Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 1336: Terrible space power


A powerful storm of Yuanli suddenly broke out from the body of the family martial artist whose palm was blown up, and the Yuanli force of the intermediate emperor realm spread over Lin Fei.

"Boy, I want you to be broken into pieces!"

The warrior of the family planner soared to the sky.

However, at this moment, behind him, the goblin suddenly appeared.

The mighty demon power, accompanied by the goblin's beast claws, blasted out like a flash flood on the back of the intermediate emperor realm.


This middle-level imperial realm of the planner, suddenly like a kite with a broken line, was thrown away from a distance, life and death unknown.

I have to say that the goblin hid in the void and launched a sudden sneak attack, which was too terrifying.

That martial artist had never cultivated spatial power, and he couldn't perceive the spatial fluctuations when the goblin appeared from the void.

He didn't notice until the goblin bombarded, but it was already a bit late.

Because speed was originally one of the talents of goblins.

Goblins belong to ancient beasts, and every ancient beast, once it truly grows, is very terrifying.

Although the goblin hadn't fully awakened his bloodline yet, for him, it was equal to him that he hadn't started real cultivation.

However, 70% of the bloodline power, coupled with the talent of space power, made him very easy to deal with warriors with the strength of the emperor realm.

Even Lin Fei secretly admired this kind of combat power.

"Be careful of that monster beast, it will travel through space!"

A martial artist exclaimed.

Suddenly, almost all the eyes nearby were looking over, staring at the goblin in surprise.

Including the Peacock Princess and Ji Wushuang who are in fierce battle.

Because space power is a very side-effect and terrifying power.

I don't know how many warriors have tried their best to cultivate space power, but they have nowhere to enter.

Right now, the cute and cute monster beast that looked like a puppy, was able to travel freely and quickly through space, and the people around couldn't help being shocked.

"Everyone goes together, kills this kid, and then fights the monster beast together."

A warrior of the family planning family called out, and suddenly a dozen emperor realms approached Lin Fei.

The combat power demonstrated by Lin Fei and the goblins just now finally made these imperial martial artists of the Ji family pay attention.

Lin Fei couldn't help but smile. If it were a few of the three or two emperor realms, perhaps Lin Fei could handle it.

However, there are now more than a dozen imperial martial artists in the surrounding area, who are staring at themselves and preparing to attack together.

Moreover, in the distance, there are still a group of figures, flying over here, among them, there are many bitter seas, and even more powerful warriors.

Lin Fei couldn't cope with this kind of battle.

Fortunately, the dozen or so personal witches of Princess Peacock saw that the imperial martial artists of the family planner were preparing to attack Lin Fei intentionally or unintentionally. They moved towards Lin Fei while resisting the attacks of the family-planning warriors.

A series of extremely powerful demon powers constantly bombarded them from the air, blocking all the martial artists who planned to besie Lin Fei.

The dozen or so demon girls, the weakest in strength, are also the strength of the emperor realm, and two or three of them are the sea of ​​suffering.

Moreover, the combat power is also quite terrifying.

Because, the combat power of the monster race was originally stronger than the human warriors of the same realm.

Lin Fei was very moved by the actions of those witches.

Although, he was implicated by these monster races and fell into the current predicament.

However, it can be seen that these monster races are clearly grudges.

"Damn, kill these all-girls first!"

A martial artist shouted angrily.

Suddenly, all the martial artists of the family planning family temporarily abandoned Lin Fei, turned around and besieged the dozen witches.

The dozen or so witches, although their combat power is very strong, the number of martial artists in the family planning is increasing.

In a moment, these enchantresses felt more and more strenuous and fell into a situation of struggling support.

"Boy, what are you waiting for, come into the void with me and hide for a while."

The goblin suddenly spoke to Lin Fei's consciousness.

Lin Fei couldn't help being overjoyed when he heard this.

Yes, in a hurry, I didn't expect this.

The goblin can now stay in the void for at least half an hour.

As long as you follow the goblin and hide in the void, the things here are your own ass.

Immediately, Lin Fei relaxed.

Moreover, Lin Fei can also travel through space, about 700 meters away.

It's just that Lin Fei's movements and speed when he traversed the space hadn't reached the level of smoothness and freedom of goblins.

Therefore, Lin Fei has not been in battle, using this ability to travel through space.

Just witnessing the goblin using the space to slay the emperor martial artist with ease, Lin Fei immediately realized the terrifying point of this ability.

When passing through space, it is very abrupt, no matter disappearing or appearing, it only emits spatial fluctuations.

There are very few warriors who can perceive spatial fluctuations.

Suddenly, Lin Fei wanted to give it a try, integrate the ability to travel through space into the battle, and see how powerful it is.

"Damn, I and your planners have no complaints that you want to kill me that way. Okay, just play around."

Lin Fei looked at those around him, in his eyes, there was a fierce murderous intent.

Lin Fei never let go of enemies who wanted to kill himself.

So Lin Fei waved his hand to show the power of space.

Suddenly, a space next to it began to ripple like waves.

When Lin Fei moved, he got in from that space and disappeared.

After a few breaths.

Behind a senior emperor of the Ji family, less than one meter, a certain space suddenly rippled slightly, and the fluctuation of the space power spread out.

However, with the strength of that high-level emperor realm, it was impossible to detect it at the first time.

next moment.

Lin Fei stepped out abruptly.

call out!

Lin Fei's thoughts moved, and the small divine sense cauldron slammed into the sea storm of the high-level emperor realm like lightning.


At the same time, Lin Fei waved his fist, 90 million catties of physical strength, like a landslide and tsunami, poured out to that high-level emperor realm.

"Do not!"

Until this time, the high-level emperor realm finally realized it and let out a terrifying roar.

The small tripod of divine consciousness had already broken into his sea of ​​knowledge, and the terrifying fist wind had completely enveloped him.


His body suddenly exploded, and the sky full of blood and bones splashed out.

"Cool! Kill a high-level Emperor Realm with one punch!"

Lin Fei was very satisfied.

"Goblin, you're welcome, start to kill these martial artists!"

Lin Fei said to the goblin.

Because those witches are struggling to support under the siege of the family planning martial artist.

Lin Fei subconsciously wanted to help these witches.

"it is good."

The goblin didn't hesitate, and immediately traversed the space, suddenly appeared behind a primary emperor realm, a claw hit his back, and suddenly the body of the primary emperor realm tore apart.

Lin Fei also moved to an intermediate emperor realm.

He released the small cauldron of the divine consciousness, and at the same time released the physical power, and smashed it with a punch.


That intermediate emperor realm exploded into a cloud of blood.

"Boy, die!"

In a bitter sea state of the Judge's family, his eyes were cracked, his body moved, and he teleported towards Lin Fei.

Lin Fei didn't want to fight hard, a bitter sea master.

As a result, he immediately displayed the space power, slammed into the space next to him, and disappeared.

"This kid also understands space power!"

The bitter sea state of the Ji family was shocked and angry.

After a few breaths, Lin Fei's figure suddenly emerged several hundred meters away from another space.


One punch smashed the elementary imperial realm of a planner to pieces.

The goblin is not idle, constantly traveling through space, and constantly sneaking.

In a short while, Lin Fei and the goblin together killed more than a dozen imperial martial artists.

Among them, Lin Fei also beheaded three high-level emperor realms.

In this way, the warriors of the Ji family couldn't help being vigilant one by one, especially those with the strength of the emperor realm, cautiously releasing the power of divine consciousness, nervously perceiving every space around them.

I'm afraid that someone will appear next to him in the next moment and kill him.

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