Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 1360: Capture the flag

Must fight quickly!

Lin Fei's sense of consciousness found that the disciples of the three major sects in the rear seemed to be chasing out.

Therefore, Lin Fei did not hesitate.


A black copper furnace the size of a fist burst out of his body, instantly becoming bigger, reaching a height of 100 meters.

The terrifying energy coercion immediately suppressed the core disciple of the Proterozoic Sect.


The copper furnace shook, and a tsunami-like sound came out, deafening.


The lid of the copper furnace moved, and four flares of different colors rose into the sky, and the lid of the furnace slid open.

Four seas of fire of different colors formed in an instant. From four different directions, the tide swept across the sky, surrounded the core disciple of the Proterozoic school, and cut off all his retreat.

The core disciples of the Proterozoic School felt the terrifying temperature emitted by the four seas of fire of different colors, and they panicked and screamed.

"Do not!"

Four seas of fire of different colors closed in an instant, completely submerging him, and his body was completely burned into nothingness before half a breath.

Only the banner, but no loss.

Obviously, this flag is made of a very special material, which is very tough and extremely difficult to destroy.

Lin Fei put away the copper furnace, and then, with a wave of his hand, rolled the banner into his hand.


In the rear, there were a series of fierce figures, rushing out of the inner area of ​​the mountain range.

Lin Fei displayed the power of space, turned around and stepped into the void, disappearing.

In the inner region of the mountains.

"Hahaha, I said, you don't have to fight anymore.

I sent Brother Ma, it is estimated that at this time, I will soon return to the grassland at the entrance of the hunting ground.

Do you still have fun if you continue to fight?

This time the game, the winner has been divided! "

A core disciple of the Yuan Gu School laughed wildly.

"Yes, this time the Protoss faction has already won the championship. You three factions, don't make unnecessary struggles!"

"Haha, you three martial sects, don't you give up?

Don't be silly, have big eyes and see the current situation clearly! "

The other disciples of the Proterozoic Sect were all in a good mood, and they ridiculed themselves. There were even some disciples of the Proterozoic Sect who had already withdrawn from the battlefield and stopped blocking the disciples of the other three sects.

"Huh, chase!"

A core disciple of Tongtian Sect, seemingly unwilling, moved his body and chased outside the mountain range.

"We chase it too!"

The disciples of the other two sects, the Qianxuan Sect and the Sun Moon Sect, also seemed unwilling to chase them out of the mountains.

The disciples of the Proterozoic Sect relaxed one by one, and no longer struggled with the disciples of the other three sects, because it was tantamount to making a senseless sacrifice.

"Hahaha, go, let's go out too!"

A core disciple of the Proterozoic Sect waved his hand, and also led the disciple of the Proterozoic Sect, rushing out of the mountain range.

After a while, the four major sects, all the disciples, all rushed out of the mountains.

All the people rushed towards the entrance of the hunting ground, the location of the grassland.

"not good!

I don’t see the guy from the Proterozoic School just now. Could it be that he really has returned to the grassland with the banner! "

A core disciple of the Thousand Profound Sect, after chasing for a while, he still did not find the core disciple of the Proterozoic Sect who was holding the banner just now, and he couldn't help but begin to despair.

"Oh, it seems that in this four faction league, the Proterozoic faction won again."

Someone made unwilling voices.


What? I said, the brother Ma I sent has already returned to the grassland with the banner.

Humph, Brother Ma’s body and speed is well-known among the disciples of the Protestant Sect.

You should give up. "

The disciples of the Yuangu Sect also followed, one by one triumphant and exuberant.

The disciples of the other three sects were all dejected and listless.

However, the outcome has been decided, and it is useless to say anything.

Among the disciples of the Sun-Moon School, Luo Hui and other disciples were naturally depressed.

"Hey, where's Junior Brother Lin?"

Luo Hui suddenly thought of Lin Fei, his divine consciousness swept around, but he didn't find Lin Fei.

"No, why didn't you see Junior Brother Lin."

Could it be that Lin Fei unexpectedly encountered an accident in the battle just now! "

Luo Hui couldn't help being shocked when he thought of this.

Luo Hui hurriedly sent the divine consciousness transmission to the disciples from more than 20 other bases, asking if they had seen Lin Fei.

As a result, everyone shook their heads, and no one had seen Lin Fei.

Luo Hui couldn't help but feel a little lost. It seems that Lin Fei must have had an accident during the battle just now.

Luo Hui knew that if the Third Elder knew that Lin Fei had an accident, he would definitely be very disappointed.

Because, Lin Fei's enchanting aptitude and previous eye-catching performance have already made the Three Elders take it seriously.

Unexpectedly, he died in Qin's four leagues this time.

What's more, Luo Hui himself had some friendship with Lin Fei, and he couldn't help being secretly sad.

at this time.

The entrance to the hunting ground is in the vast grassland.

All those who watched the game became nervous.

Because the participating disciples of the Four Martial Arts have already entered the mountains for more than half a day.

Everyone knows that the game should be over soon.

In the end, which school can win this time, the championship of the four leagues of Qin State, it is estimated that it will not take long to be announced.

Of course, the most nervous people are the senior figures of the four martial arts.

This is because the victory or defeat of this game will determine which school will control Jin'an City's teleportation array in the next five years.

If you can control this teleportation array in Jin'an City, you will be able to obtain a lot of resources and wealth, which can greatly enhance the development of the school.

The last champion was the Proterozoic Sect, so for the past five years, this teleportation formation in Jin'an City has been controlled by the Proterozoic Sect.

As a result, the Proterozoic Sect had faintly become the strongest among the four major sects of the Qin State.


I said, don’t have any chances.

This time the four factions of the league, we must have won the Protoss.

This is no suspense.


I'm very embarrassed. It seems that this Jin'an City Teleportation Array will be controlled by the Proterozoic Sect for another five years. "

The head of the Proterozoic School suddenly laughed wildly, appearing confident.

It is also true that the disciples of the Proterozoic Sect are much stronger than the disciples of the other three sects.

Obviously, the chance of winning is the greatest.

"Hmph, don't be too happy, it's hard to say who wins and loses until the last minute."

The head of the Thousand Profound School had a gloomy face and snorted coldly.

"Yes, it's too early to tell who will win and lose now."

There was also a faint voice from the High Taichung of the Sun-Moon Sect.

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