Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 1330: Xanadu

Ahead, pink flowers are flying all over the sky, like a crystal rain shower.

In the depths of this dense peach blossom forest, there is a steaming hot spring lake, clear and crystal clear, like a gemstone inlaid in the forest.

By the lake are tracts of thousand-year-old peach trees, and on the grass beside the lake are piles of bright colorful dresses.

Peach blossoms are flying and falling in the lake, and the whole small hot spring lake is pink, and the crystal flower rain envelopes it.

The fragrance of flowers, accompanied by the delicate fragrance of the girl's virginity, spreads in the forest, permeating people's hearts and spleen, and is drunk.

This paradise is like a fairyland.

In the small hot spring lake, more than a dozen beautiful girls are bathing, their black hair is floating on the steaming lake like a waterfall, the lotus arms are like mist and snow, and the crystal jade body shines with a seductive luster, and the sky is full of light. Compared with Huayu, it is more attractive.

A dozen pairs of wonderful eyes stared at Lin Fei and the goblin at the same time, locking Lin Fei tightly.

"No, this peach forest has been set up by a huge phantom array.

Our divine consciousness just now couldn't feel that there was someone taking a bath in this peach forest.

Moreover, this phantom array has no effect of confining space.

So, we broke in through space.

Now it seems that something is bad! "

The goblin smiled bitterly.

Lin Fei's gaze stared at the small hot spring lake not far away, and the heads of a dozen women with delicate and attractive faces were exposed above the lake.

The dozens of delicate bodies under the lake surface, with the continuous rippling of the lake, are also faintly attractive lines.

"It's really bad."

Lin Fei was also embarrassed, and cast an apologetic wry smile to the hot spring lake.

"Damn, goblin, you will be a little more reliable next time, so why did you take me to the bath tub of the other girl?"

Lin Fei complained.

"Damn, blame me!

Boy, aren't you staring at that side, your eyes shining, the color heart is not bold. "

The goblin curled his mouth.

Indeed, Lin Fei's gaze has been staring at the small hot spring lake.

"Hey, kid, the goblin is right.

The women in the lake are all stunning, so you can just walk over and greet others generously.

You look at people secretly like this, without any demeanor. "

Emperor Yan also joined in the excitement and said to Lin Fei in the sea of ​​knowledge.

"Hey, men's normal reaction."

Lin Fei reluctantly closed his gaze back.

call out!

At this moment, in the small hot spring lake, a beautiful and impeccable woman waved her hand.

Suddenly, an extremely dense pink smoke burst out, instantly flooding the entire small hot spring lake.

Then, on the grass next to the lake, all the bright clothes and skirts floated to the top of the lake, disappearing in the thick pink smoke.

Then, there was a splash of water.

A rustling sound of wearing clothes came over.

"Damn, goblin, let's go, these women don't seem simple, we don't have to provoke them."

Lin Fei knew that the women were getting dressed, and quickly said to the goblin.

However, just when the goblin took Lin Fei and was about to travel through space.

A wave of spinning around the world quickly spread throughout the entire peach forest.

"No, the formation in this peach forest has changed, and the space is confined. With my strength, it is difficult to break through the void and pass through the space."

The goblin said suddenly.

"No way!"

Lin Fei was also taken aback.

With the space power of the goblins, it is impossible to break through the void and travel through the space. It seems that the formations set by these women are very powerful.

Just when Lin Fei and the goblin were surprised.

The laughter like a silver bell was already coming from over there, a dozen or so young girls in bright dresses and gorgeous flowers, like a lotus, came curling up.

Each of them is graceful and unparalleled, their dresses danced lightly, and their skin was like mutton fat and white jade, extremely moving.

With flowers and rain flying around, they are graceful, their skin is crystal clear and shiny, with unparalleled allure.

The movements of these women, seemingly slow, were actually extremely fast, and they approached Lin Fei and the goblin in an instant.

"rush out!"

Lin Fei said softly.

Regardless of whether it was intentional or unintentional, after all, after just peeping at someone else's bath, Lin Fei felt a little frustrated and planned to leave.

So he unfolded his body skills at the same time as the goblin, and teleported out of Taolin.

However, at this moment, all the pink peach blossoms floating in the air that fell on the ground in the forest in front of them suddenly began to spin.

Suddenly, they formed two huge monster phantoms. They raised up to the sky and made a huge roar, and instantly slaughtered Lin Fei and the goblin.

The majestic and terrifying monstrous demon power, like landslides and seas, rushed over.

Both Lin Fei and the goblin lost their colors in shock, and they backed away quickly.

These two monster beasts made up of peach blossoms were the magical attacks in this peach forest.

Lin Fei and the goblin had no ability to break through.

"Giggle, this little brother, he's so courageous, he dared to break into Taolin and peep at me waiting for a bath..."

In bursts of light laughter, a dozen women had already surrounded Lin Fei and the goblins.

The skin is like jade, and the hair is like a cloud, and occasionally a little bit of water is attached to it, especially crystal clear.

Lin Fei released his divine consciousness, and felt the cultivation of the dozens of women, and he couldn't help but feel frightened.

This is by no means a group of normal women, each one has a deep breath like the sea, especially two or three of them, unfathomable.

Could it be the strength of the sea of ​​suffering? !

Lin Fei was startled and terrified.

With Lin Fei's current strength, it is estimated that he can barely support even if he encounters a high-level imperial realm.

However, if you encounter a master of the bitter sea, there is no chance of winning.

Although, Lin Fei, relying on the small pot of divine consciousness made from the refining of Hongmeng's heavy qi, it is estimated that it may be able to reluctantly contain the junior master of the sea of ​​suffering.

However, it should be impossible to win.

"Ahem..., fairies, I'm really sorry, I just broke in unintentionally, not deliberately offending you fairies."

Lin Fei quickly apologized.

This group of women, who are very powerful and full of mystery, are bathing here. Lin Fei didn't want to provoke them, so he expressed his kindness as much as possible.

"Gluck..., yo, brother, my mouth is pretty smooth, are we like fairies..."

Lin Fei's fairy tale immediately caused the dozens of women to laugh like silver bells.

Everyone laughed and trembled, and combined with the charming breath of just coming out of the bath, it made Lin Feichai feel distraught.

Lin Fei breathed a sigh of relief. These women didn't seem to show murderous intent, each of them Lianbu styles, smiling sweetly.

A pair of wonderful eyes staring at Lin Fei, it seemed a bit fresh and interesting.

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