Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 1333: Dead world

There are about a thousand people in Yaozu. ()

However, there seemed to be even more people in the planners. There were people in all directions, all over the mountains, and they rushed over.

The situation is very unfavorable for Yaozu.

The two old women, guarding the Peacock Princess, burst out of terrifying monstrous spirits all over, killing them all the way.

There are more than a dozen close-fitting girls, also closely following.

These close-knit girls were exactly the dozen or so women that Lin Fei met in the Taolin last time, who accompanied Princess Peacock to bathe in the hot spring lake.

Their identities are the personal treatment of the Peacock Princess.

Among them, the slender, slim woman was carrying Lin Fei and the goblin.

Her strength is in the sea of ​​bitterness. It is naturally effortless to take two people with her.

She released two demon power ropes, tied Lin Fei and the goblin, and just floated behind her.

Besides, the whole body energy of Lin Fei and the goblin was blocked, and there was no resistance at all.

"Damn, it's really inexplicable, how did the enmity between the monster race and the planner get me involved.

What a fight between the gods and the kid! "

Lin Fei really felt the helplessness of the weak at this moment.

Both the Yaozu and the planner are strong like clouds, and there are many masters. Such a large-scale fierce battle, as long as you are almost lucky, you may suffer.

Who knows when there will be a terrifying elemental force or demon power bombardment that will fall on him.

However, Lin Fei and the goblin are now fully controlled, and they can't escape if they want to.

"Kill! Can't let the **** of Princess Peacock escape!"

The warriors of the family planner screamed and rushed towards the position of the Peacock Princess.

However, many of the family planning martial artists who tried to rush over to stop were rushed by the terrible demon energy of the two old women, their bodies exploded and turned into a cloud of aerosol.

Lin Fei's scalp was numb, the strength of these two demon clan old women was terrifying.

The warriors with the strength of the Emperor Realm of the Ji family can't get close to a radius of ten miles at all, otherwise, as long as they are slightly contaminated with their demon qi, it will definitely be the end of the battle.

Even those masters of the bitter sea realm rushed to kill them, the two old demons just stretched out their dry and old fingers and tapped them lightly.

The masters of the planners in the bitter sea realm immediately burst their heads, which is terrible.

"These two demon clan old women are terrible, what kind of strength are they?"

Lin Fei asked Yandi.

"I don't know, but I guess their strength is at least above the Divine Bridge Realm."

Yandi replied.

"Huh, is it interesting to do such a meaningless struggle.

Today, none of your monster races can escape! "

The black-clothed old man of the Ji Clan saw two Yao Clan old women beheading so many warriors of the Clan Clan, his face was so gloomy.

I saw that his body moved, he was already teleported and he was blocked in front.

The purple-clothed man behind him also followed closely, staring at the princess Peacock with arrogant gaze, his gaze was high in fighting spirit.

"You all retreat and hunt down other monster races.

Leave it to me here! "

The black-clothed old man said to the other warriors of the family planning.

Suddenly, all the other martial artists of the family planning family retreated and turned to hunt down the other monster races.

"Wushuang, you go to fight the Peacock Princess."

The old man in black said lightly.

"Yes, Sanshu."

The purple-clothed youth of the Ji family nodded slightly and agreed, staring at Princess Peacock with fierce gaze.

It turned out that this purple-clothed youth was called Ji Wushuang.

"Back when my father fought with your father, he was seriously injured and he is still bedridden. Today, we will settle this account."

Ji Wushuang had a strong fighting spirit bursting out of him, his black hair danced wildly, his eyes fierce and fierce, his clothes roared, like a **** of war descending to the world, extremely mighty.

"Miss, you go first, I'll stop him!"

An old demon clan stood in front of Princess Peacock and said in a loud voice.

She knew that the most important thing now was to break through and escape quickly.

Because the planners are well prepared, the mountains and plains around are all planners, and the demons are too small to be able to compete.

Failure to escape in time will result in disastrous consequences.

She opened her mouth and spit out, spewing out a bright light, with terrible demon power lingering on it.

It turned out to be a crystal-clear beast bone, with various mysterious symbols of the monster race flickering on it, very mysterious.


The billowing demon's power is surging, covering the sky and the sun, and the crystal clear beast bones are infinitely enlarged.

Among them, bursts of demon beasts roared and roared, and each demon beast rushed out of the beast bones and rushed towards the black-clothed old man and the purple-clothed youth.


The black-clothed old man snorted and stretched out his hand. Suddenly, night fell in the sky.

This space was suddenly dark, and a deadly, cold, and gloomy atmosphere completely filled the world.

Under the dark night, there were waves of creepy ancient death funeral songs.

Then, a skeleton with a height of one hundred feet slowly appeared from the night. This figure was full of cold, lonely, and terrifying aura of killing.

On the back of this hundred-zhang skeleton, there are a pair of black wings that are four to five meters long, and they flap lightly, and a breath of death spreads out from it.

"This is the secret technique of family planning, death in the world!

too frightening. "

Emperor Yan couldn't help screaming in surprise when Lin Fei knew the sea.

Death in the world?

Lin Fei was also very shocked, the black-clothed old man of the family planner was terrible.

It was actually able to change the astronomical phenomenon of this space, and it was still daytime, but he was able to turn this space into night.

It was originally noon, and the hot sun was shining in the sky, when the sun was the strongest.

However, suddenly, night fell on this land, which was really weird.


The old woman of the Demon Race who spewed animal bones just now changed her face. Obviously, she also knew the secret technique of the old man in black.


As soon as the words of the old woman of the demon clan fell, two of the princess Peacocks waited close to the women, unable to avoid them, and were shrouded in the black night, their bodies instantly exploded and turned into nothingness, and the fragrance disappeared.

This dark night is too weird and terrifying. If you are not paying attention to it, you will be completely crushed by the breath of killing and death.

The old woman of the demon race has a surging demon power in her body, which is continuously instilled into the huge animal bones in the midair like the Yangtze River and the sea.

Uncountable dense crowds rushed out from the bones of the beasts, bursts of earth-shattering roars and roars, and a huge number of beasts quickly guarded everyone.

"Miss, I will cover you away!"

Another old woman suddenly yelled. Five gods bloomed all over her body. With a movement, she turned into a giant bird in the blink of an eye. It was as big as a hill, and she made a sharp, high-pitched cry, and her claws moved forward. tear.

Suddenly, the dark night was torn apart by a huge gap, and the brilliant sunlight re-illuminated this space, and the sky was clear.

The giant bird incarnate by the old woman, with two wings and a terrifying gust of wind, blew on the ground, billowing gusts, and whizzing by, immediately sending the princess Peacock and a dozen close-knit women out six or seven kilometers away. .

"Miss, you go quickly, after leaving Qinling, go quickly to take refuge in Peng Demon King, we will block the planners."

One of the old women's voice came from far away.

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