Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 1349: Two monsters

Soon, many daring warriors rushed out of Zhenshui City, toward the place where the Peng Demon King and the Ji family's reclusive old man confronted each other, hoping to witness the grace of the three powerful figures.

Because, in a lifetime, there may be only one chance to meet these powerful people.

Twenty miles away from Zhenshui City.

High in the sky, three human figures, tens of thousands of meters apart, are opposite each other.

Among them, the two human figures exude a dazzling brilliance, dazzling extremely, and the monstrous might rolls out in all directions, as if two gods descending on the earth, there is a kind of imposing manner that makes people awe.

Because the light emitted from their bodies is too strong, others can't see their faces clearly, and even their spiritual consciousness can't perceive their true faces.

Needless to say, these two must be reclusive elders of the planners. In the Eastern Regions, the top figures of the big energy level, under normal circumstances, are retreats and retreats. They will not be born. I did not expect this time because Peng Demon King, they all came together.

Tens of thousands of meters away, there was a figure in the sky, facing the two old people of the Ji family.

This was a man in a golden shirt, with a straight figure, eyes like stars, long golden hair, and his shoulders scattered naturally, with a bit of wildness. I saw him standing high, very majestic.

Everyone knew that this man in Tsing Yi must be the legendary Peng Demon King.

It is said that the main body of the Peng Demon King is Jinpeng, whose strength is unfathomable.

Lin Fei mingled among the warriors who rushed to see the excitement, standing on a huge mountain in the distance, looking at the three powerful men who were confronting high in the sky, his heart was boiling with enthusiasm.

These three are the real masters!

Even in the entire Eastern Region, with the strength of these three people, they can all be ranked.

"Peng Demon King, you bullied the small with the big, and during this period of time you have repeatedly hurt the children of our family.

One of the hidden elders of the planner slowly spoke, his voice didn't seem to be very loud, but this piece of earth and sky, every foot and every inch, slowly echoed his voice.

"Hahaha, bullying the big with the small, and those who are making money at your expense, still have the face to say such things.

You plan your family and send troops to chase and kill my niece, Princess Peacock. Your grand planner is embarrassing a little girl. Isn't this bullying the little girl?

Hmph, if something really happened to my niece, you plan to pay the price of blood. "

The Peng Demon King was sharp and sharp, and when he spoke, a sharp and extremely coercive erupted, as if he was about to pierce the sky. His blond hair, dancing with the wind, showed a free and unrestrained wildness.

Coupled with his straight figure and handsome face, many female warriors who are watching the excitement in the neighborhood are dazzled and secretly admired.

"Hmph, Peng Demon King, you are aggressive and provoke our housekeeper, do you really think our housekeeper is afraid of you!

In this Eastern Region, our planners really haven't been afraid of anyone!

Let's make a break today. "

Another old resident of the Ji family snorted coldly.

"Hahaha, the planner is so powerful, it seems that you want to kill me today?"

Peng Yao Wang laughed aloud.

"Huh, Ji's family is in the Eastern Region. It's really so powerful.

First deceived my monster clan princess, and now he is threatening the power of my monster clan. Is it true that my monster clan has no one? "

At this time, suddenly, there was a loud drink, and the whole world was shaking, and a middle-aged man with the momentum of swallowing mountains and rivers appeared in the distant sky.

Then, I saw this middle-aged man take a step, and in a single step, he actually crossed tens of thousands of meters, standing directly beside Peng Demon King, standing side by side with Peng Demon King.

"Who are you!"

A planner asked in secret.

"Under the Demon King."

The middle-aged man said lightly.

His voice, although very flat.

But listening to everyone’s ears was like a thunderbolt, deafening.

Because his background is too big.

The Dragon Demon King is one of the most popular demon powers in the Eastern Regions in the past few hundred years.

Legend has it that his strength is about to catch up with the Peacock King back then. Unexpectedly, he also appeared here.

"Hehe, since the Jie family wants to be ruthless with our demons, that's good, I'll also put some ruthless words here, if something really happened to Princess Peacock.

So, our Eastern Territory Demon Race, even if you cannot destroy your family planning, but your family planning people, especially those children, our Demon Race, meet one, kill one, and never break their words. "

The voice of the Demon King sounded very plain, but it revealed infinite domineering.

The martial artists who watched the excitement all around were all gasped, and some people dared to speak to the Ji family like this.


The two elders of the Ji family shuddered with anger when they heard what the Yao Demon King said.

However, they knew that the Demon King was definitely not talking big.

With the status of the Dragon Demon King in the Eastern Region's demon race, if you really raise your arms, I am afraid that all the demon races in the entire Eastern Region will really unite to deal with the planner.

Although the planner is a family of inheritance, with profound background and unfathomable strength, the monster race of the Eastern Region may not be able to destroy the planner.

However, those children of the Judge will be miserable in the future. The number of monsters in the Eastern Region is more than hundreds of millions. If the people of the Judge will be ambushed by the monsters wherever they go.

Then, in the future, all the children of the family planner will not be able to go out at all.

At this moment, Lin Fei also transmitted the situation in front of him to the peacock princess in the city one by one through divine sense.

"Let me come out quickly, there is Uncle Peng here, and the family planner can't hurt me."

Master Peacock [] said to Lin Fei.

Lin Fei nodded. Indeed, with the Peng Demon King and Jiao Demon King here, it is really difficult for the planner to hurt Princess Peacock.

Therefore, Lin Fei sent out all the princess Peacock and the dozens of demonic women.

"Uncle Peng!"

Princess Peacock immediately rose into the sky, flew away from the mountain where Lin Fei was, and teleported to the position of Demon King Peng. The dozen demon clan women followed behind Princess Peacock happily.

"Haha..., my niece, you really are here."

Peng Yao Wang suddenly saw Princess Peacock appear, could not help but laughed, stepped forward, and arrived in front of Princess Peacock.

"Great King Peng."

The dozen or so demon women behind Peacock Princess all stepped forward to salute the Peng Demon King.

"Well, come to meet your Uncle Jiao."

Demon King Peng pointed to the Demon King and said to Princess Peacock that Princess Peacock hurriedly took a dozen women and stepped forward to salute the Demon King.

"That human kid, saved you?!"

Suddenly, Peng Demon King's gaze fell on Lin Fei from a distance.

Although Lin Fei's current appearance was a middle-aged man, even his spirit aura had been changed by A Zi.

However, the strength of the Peng Demon King was so terrible, he could see through Lin Fei's disguise at a glance.

Suddenly, all eyes around him fell on Lin Fei.

High in the sky, the two reclusive old elders of the Jie's family also looked at Lin Fei immediately, with a vague sense of murder in their eyes.

"It's miserable, it's miserable this time, Azi's illusion technique can't hide these two planners' reclusive elders at all. This time, their spirit and spirit must be remembered by them.

His true face must be seen in front of them.

The Peacock Princess has two powerful monsters as backers, and it is probably no longer necessary to be afraid of family planning.

However, I was miserable. These two elders of the family planners would kill themselves easily. "

Thinking of this, Lin Fei couldn't help but feel like he was playing a drum.

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