his voice under the blessing of Yuanli, the sound rolled, shaking the whole mountain slightly trembling.

At this time, Lin Fei was in his courtyard, cultivating divine consciousness in a room, releasing the soul tree, absorbing the essence of the Taoist medicine.

After hearing this voice, Lin Fei couldn't help being taken aback.

"Well, it seems that someone has come to provoke him."

Just now, when he came to the outer disciple's area, Lin Fei felt a lot of provocative gazes. It seemed that within the Sun-Moon faction, the struggle between the disciples was quite fierce.

Lin Fei stopped cultivating, and his figure moved, already appearing above the courtyard.

I saw the other dozen disciples who had come from the base with Lin Fei, all of whom had appeared in midair, looking at the line of figures in front of them.

"Hehe, Xiao Huafei is next."

One person walked out and smiled faintly, with a hint of arrogance in his expression.

I saw that he was not very old, but he was about 20 years old, with sword eyebrows and star eyes, very heroic, white clothes and white shoes, slender and dustless, with shining eyes in his eyes, with the strength of a senior half emperor.

"Huh, what is it? I thought that the people who came out of the secret training base in Houshan must be very good.

Now I look at it, but I am very disappointed.

Intermediate half emperor, with such strength, I really don't understand what qualifications he has to enter the secret training base in Houshan.

If it is such a strength, I can also enter the Houshan secret training base and be trained by the sect. I am also qualified. The high-level sect is biased. "

Suddenly, behind Xiao Huafei, a youth in purple shirt said coldly.

His gaze glanced back and forth over Lin Fei and the other base disciples, looking very disdainful.

It turned out that this time, among the disciples from the base, thirteen were of half-emperor strength.

Ten of them are senior half emperors and three are intermediate half emperors.

The young man in purple shirt who spoke was the same as an intermediate half emperor.

"Haha, Junior Brother Yan, don't talk nonsense.

By the way, this time I come here, there is one thing I want to discuss with you all.

I wonder if you are interested in joining Trumen.

Truman, but the most powerful organization among the outer gates. "

Xiao Huafei suddenly asked lightly.

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