Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 1362: Time base

"Hehe, since the banner is in my hands, Ma Quan was naturally killed by me.

Do you need to ask? "

Lin Fei smiled faintly.

"I don't believe it, Ma Quan is a high-level bitter sea state, you are just a mere half-emperor, what skills can kill Ma Quan.

You must have deceived, killed Ma Quan, and captured the banner with despicable means!

Hand over the banner immediately! "

The head of the Proterozoic School seemed to be in madness. With a boom, an indescribable power of heaven and earth suddenly appeared above Lin Fei's head. .

Lin Fei only felt that the blood and vitality in his whole body were suddenly stagnant and unable to move.

I couldn't help but be shocked. The strength of the head of the Proterozoic Sect was too terrifying. When my mind moved, it seemed that he could put himself to death without having to shoot.

"Enough, head Li!

The rule of the competition is that the disciples who participate in the competition, no matter what method is used, as long as they bring the banner back, they are considered winners.

I sent my disciples and brought back the banner. This time, it was our Sun and Moon faction who won.

I hope you will stop entangled and break the rules of the game. "

On the high platform where the Sun-Moon Sect was located, the sleeves of the three elders flicked, and a gentle force immediately enveloped Lin Fei.

Lin Fei immediately felt that the great power of heaven and earth imposed on him by the head of the Proterozoic Sect had all disappeared, and his body was restored to freedom.

The third elder stretched out his hand and took the banner in Lin Fei's hand and directly inserted it on the high platform where the Sun-Moon Sect was located.

The banner is mighty, hunting in the wind.

At this moment, everyone knows that the result of this game is finally out.

The Sun Moon School is the champion of the competition!

And all of this was due to the disciple of the half-emperor of the Sun Moon faction.

Everyone's eyes fell on Lin Fei, feeling a bit unreal.

The head of the Proterozoic Sect, his face muscles were constantly shaking, staring at Lin Fei, his gaze was infinitely murderous.


let's go! "

After a long time, the head of the Proterozoic Sect finally threw his sleeves down, snorted, and flickered outside the hunting ground without turning his head.

Those high-level figures and disciples of the Proterozoic School also expanded their bodies one after another, following the head.

Before leaving, all the disciples of the Proterozoic Sect looked at Lin Fei with extremely bitter eyes, as if they wanted to remember Lin Fei's appearance.

I believe that if they meet Lin Fei in the future, they will never let it go easily.

However, Lin Fei's current appearance was not the real face, but was changed with a human skin mask.

Therefore, I am not afraid of being remembered by others at all.

Then, the Thousand Profound Sect and the Tongtian Sect also left dejectedly.

Those spectators who came to watch the game also rushed towards the exit of the hunting ground.

The four leagues of the Qin State have officially ended.

All the audience, whose emotions have not yet calmed down, left and shouted at the same time.

Because, the result of this competition was a turning point that everyone could not expect.


Great, our Sun Moon faction can finally control this teleportation formation in Jin'an City! "

"It can be imagined that in the next five years, our Sunyue School will usher in a good opportunity for development!"

The high-level figures of the Sunyue School were very happy, talking loudly and laughing.

And from time to time to cast an admiring look at Lin Fei.

Those participating disciples of the Sunyue School also stared at Lin Fei with shocked eyes.

"The disciples who came out of the Houshan Secret Training Base are really not easy."

Those disciples of the Sun-Moon Sect, including the five core disciples of the strength of the sea of ​​suffering, secretly admired in their hearts.

These Sun-Moon Sect disciples did not know the existence of the Cangyan Holy Land Base, thinking that the disciples Lin Fei and Luo Hui came out of the legendary Sun-Moon Sect Houshan secret training base.

"This Junior Brother Lin can always create miracles!"

And Luo Hui's disciples from the base also admired and admired Lin Fei in their hearts.

"Okay, let's go back too."

The three elders were in a very good mood, and they left the hunting ground with everyone from the Sun Moon Sect.

After leaving the hunting ground, the Three Elders rushed back to the Sun-Moon faction with more than 100 participating disciples.

The head of the Sun-Moon faction, with other high-level figures, began to receive the teleportation formation in Jin'an City.

Because, Qin’s four main schools have long agreed that which school wins the four league championships, within five years, which school will control the teleportation formation.

So, don't be afraid that the Proterozoic Sect will not hand over the teleportation array.

After a long time.

The Three Elders returned to the Sun-Moon Sect with all the participating disciples.

After learning of the four factions of the league, the whole Sun-Moon faction was naturally full of cheers.

The whole Sun-Moon School was full of joy and excitement.

And the name Liu Fei quickly spread throughout the Sun-Moon faction within a few moments.

"Have you heard that this time, the reason why our Sun-Moon faction was able to win the four league matches is said to be entirely because of an outside disciple named Liu Fei.

"Of course I heard.

Legend has it that Liu Fei came out of our Sunyue Sect’s Houshan secret training base.

Well, the disciples who can enter the secret training base of Houshan are really extraordinary. "


There are such conversations everywhere in the Sun-Moon School.

Even, many disciples came to the mountain where Lin Fei was and wanted to make friends with Lin Fei.

However, the disciples from the base, Lin Fei and Luo Hui, were already standing on the bones of the three elders, leaving the Sun-Moon Sect, and hurried back to the base of the Cangyan Holy Land.

Because, the end of Qin's four leagues means that the tasks of these base disciples have ended successfully.

The beast bone of the three elders turned into a stream of light and flashed forward.

Lin Fei and more than twenty base disciples all looked to the rear, and the Sun-Moon Sect Headquarters, which was getting further and further away, felt a little bit sad.

After all, all the disciples were in the Sun-Moon Sect and stayed for almost two months.

The Sun-Moon Sect, on the surface, is one of the four main sects of the Qin Kingdom, but in fact, it is a branch secretly controlled by the Cangyan Holy Land, which is equivalent to a part of the Cangyan Holy Land.

Lin Fei and other base disciples, as well as those disciples of the Sun-Moon Sect, can actually be regarded as brothers of the same school.

At this time, on this beast bone, besides the three elders, and Lin Fei and more than twenty base disciples, there were five more people.

It was precisely the five core disciples of the Suihai Realm strength of the Sun Moon Sect.

It turned out that the three elders of these five core disciples had been investigating them in secret before, and planned to bring them back to the base to focus on training.

This time, they were finally officially taken back.

Among the Sun-Moon faction, all disciples with better qualifications and strength will eventually be brought back to the base for training.

About five days later.

He finally returned to the rugged mountains where the Cangyan Holy Land base was located.

The small mountain village in the mountains also appeared in front of everyone.

The beast bones carried everyone, and rushed directly into the body of the giant tree at the east end of the small mountain village.

Finally returned to the base again.

The bones of the three elders lightly landed in the square at the time of departure.

Lin Fei let out a sigh of relief.

This time, Lin Fei missed Qingluo very much after staying for two months for the Sun-Moon Sect in Qin.

So Lin Fei jumped off the beast bones, retreated to the third elders, unfolded his figure, and rushed back towards his low mountain.

"Huh? What's the matter?"


When Lin Fei was about to approach the low mountain, Lin Fei suddenly felt a strange look on his face.

It turned out that there was a young man on the low mountain, staying with Qingluo!

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