Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 1341: See also Ji Wushuang

In the entire Qin State, all the cities, checkpoints, Yaozhai, and the planners have arranged a large number of people and vowed to track down the whereabouts of Princess Peacock and capture her.

In addition, the Ji family also offered a huge and attractive reward to the Peacock Princess. As long as there is a warrior who can capture the Peacock Princess, the Ji family will pay the reward.

At the same time, many warriors discovered that while the Ji family was hunting down the whereabouts of those monsters, they were also hunting down a young human.

The portrait of a human young man almost covered the entire Qin State, every city and every checkpoint must be walled.

Everyone speculated that this young human man had offended the planner, and the planner wanted to pursue him with such great fanfare.

This young man is naturally Lin Fei.

Because it was Lin Fei who rescued the Peacock Princess, the warriors of the Ji family naturally hated Lin Fei.

Lin Fei stood on the street of Zhenshui City, looking at the wall not far away, with his portrait pasted.

Can not help but show a wry smile.

Unexpectedly, he accidentally offended one of the three major inheritance families in the Eastern Region, the Ji family.

Lin Fei knew that the martial artists he met in the Qinling Mountains that day were only a very small part of the strength of the family.

The real strength of the planner may be terrifying to the point that he cannot imagine.

As one of the three major inheritance families in the Eastern Region, the planner's background is unimaginable, far from what Lin Fei's weak strength can resist.

However, Lin Fei couldn't help but laughed when he heard that Ji Wushuang and Princess Peacock had a battle, and it was Princess Peacock who had lost.

Needless to think about it, it must be that Ji Wushuang, who blocked the truth of the matter with the black-clothed old man, and reversed the black and white. It was the Peacock Princess who won, but Ji Wushuang was injured, but Ji Wushuang won.

Soon, Lin Fei saw that there were many warriors in Zhenshui City, one by one, fully armed, with sharp eyes, searching everywhere in the city.

Some warriors also took out portraits from time to time to compare the pedestrians in the past.

Lin Fei found that there was a portrait of Princess Peacock on the portraits, as well as a portrait of herself.

Obviously, these are the staff of the family planner, tracing the demon clan Peacock Princess and Lin Fei's whereabouts.

The Judge’s sphere of influence in the Eastern Regions was very broad, and the Qin State happened to be within the J’s influence.

It is said that in every area of ​​Qin State, there are warriors of the family of planners who are conducting searches.

Lin Fei had already changed his appearance with his ever-changing clothes, so those warriors of the family planner could not find Lin Fei based on the portrait alone.

After a long time.

Lin Fei suddenly saw a familiar figure walking into True Water City.

Ji Wushuang!

Ji Wushuang was dressed in purple, with a faint black flame burning above his body.

The space ten feet around him was filled with a dark, lonely, and desolate breath, which was a breath that was close to death, very terrifying.

This is the characteristic of practicing the Dark Sutra of the Judge.

The Darkness Sutra is one of several ancient human tribes in the Eastern Region. Its power is terrifying. Among the planners, only the core children cultivated by the family are qualified to practice.

When Ji Wushuang walked into the city, everyone avoided him, no one dared to approach him.

He is outstanding and has a small reputation among the younger generation of Eastern Region.

What's more, he is the son of the previous head of the planner. He belongs to one of the core children in the planner's family. His status and status are very noble.

Ordinary warrior, which dare to provoke him?

Ji Wushuang walked into the True Water City, only to see his eyes were as bright as stars, his forehead was raised, and an aura of nobleness radiated.

"Look, it's Ji Wushuang of the family planner!"

"Yes, I heard that two days ago, he fought against Princess Peacock in the one hundred thousand mountains of Qinling, defeated Princess Peacock and fled without knowing where to go."

Ji Wushuang walked on the street, and immediately everyone's attention was focused on him.

No way, as the core child of the planner, he is too dazzling, no matter where he goes, he is destined to become a focal point.

Only Lin Fei laughed secretly. This unparalleled strategy was clearly defeated by the princess Peacock, but he brags about defeating the princess Peacock everywhere, which is really disgusting.

"The counter."

After Ji Wushuang walked into Zhenshui City, the warriors of the Ji family all greeted them with respect.

"This True Water City, is there anything to discover."

Ji Wushuang had a cold attitude, his hands on his back, and his tone of arrogance.

His status in the family planning is not comparable to that of the general family planning martial artist. Before these family planning martial artists, he appeared to be superior.

"Master Hui Ji, we have searched this real water city for a day, and we haven't found anything yet."

A martial artist replied.

Ji Wushuang's face was a little gloomy.

In the past two or three days, he personally set out to track down the whereabouts of the Peacock Princess, not only turned the Qinling Mountains within one hundred thousand mountains, but turned upside down.

Moreover, in the entire Qin State, a large number of martial artists were also controlled for investigation. Unfortunately, until now, there is still no clue.

This made his mood extremely bad.

Now, in the entire Eastern Region, it is said that he was in a fierce battle among the 100,000 mountains in Qinling, defeating Princess Peacock and fleeing.

However, he naturally knew the truth of the facts. Once the Peacock Princess managed to escape, the Peacock Princess would definitely tell the truth.

Therefore, he would never allow Princess Peacock to escape.

"Intensify the search, and report it immediately if something is discovered.

There will be many rewards. "

Ji Wushuang said coldly.

"Yes, Master Ji."

The warrior of the Ji family quickly replied.

"Also, send someone to investigate this person to see what his origin is.

It's best to send his family, relatives, friends, and teachers, and then send out people who have a relationship with him. "

Ji Wushuang pointed at the portrait of Lin Fei posted on the city wall, and said to the Ji family martial artist.

It was precisely because of Lin Fei's help that Princess Peacock finally escaped the chase of the family.

Therefore, with Wushuang's narrow personality, it is impossible to let Lin Fei go.

After hearing Ji Wushuang's words, the people all around couldn't help but gasp.

It seemed that Ji Wushuang was planning to copy the young man in the portrait.

Everyone on the sidelines guessed in their hearts how badly the young man in this portrait had offended the Ji Jiajia. This Ji Wushuang even ordered him to be hacked.

Of course, all people know that planners definitely have this ability.

In the Eastern Region, in addition to the three holy sites, the other two inheritance families, and those first-class big sects, the family of planners can crush any forces and organizations.

"Yes, Master Ji, I will give Master Ji's order now."

The family martial artist replied immediately.

"Damn, how cruel your fellow's heart is, you want to hack me!

Well, when there is a chance, I will not let you go! "

Standing in a corner in the distance, Lin Fei couldn't help but breathe out fire from his eyes looking at Ji Wushuang.

Lin Fei never let go of anyone who has a strong intent to kill himself.

Ji Wushuang did not stay in Zhenshui City for too long. After half a day, he just headed towards the city gate, preparing to leave Zhenshui City.

Lin Fei looked at Ji Wushuang's back, and suddenly moved in his heart.

This Ji Wushuang was not with the black-clothed old man in the Ji family!

Moreover, it seems that there are no other master planners with him.

The opportunity is here!

Lin Fei's eyes suddenly flashed a fierce fierceness.

Damn, don't do it, never stop, anyway, I have already forged an enmity with the planner, in this case, it is better to give the planner a lesson.

Lin Fei looked at Ji Wushuang, who was rushing out of the city, lightly licked the corner of his mouth with his tongue, and made a decision in his heart.

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