Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 1354: Hunting ground

A few hours later, Lin Fei returned to the Sun-Moon School.

Lin Fei put on the human skin mask given by the third elder, and his appearance was already a gloomy and gloomy youth.

Moreover, Lin Fei now has a new name in the Sun-Moon faction, Liu Fei.

Therefore, Lin Fei could walk around the Sun-Moon faction in a big way.

As soon as Lin Fei returned to the Sun-Moon faction, he received Luo Hui's divine knowledge transmission, so that all the disciples who participated in the four leagues were immediately concentrated on the Sun-Moon faction's Yanwu Plaza.

When Lin Fei came to Yanwu Plaza, many disciples were already waiting there.

The three elders, and the more than twenty disciples from the base, are all here.

Lin Fei walked into the square and greeted Luo Hui and other base disciples.

The third elders also took the initiative to nod to Lin Fei slightly.

Because of Lin Fei's various performances, in the eyes of the three elders, Lin Fei was already a genius disciple with enchanting aptitude and unlimited potential.

Therefore, the attitude of the three elders towards Lin Fei has also become very kind.

After a while, all the disciples of the Sun and Moon faction who participated in the Qin State Four Sects League this time had all gathered in the Yanwu Plaza.

There are more than one hundred disciples in total.

Among them, more than 20 people were transferred from the Cangyan Holy Land base to support them, including Luo Hui and Lin Fei.

The others are all disciples selected from within the Sun-Moon School.

After Lin Fei's divine consciousness scanned, he also had a general understanding of the strength of the more than one hundred disciples participating in the competition.

There are 5 people with strength in the bitter sea realm, who belong to the core disciples.

There are 50 people in the emperor realm who belong to the inner disciples.

There are 100 disciples below the strength of the half emperor who belong to the outer sect.

In total, it is 155.

The Sun-Moon Sect is in the Eastern Regions and belongs to the fourth-class sect.

Under normal circumstances, among the four sects of the Eastern Territory, those below the strength of a half emperor belong to the outer disciples.

The strength of the emperor belongs to the inner disciple.

But those with the strength of the Bitter Sea Realm belong to the core disciples.

Moreover, among the four-stream sects, core disciples above the strength of the sea of ​​suffering are very rare, no more than ten at most, and some four-stream sects may only have two or three core disciples of the sea of ​​suffering.

Among the Sun-Moon faction, there are only 5 core disciples with the strength of the Sea of ​​Suffering, which is already pretty good.

"Well, everyone is here.

I believe that everyone understands the importance of the four factions league this time to our Sunyue faction.

If we can win this game, then in the future, the only teleportation formation in Qin will be controlled by our Sun and Moon faction for five years.

Controlling that teleportation formation has great benefits. It can bring us a lot of wealth and resources to the Sun-Moon faction and enhance the strength of our Sun-Moon faction.

So, this time, everyone should try their best to win the championship.

Do you understand? "

The third elder glanced at the disciples and slowly spoke.

It can be seen that the three elders attached great importance to a match.

The Sun-Moon Sect, on the surface, was a sect of fourth-rate strength in the Qin State, but in reality, it was a branch secretly controlled by the Cangyan Holy Land.

If the Sun-Moon Sect can develop and grow rapidly, then the strength of the Cangyan Holy Land will naturally become stronger.

Therefore, this time the base of the Cangyan Holy Land specially sent Luo Hui and Lin Fei these elite disciples to the Sunyue Faction to participate in the competition because it attached great importance to the four leagues of Qin State.


All the disciples answered at the same time, and each of them appeared high-spirited.

Whether it is the disciples of the Sun-Moon faction or the disciples from the base, they all understand the importance of the four factions league this time, so everyone has already prepared for the battle.

"Ah, very good.

We will start now. "

The third elder waved his hand, and a stream of light flew out of his sleeve, it was the animal bone.

The beast bones instantly expanded, and the mysterious runes flickered, glittering and brilliant.

The three elders led the disciples and jumped on the animal bones.

call out!

The beast bones turned into a stream of light, flashing out of the Sun-Moon Sect instantly.

After the animal bones left the Sun-Moon Sect, the third elders sat down cross-legs and closed their eyes in the front position.

The rest of the disciples also looked for places to sit on the animal bones.

After a long time.

A huge city appeared in front.

"We are in Jin'an City."

The third elder stood up and said to the disciples.

Jin'an City is the venue of Qin Middle School where the four leagues are held.

Jin'an City has a very important position in Qin State, even more important than Qin State.

This is because there is a teleportation formation in Jin'an City.

In the Eastern Region, all cities with teleportation arrays are cities with important positions.

The East Territory is vast, and it is difficult for ordinary people to imagine how large it is.

It is said that if a warrior with the strength of the emperor realm wants to travel across the territory of the Eastern Region, it is estimated that it will take at least ten years.

Therefore, many times, a warrior wants to go from one place to another. If the distance is relatively long, it is impossible to drive by human power alone.

I can't fly by myself for a few years.

At this time, it is necessary to rely on the teleportation array.

The long-range teleportation array is an array specially used for teleportation arranged by some brilliant masters who spend a lot of material resources.

The long-range transmission array can be divided into small transmission array, medium transmission array, and large transmission array according to the distance of transmission.

It is said that the transmission distance of a small teleportation array can span more than a dozen countries.

The medium-sized teleportation array can span the entire Eastern Region.

The large teleportation array can connect two different continental plates in the Saint Venerable Continent. For example, it can be directly teleported from the Eastern Region to one of the four other places in the Western Wilderness, Nanling, Beiyuan, or Central Shengzhou.

And this teleportation formation in Jinan City of Qin State is a small teleportation formation.

The four major sects in Qin State Middle School have always been in charge in turn.

The four faction league held every five years is to compete for the control of this small teleportation formation in Jin'an City.

"People from the other three sects should have arrived.

We went directly to the hunting ground. "

On the animal bones, the three elders said to the disciples.

It turned out that the Four Leagues were held in a large hunting ground outside Jin'an City.

The beast bones carried the crowd and flew directly to the hunting ground outside Jin'an City.

Soon, we arrived at the entrance of the hunting ground.

The atmosphere of the hunting ground was undoubtedly completely boiling at this time. The mighty crowds of people gathered towards the entrance. The sight of that kind of sight made people excited.

Except for the people of the four major sects, within the Qin State, almost all other sects, forces, and families, including the Qin imperial family, will send people to watch the game.

Everyone jumped off the animal bones, the three elders put away the animal bones, and the disciples walked into the hunting ground.

Lin Fei and other disciples followed the three elders into the hunting ground.

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