Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 1339: reward

After less than half a stick of incense, the goblin and Lin Fei walked into that chaotic void.

This surprised the two of them. Just now, it seemed that the distance was relatively long, but in fact they were there in a moment.

Looking around, I saw this piece of void space, dotted with dots of spar, exuding gleaming crystal lights, setting off this chaotic space with dazzling brilliance.

Each spar has the size of a fist, and each one presents a hexagonal shape, and the whole body is crystal clear.

There is a strong spatial force radiating from these spars.

"It really is the crystal of space! What a rich space power, the space power contained in this crystal of space is the purest and richest. It is nurtured by space power.

The space-time crystal is just the companion creature of various mineral veins in the outside world. The spatial power contained in it is mixed and impure, and it is incomparable with the space crystal.

We finally did not go in vain! "

The goblin stepped forward, stroked one of the spars, and cried out in surprise.

"What are you waiting for? Hurry up and collect these space crystals."

The goblin shouted at Lin Fei.

Lin Fei also acted immediately, reaching out to pick the space crystals suspended in the void and put them into the space ring.

This space crystal in the void is like a sky full of stars, with a large number of at least thousands of pieces.

Lin Fei and the goblin laughed from ear to ear while collecting space crystals.


"Hey, what these are, it seems that they are not the same as Crystal of Space."

Lin Fei's gaze looked forward, and there was a strange expression on the about two dozen spars.

These two dozen spars are different from the crystals of other spaces around them. The color of the other space crystals is light blue, while the color of these two dozen spars is rich dark blue. And it seems that there is no space power radiating from it.

Hearing this, the goblin walked over, took one of the dark blue spar, and studied it over and over for a while.

Then, his breathing began to rush.

"Boy, you are so lucky.

This is the space nucleus.

It is an ordinary crystal of space, a special spar born after a high degree of concentration, a few hundred crystals of space, condensed together, it is possible to produce a space crystal nucleus, you have discovered more than 20 pieces! "

The goblin said in a shocking tone.

Lin Fei was also overjoyed after hearing this.

After a while.

Finally, all the crystals of space have been collected.

A total of more than a thousand space crystals were harvested, and of course there were more than 20 space crystal nuclei.

"Okay, let's go out."

The goblin said, and then took Lin Fei and stepped out of the void.


Suddenly, the sound of earth-shaking fierce battles came from a distance. It was the black-clothed old man of the Ji family and the two old women of the Yaozu, the three of them were fighting inextricably.

Moreover, in all directions, there are monsters and martial artists fighting fiercely, and the whole earth is still shaking and tumbling.

There were more than a thousand people from the monster race, and they rushed out in all directions just now.

However, the planner was also in all directions, ambushing people and horses, ambushing these monster races, and the battle between the two sides has continued until now.

There are many monster races. Under the fierce battle, their bodies have appeared one after another. There are giant birds that cover the sky and the sun, tigers, lions and panthers that are as large as hills, and giant snakes that are hundreds of meters long. All kinds of monsters, monsters, and the martial artist of the family of plan, fought endlessly, and people on both sides died one after another.

It turned out that although each monster race had already transformed into a human form, it still had its own body.

Moreover, the monster clan that appeared on the body had an even more terrifying combat effectiveness.

"Huh, did you finally show up."

The figure of Lin Fei and the goblin had just appeared, and the black-clothed old man in the Ji family immediately noticed.

Of course, those two old demons were also discovered.

Just now, Princess Peacock and the dozen or so demonic women had already sent a divine sense transmission to these two demonic women before they teleported into Lin Fei's city.

Explain the situation to the two old women.

Therefore, these two demon clan old women knew that the Peacock Princess was with Lin Fei, and as long as he dragged the black-clothed old man of the family to let Lin Fei and the goblin escape, the Peacock Princess could escape the danger.

So, at this time, where did they let the black-clothed old man of the planner chase Lin Fei and the goblin.

Suddenly, the two demon clan old women were desperately attacking. The surging terrifying demon power completely obscured the sky. On the earth, large tracts of mountain and dense forest were destroyed.

"Don't worry about the other monster races, everyone, all chase down that kid!"

The black-clothed old man of the family planner was desperately attacked by the two demon clan old women, unable to get away from hunting down Lin Fei and the goblins, so he sent out a sound transmission of divine consciousness.

Suddenly, all the martial artists of the family of planners left the rest of the monster races, and galloped toward Lin Fei over the mountains and plains.

Among the warriors of these planners, there are Emperor Realm, Bitter Sea Realm, and even a small amount of Divine Bridge Realm.

"You must not let go of that peacock that bitch!"

Ji Wushuang also danced with black hair, turned into a black light, flickering, taking the lead, and shouted loudly.

"Boy, quickly take out the crystal of space we just got. We absorb the energy of crystal of space while we continue to travel through space. This is equivalent to a way of cultivation, which is of great benefit to the improvement of our spatial strength. "

The goblin yelled to Lin Fei.

Therefore, both the goblin and Lin Fei took out a space crystal, and then, at the same time, traveled into the void again.

Next, the goblin and Lin Fei continued to traverse the space among the hundreds of thousands of mountains in the Qinling Mountains.

Moreover, one piece after another piece of space crystal was continuously taken out, absorbing the space power in it.

Those numerous planners and martial artists also released their divine consciousness one by one, constantly sensing the traces of Lin Fei and the goblin, and chasing after them.

However, because the goblin and Lin Fei, once they crossed into the void, the divine consciousness of those warriors of the Ji family would be completely undetectable.

It is necessary to wait for the figures of the two to appear in the real world again, so that the warriors of the Ji family can lock the two figures again.

Therefore, tracking is very difficult.

Sometimes, the goblin and Lin Fei simply hid in the chaotic void, and only came out after half an hour.

At this time, the warriors of the family planner were like headless flies, looking everywhere.

As more and more space crystals were absorbed, both Lin Fei and the goblin felt their own space power and gradually became stronger.

While absorbing the crystal of space, it is really a good way to cultivate the power of space while continuing to travel through space.

Two days later, Lin Fei and the goblin did not know how many times they had traveled through space, and finally left the scope of the Qinling Mountains.

The land below is no longer a dense forest of mountains, but many villages, towns, or large cities have gradually appeared.

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