Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 1372: Underground mausoleum

"Old man, aren't you joking, right in front of this broken tunnel is the grave of the real Zifu?

That is outside, the tomb that the masters of the various martial arts are attacking, is it fake?

You are bragging! "

Lin Fei was shocked and asked in a loud voice.

"The tomb that the masters are attacking is actually the cemetery of the real people in the Purple Mansion.

Put it this way, there are two entrances to the tomb of the real person in Zi Mansion.

One is the dead place and the other is the birth place.

The place of death is the tomb where the masters outside are attacking.

Entering from the dead place is full of crises and extremely dangerous. It is a life of nine deaths. If there is no real master, it is difficult to enter.

The birthplace is the dilapidated tunnel we are now walking through.

The tombs of the ancients pay attention to the principle of combining yin and yang.

The place of death is yin, the place of birth is yang, and only when there is yin and yang, can it be regarded as conforming to the great road of the world. "

The old man said, the theory is one set.

Lin Fei seemed to understand, but it seemed that the old man at the stall was really not a simple person.

Actually found the road to this birthplace.

"Then what are you waiting for, let's go in and hunt for treasure."

Lin Fei is looking forward to it.

"Although this is the birthplace, it does not mean that there is no danger. When you get in, don't run around and follow me."

With a wave of his hand, the old man threw the old dagger out again, smashing the stone gate in front of him.

"Following you, isn't it a treasure, it was all discovered by you first."

Lin Fei curled his lips, disapproving.

The old man at the stall has already passed through the stone gate and walked forward.

Lin Fei quickly followed behind.

The wind gusts, and there is a strong evil spirit everywhere.

After walking for a while, Lin Fei found that he had entered a huge underground tomb.

It is like a vast underground world, one by one underground palaces, large underground halls, and some places are naturally formed caves, connected by numerous underground passages.

The far-reaching underground palace is connected, and I don't know where it will eventually lead. It is not like a large tomb, but like a large underground castle.

Lin Fei followed the old man's footsteps, walking and stopping, and after a while, he went more than ten miles deep.


In a gloomy underground fork, suddenly at several forks ahead, there were bursts of creepy sneers, which sounded a very vicious feeling.

There was a burst of darkness, and the forked roads ahead were filled with black holes, like an abyss.

"Be careful!"

The old man at the stall was like a big enemy, and took his shabby dagger in his hand. Those eyes that usually looked a little muddy, but at this moment, were violently shooting, very frightening.

Oh oh...

The cloudy wind started to blow, and a very dangerous breath filled it.

Lin Fei couldn't help but his hair stood upright and his hair was terrified.


There was a shrill cry that made the scalp numb, and it was no different from howling a devil, and in just an instant, the whole body's cold hair was erected.

call out!

A black shadow rushed over from the darkness in front like a demon, and slaughtered it savagely, bringing a vicious wind and a fierce aura against his face.

"Ghost monkey!

This kind of fabled femininity actually exists! "

The old man's voice has also changed a little, his face is a bit pale.

This is a ghost monkey with a height of one foot tall, with black scales all over its body.

Its two eyes are very bitter, like an enemy meeting, and its claws are like iron hooks, and they leaned over, seeming to break Lin Fei and the old man.


The dilapidated dagger in the old man's hand suddenly burst into a fierce white light, which made people unable to open their eyes.

"Beast, get out!"

The old man in the stall held a dagger in his hand, and instantly started a fierce battle with the ghost monkey.

The ping-pong-pong sound resounded through the dark tunnel.

The movements of the old man and the ghost monkey were incredibly fast, only two vague afterimages flickering in the aisle.

Lin Fei wanted to step forward to help, but not only was it invisible to the naked eye, even if he released his divine consciousness, he couldn't capture the fierce fighting movements of the old man and the ghost monkey.

Can not help being extremely shocked.

After a dozen breaths.


The ghost monkey suddenly screamed, seemingly injured, and rushed into the darkness instantly and disappeared.

The old man at the stall was standing in place and panting. Obviously, he fought very hard in the fierce battle just now.

"It's terrible, this kind of legendary ghost actually exists."

The old man seemed lingering.

Next, the two went all the way.

Just passing through a few empty halls, I encountered a group of black crows with human faces, there were hundreds of them, and the strength of each was not weaker than that of the high-level **** bridge.

The dagger in the old man's hand flew out, transforming into a sky full of dagger shadows, and each dagger shadow killed a human-faced crow, and in a moment, it was completely clean.

Soon after, the two met a group of ancient cavalry all wrapped in heavy armor, holding cold gleaming spears, exuding black yin, and rushing over.

Lin Fei took out Hong Gongtian, the bronze furnace flew out of his head, and before taking it out, he obtained a picture of Ten Sacred Mountains, releasing ten peaks from the Ten Sacred Mountains, and tightly protecting himself.

Fortunately, the old man was very tough, holding a dagger, and after a while, he killed all the ancient cavalry.

After the death of the ancient cavalry, their bodies immediately turned into a black yin, and nothing remained, only empty armors all over the ground.

Lin Fei was surprised to see.

Lin Fei knew that, fortunately, he came in with this old stallion man.

If he broke into here alone, he would have died many times.

The strength of this old man in the stall is simply unfathomable.

After walking through this underground palace group for about an hour.


Suddenly, the entire underground world was shaking in the drama, as if a gap was opened somewhere.

Then, in a very remote place, there were faint bursts of loud cheers.

"No, the masters of the various sects of the Eastern Region finally broke through the tomb and broke in.

We must move faster.

Otherwise, when the real masters arrive, we won't even have a chance to drink soup.

Go fast, not far ahead, in the core area of ​​the tomb.

The treasures in the mausoleum are all hidden in the core area! "

The old man's face changed drastically, he spread his feet and ran forward, extremely fast, just dragging an afterimage, flashing forward.

"Hey, old man, wait for me, don't leave me alone!"

Lin Fei also immediately started the Nine Transformation of Longxing, chasing forward.

"Hey, boy, you have a good posture."

The old man in front ran while marveling at Lin Fei's body style.

"Quickly, we are about to enter the core area!"

After running for half a time, the old man's voice suddenly became excited and accelerated.

Lin Fei could barely keep up with all her strength.

At this time, the faint noise became louder and louder, and a large number of people broke into this underground world.

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