Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 1367: They are here too

"Oh, do you really care about my safety so much."

Lin Fei sneered, this guy was obviously looking for an excuse to embarrass himself.

"This brother, this is your fault. Since Brother Fang has already spoken, you should follow suit. Regardless of right or wrong, you must at least respect the brother."

Next to Senior Brother Fang, another disciple with the strength of the Divine Bridge realm said in a loud voice, his gaze at Lin Fei was also a bit unkind.

Obviously, he and Brother Fang are in the same group.

"If I don't follow suit, so what."

Lin Fei's tone was cold and not afraid.

"This junior, what is your attitude!"

Seeing Lin Fei's face, the disciple of the Divine Bridge Realm suddenly looked a little ugly, and with a bang, the terrifying force of the Yuan force spread out from his body and enveloped Lin Fei.

Lin Fei immediately felt that his actions had become difficult.

"Two brothers, I don't think so, don't embarrass this brother, if the senior elder knows it, I'm afraid it will be bad."

At this time, a short and thin disciple next to him persuaded him.

"Jiang Chun, it has nothing to do with you, don't be nosy!

In our base, if there is such a disrespectful disciple, we must give a good lesson. "

Senior Brother Fang's eyes were sharp, and he said in a threatening tone. At the same time, the power of the Divine Bridge Realm in his body was also quietly spreading.

That disciple named Jiang Chun couldn't help but his expression changed. He was only an Intermediate Bitter Sea Realm strength and could not be an opponent of Senior Brother Fang.

"It seems that these two guys are trying to find excuses to do something to me."

Lin Fei looked at her face and said inwardly.

Once the two **** bridge realms started, Lin Fei knew that he had no chance of winning at all.

Therefore, Lin Fei immediately decided to leave first.

So, without saying anything, Lin Fei's body movement directly started the Longxing Nine Transformations. After a few steps, his body abruptly appeared tens of thousands of meters away, leaving behind mysterious and mysterious wherever he went. The pattern of light traces.

Brother Fang and the disciple of the Divine Bridge Realm couldn't help being surprised.

Both of them were of the strength of the Divine Bridge Realm, and they had already tightly locked Lin Fei's breath just now.

Originally, under this situation, as long as Lin Fei did anything, the two of them could immediately notice that it was impossible for Lin Fei to leave so easily.

However, Lin Fei's body technique was too mysterious, and Brother Fang couldn't capture the path of Lin Fei's body leaving.

"Hmph, don't you want to leave without making things clear?

At the very least, you have to apologize to our two brothers! "

Brother Fang finally found an opportunity to embarrass Lin Fei, where he would let Lin Fei leave easily.

As soon as he moved, he teleported directly to Lin Fei.

Lin Fei unfolded the nine transformations of the dragon, disappeared, avoiding Senior Brother Fang, and appeared directly thousands of meters away.

Then take it out directly to blast the sky bow.

Huh hoo hoo...

A series of light arrows pierced the sky and shot at Brother Fang and the disciple of the Divine Bridge Realm.

Senior Brother Fang's face was gloomy, and a simple seal rushed out of his body directly, swelling against the wind, and resisting the arrows of light.

The other disciple of the Divine Bridge Realm took out a halberd that bloomed with brilliant golden light, waved the halberd shadow over the sky, and pushed away the light arrow that was shot at him.

Both of these two were masters of the Divine Bridge Realm, and they were able to withstand the power of the Boom Sky Bow and the Divine Arrow.

"I remember what happened today.

If you have a chance in the future, I will give it back to you. "

Lin Fei continued to draw his bow, and after shooting dozens of arrows, he unfolded the Nine Transfiguration of Longxing, and after a few steps, his figure disappeared in the sky.


Brother Fang's face was gloomy as if dripping water.

Two masters of the Divine Bridge Realm's strength shot at the same time, and they couldn't stop a kid with a half-emperor's strength, which made him lose face.

The onlookers nearby saw this scene, and they were all in an uproar.

This made Senior Brother Fang even more unhappy.

After a while, Lin Fei's figure appeared quietly in the town.

The town is very lively with people coming and going.

Lin Fei has completely changed his appearance.

He became a careless, ordinary-looking young man.

Lin Fei walked into a teahouse and found a place to sit down.

In the teahouse, there are many warriors who are eating, drinking and chatting. Of course, what these warriors are talking about is all about the cemetery of the Zifu real person.

Soon, Lin Fei heard a lot about the cemetery of the real person in Zifu.

It turned out that ninety-nine and eighty-one huge tombs suddenly appeared in the area where the cemetery of the Zifu real person was located.

In this way, no one can figure out which one is the real cemetery of the real Zifu.

Moreover, what is even more terrible is that each of the ninety-nine or eighty-one tombs is full of crises.

It is said that many masters of all sects have lost their lives in those tombs.

However, a cemetery with great power in the fairyland has a fatal temptation, and no one is willing to give up.

Now, all the major factions and all forces have sent a large number of masters in that area, constantly attacking those tombs, trying to find out which one is the real tomb of the real Zifu.

Under this circumstance, the big sects, the big families, and the younger generation can only temporarily stay in the outer area, waiting for news.

It is estimated that only when the tomb of the real person in the Purple Mansion is breached, everyone will rush in to hunt for treasure.

"Ji Wushuang!"

Soon after walking into the town, Lin Fei saw a familiar figure, hurriedly walking through the town, turned out to be Ji Wushuang.

Ji Wushuang's face was gloomy and unhappy.

He was chased and killed by the Peacock Princess before. After being seriously injured, he used secret techniques to forcibly burn his essence and blood to escape, and almost died as a result.

Fortunately, the planner has a profound background and forcibly rescued him from the brink of death.

Moreover, what shocked Lin Fei was that Ji Wushuang's realm of strength actually broke through to the elementary **** bridge realm!

"Damn, what the **** is going on? Not only is this guy immortal, but the realm of vitality has improved."

Lin Fei was a little dumbfounded. It seemed that the Jie family, as one of the three major families in the Eastern Region, was really impressed by the means.

In addition to Ji Wushuang, Lin Fei also saw many young people with extraordinary auras, each of them outstanding and outstanding.

"The monsters are here too!"

Lin Fei was in the town and saw many monster races. Although they were all humanoids in appearance, they were so demonlike that they knew they were monster races at first glance.

"Miss, don't believe this old fellow, he is a lie."

Lin Fei was walking in the town, and suddenly heard a crisp sound.

In front of a roadside stall, there were a dozen charming and coquettish women surrounded by attractive figures and delicate faces. They looked like a group of goblins.

In fact, they are also fairies, because they are all demonic women.

"Unexpectedly, they are here too."

Lin Fei was a little surprised.

It turns out that this group of demon women is the Peacock Princess and her dozen or so close-knit women.

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