Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 1377: Layman


The old man let out a scream, he stretched his right hand into Lin Fei's Dantian, and quickly disappeared under the suppression of the great flame stone stele.

In less than half a breath, his entire right arm disappeared completely, leaving only an empty sleeve.


The great flame stone stele rushed out from above Lin Fei's head, like a hot sun, suspended in mid-air, with a terrible amount of pressure swept out.

The ancient old man's face was horrified, and he seemed to be very afraid of the big flame stone monument, and he fled out at once.

"Boy, I didn't expect you to have such a treasure of the sun, it's great.

Those coffin slaves actually died hundreds of thousands of years ago, but there is a trace of spiritual knowledge.

Therefore, these three coffin slaves belong to the Yin people, and what they fear most is these masculine magic weapons, and they are naturally restrained.

Quickly, take this opportunity to open the coffin and see what treasures are inside. "

At this time, the old man at the stall rushed to Lin Fei's side, and sent Lin Fei a voice of spiritual knowledge in surprise.

"Dead old man, I almost died in the hands of that coffin slave just now, why didn't I see you come to help.

Seeing it's good now, just come here? ! "

Lin Fei gave the old man angrily a look, remembering the experience of the nine deaths just now, and couldn't help feeling lingering.

Fortunately, the old man accidentally encountered the great flame stone stele in his dantian, which inspired the great flame stone stele, and saved his life.

After entering Lin Fei’s dantian, this large flame stone stele has generally been suspended in the dantian quietly. It is difficult for Lin Fei to communicate with it. Unless under certain special circumstances, it will suddenly He rushed out to protect Lin Fei.

"Boy, that coffin slave is so powerful, how could I be his opponent, staying to help you, isn't that waiting to die?

Besides, without me, do you have the ability to enter here.

Don't think about doing it alone! "

At this time, the old man at the stall seemed to be determined by Lin Fei.

Lin Fei thought about it. Without this old man, he really didn't have much chance to come here.

"Let's go!"

Lin Fei knew that the great flame stone stele on his head was not effective at all times, and now it was time for it to take advantage of this opportunity.

Otherwise, when this big flame stone stele suddenly ran back into the pubic area, there would be no chance.

Therefore, Lin Fei did not hesitate, and with a move, he rushed to the coffin with the big flame stone monument on his head.

The three coffin slaves next to the coffin touched the amount of pressure emitted by the great flame stone stele, and suddenly black smoke rose from their bodies. They could not help but scream at the same time, away from Lin Fei, and escaped from the edge of the high platform.

Lin Fei slapped the lid of the coffin open with a palm, and the old man at the stall squeezed beside Lin Fei and looked into the coffin.

Suddenly, the scene in the coffin made their scalp numb for a while.

In the coffin, there was half a pool of blood, bright and dazzling, as if it had just flowed from the human body, and the strong smell of blood rose to the sky.

However, in the blood water, there were no corpses, but some other objects floating.

A black shroud was soaked in blood.

A white long sword with a simple and peculiar style, with peerless murderous intent overflowing, it can penetrate the human soul!

There is also a broken wooden fish that was obviously bitten by ants and insects, and a short wooden stick used to knock the wooden fish.


Why are there no bodies?

Lin Fei and the old man at the stall were both taken aback.

The power of transforming into a fairyland, the body has far surpassed ordinary people, and has become a semi-immortal body. According to reason, even if you die for hundreds of thousands of years, it will definitely not disappear.

However, there are no corpses in this coffin.

"Damn, two little trash fish are looking for death!

Want to swallow treasures by yourself! "

Seeing Lin Fei and the old man open the coffin lid, immediately, on the entire platform, everyone was unable to calm down, all of them rushed to the coffin position like crazy.


A golden beam of light, like a long golden river, swept across it mightily, to obliterate Lin Fei and the old man.


A beam of terrifying sword light, like a pillar, fell from the sky and was chopped down.

"You two, under your cultivation base, there is really no need to join in the fun here. Even if you get the treasure, you won't be able to take it out from here."

A black-clothed old man with a gloomy face stretched out his hand, and a dark night, like a huge piece of black cloth, enveloped Lin Fei and the old man in the stall.

These masters, which one is not the supreme power of Megatron in the entire Eastern Region, can now, but at the same time, to deal with a bad old man who does not look amazing, and a younger boy with half-emperor strength.

If it spreads out, it's hard to believe.

At this moment, Lin Fei only felt the terrible coercion overwhelming the sky, flooding like a tide, to completely submerge himself.

Not only the body, but even the depths of the soul began to tremble, as if the next moment, his whole person was going to disappear.


The great flame stone stele above Lin Fei's head suddenly shook violently. The flaming golden glow was as thick as magma, and it erupted. A terrible amount of pressure was constantly swept out, and it even attacked one after another. under.

"What magic weapon is this!

The power is so strong! "

Someone gasped and exclaimed.

Being able to withstand the simultaneous attacks of so many top masters, it can be seen that the stone tablet is definitely a magic weapon.

Hey, a big hand volleyed towards the great flame stone stele, with silver light shining brightly, and the whole body of this big hand seemed to be cast with silver.

The Great Flame Stele shook, and the pressure was rolled back, and the big silver hand shook back.


All the masters started to act, rushing over to **** the contents of the coffin.

Even the Patriarch of the Shen Family, the Patriarch of the Planner, the Hidden Elder of the Heavenly Sacred Land, and several leaders of the Eastern Territory's top sects, these powerful figures of the world have also begun to take action.

The terrifying pressure of the tsunami instantly flooded the entire high platform, which was shaking violently.

Those relatively weak people were so scared that they ran out of the high platform crying and shouting.

Especially the younger generations of the various factions, who have escaped cleanly long ago, and are extremely skilled. Who dares to stay here, isn't it waiting to die?

Finally, the great flame stone stele swayed and retreated, unable to resist it.

"Damn, kid, you are responsible for taking the action to salvage the contents of the coffin, and I will stop them!"

The old man from the stall yelled and waved his hand, and the old copper plate appeared in his hand, instantly zooming in.

An earth-yellow energy coercion rushed out of the copper plate and exploded with a bang. Time and space were in chaos, and endless terrifying energy attacked the masters in all directions.

"You are a layman of the earth!"

There were a few super masters around, showing incredible looks.

This is an old antique master in the Eastern Region!

"You disappeared for so long, but you are still alive..."

"Damn, none of you died, how could I die."

The old man at the stall smiled.

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