Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 1385: Comment on

In the room.

For several hours, Lin Fei quietly enlightened the Sword of the Infinite, and gained a deeper understanding of the Infinite Sutra.

"The Wujian Shenfa actually contains the mystery of spatial power, and it seems to have something in common with the Nine Changes of Longxing."

Lin Fei's eyes lit up and muttered to himself.

It turns out that in the Sutra of the Immortal, there is recorded a body technique called the Immortal Body Technique.

Infinite body method is a kind of body method dedicated to killers. It has two characteristics: first, fast, and second, hide the trace.

Since this period of time, Lin Fei has initially successfully practiced this Infinite Body Method.

This infinite body technique contains the mystery of many spatial powers. When it is unfolded, you can directly hide your body in the surrounding space to achieve the effect of sudden appearance and sudden disappearance, which is very magical.

However, this kind of concealment of the Wujian Shenfa is different from passing through into the chaotic void.

To travel through the chaos and void is to leave this real world and enter another different space world.

The concealing method of the Wujianshen Fa is to subtly integrate the body into the surrounding space, still staying in this real world, and not entering the chaotic void.

Lin Fei felt that he could combine the travel through the void and the infinite body technique.

So that one's body can not only blend into the space of the surrounding real world to achieve the effect of invisibility, but also can travel into the chaotic void at any time and completely disappear into this real world.

In this way, one's own physical strength is truly unpredictable.

Moreover, Lin Fei felt that the infinite body technique could also be combined with the body technique of Nine Dragons.

When performing the Nine Changes of Longxing, the emphasis is that the pace must be in line with the avenue of heaven and earth to achieve the realm of harmony between man and nature.

In short, if you can combine the infinite body technique, traversing the void, and the nine transformations of the dragon, it becomes a brand-new body technique.

So, what kind of weird effect will it achieve?

Lin Fei sat quietly in the room, getting more excited as she thought about it.

"Okay, try it!"

Lin Fei collected the Infinite Sword and stood up.

She moved and left the inn.

Under the starry sky, Lin Fei continued to perform the Nine Transformations of Longxing in turns, traversing the void, infinite body technique, feeling with his heart, and looking for the junction between the three.

After two hours, Lin Fei finally got a bit of a bit.

At this time, Lin Fei's body completely turned into a blurry afterimage, which suddenly disappeared and appeared suddenly, and the speed was so terrifying that it could not be caught by the naked eye.

Moreover, the movement trajectory of Lin Fei's figure completely conformed to a certain law of the Great Way, which seemed very mysterious.

This is a brand new shenfa.

It was Lin Fei's combination of the Infinite Body Technique, the Nine Changes of the Dragon Movement, and the Three Body Techniques that were created through the combination of the void.

"Well, this new body technique, when used, is unpredictable, and it will definitely make my combat power improve by leaps and bounds."

Lin Fei was very satisfied.

After returning to the room, Lin Fei directly teleported himself into the city.

In a certain street, sit cross-legged.

With a touch of space ring, a bunch of precious Tao medicines and hundreds of thousands of law crystals were taken out and placed around the body.

Then, Lin Fei released the Soul Tree in the Sea of ​​Consciousness, and began to absorb the energy in those Dao Medicines and Law Crystals and transform them into Divine Consciousness.

Lin Fei never stopped the cultivation of divine consciousness.

Only by continuously enhancing the power of divine consciousness, can we integrate more sacred qi and cast a stronger divine consciousness small pot.

Now, Lin Fei's small sacred cauldron, used to deal with the masters of the sea of ​​suffering, is barely useful.

If it is used to deal with the masters of the **** bridge realm, it is almost of no use.

Therefore, Lin Fei urgently needs to recast a small tripod of spirit and consciousness that integrates more majestic spirits.

after one day.

"Well, you can try to recast the divine sense Xiaoding."

Lin Fei muttered to himself.

Then, he took the soul tree back into the sea of ​​consciousness, and began to recast the small tripod of divine consciousness.

The first step is to smash the original small tripod.

Lin Fei's mind controlled Xiaoding and kept ramming Hongmengding's wall.

After hitting it several times, it turned out that Xiaoding exploded.

Then, Lin Fei began to refining.

A few hours later.

A new small tripod of divine consciousness was finally cast.

The size is as big as an adult's half fist, the style is simple, and it exudes the terrible coercion of spiritual consciousness.

"The grand gathering of Ziyue Villa is also about to begin."

In the room, Lin Fei stood up.

Lin Fei used a human skin mask and various clothes to completely change his appearance and become a very ordinary young man.

The human skin mask can change thousands of different faces, giving Lin Fei many different choices.

Lin Fei left Tianyue City and headed towards the nearby Ziyue Villa.

And the Peacock Princess and the dozen or so close-to-be women were teleported into the city by Lin Fei.

Because if a dozen people act together, the goal is too big and it is easy to be seen through.

The Ziyue Villa is about fifty miles away from the east of Tianyue City.

Along the way, Lin Fei saw a large number of young warriors heading towards Ziyue Villa.

It seems that today's gathering at Ziyue Villa must be relatively large.


Suddenly, there was a burst of fierce fighting in front of him.

Soon, Lin Fei came to the fighting spot.

On both sides of the fight, one was a young man with a strong build and about twenty years old.

The other young man appeared to be younger, about eighteen years old, heroic, arrogant and indifferent.

Both are the strength of the Elementary God Bridge Realm, and the fight between the two sides is very fierce.

Next to him, there were four or five people standing and watching, all young people, male and female.

One of the women is slim, curvy, icy muscles and bones, and her body is as white as ivory.

I saw that her face was perfect, her teeth shone, her red lips were bright, her eyes were like autumn water, and her perfect appearance was flawless.

This is a beautiful woman with a noble temperament and a delicate and perfect face with a hint of indifference, which seems to be a thousand miles away.

Lin Fei watched for a moment.

However, it seems that the young man with arrogant and indifferent temperament has the upper hand, seeming to lift the weight lightly.

"Huh, Xiao Yuanshan, you really have eaten the gall of a leopard, we are the saint of the holy land, you can also molest.

If you don’t teach you a lesson today, you won’t know how to converge in the future! "

The young man with arrogant temperament has a terrifying aura in every move, such as the eruption of a monstrous flood, shaking the space rumblingly.

Nine bright galaxies hanging from the void beside him, like the Milky Way falling nine days, with a terrifying aura.


A galaxy shot out, bombarding the stout young man upside down, bleeding from the corner of his mouth.

Unbiased, just knocked down in front of Lin Fei.

"Damn, you people who are too sacred, don't go too far.

Isn't Lao Tzu saying hello to your saint and looking at it a few more times? Does it need such a heavy hand? "

The stout young man turned over, stood up, and said angrily.

"Brother, you come to make a comment, where there are beautiful women who are not allowed to be seen, beautiful women are born for others to appreciate."

The stout young man saw Lin Fei, and immediately asked Lalin Fei to come over and comment.

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