Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 1402: Holy Lord's Scripture Stone Inscription

"I used to be an ordinary outer disciple of Cangyan Holy Land.

Once, I went out to Lilian with a few juniors.

During the training process, I suddenly heard that something was wrong with the Holy Land headquarters, so he hurried back.

However, after returning, I found that the entire Cangyan Holy Land had disappeared.

The former lush and blooming Cangyan Holy Land was gone, leaving only a large red-brown boundless desert.

The younger brothers and I searched hard in this red-brown desert, but found nothing.

Later, suddenly an elder from the Cangyan Holy Land appeared before us. He was seriously injured, his aura was weakened, and he was already on the verge of death.

Before that elder died, he entrusted the Cangyan Holy Land's extremely immortal soldiers to our outer disciples, and asked us to rebuild the Cangyan Holy Land in the future, and don't let the inheritance of Cangyan Holy Land be cut off. "

The great elder seemed to be caught in the memory of the past, while walking forward, staring blankly at the lifelike corpses on the ground, he muttered to himself.

At this time, the back of the great elder looked so sang and lonely.

Lin Fei and the old man Ditan followed behind him, and they suddenly realized.

It turned out that the great elder was just an ordinary outer disciple of Cangyan Holy Land.

It seemed that the second elder and third elder of the base were the disciples who went out with the big elder back then in Lilian.

The few people have been spreading their body skills, and under the leadership of the great elder, they walked forward.

The Great Elder used to be a disciple of Cangyan Holy Land, and he was naturally very familiar with this space.

Along the way, countless corpses fell to the ground everywhere.

These corpses are all very fresh, no different from those just dead.

After walking through several mountains in succession, a charming core area appeared in front.

The dense aura is misty, waterfalls and springs, misty water, palaces and palaces, are very magnificent, as if they have entered the fairyland.

"This is the core area of ​​our Cangyan Holy Land.

In the past, only the high-level figures in the Holy Land and some key disciples who were trained to enter this place. "

The elder said.

"This is the holy cliff."

The great elder brought Lin Fei and the old man from the stall to an open field.

There are endless strange flowers and weeds around, and palaces are located, and palaces are lined up, like a painting environment, with aura, flowing colors, and hazy.

There is a towering cloud in front of you, and you can't see how high the beautiful cliffs are. A series of big waterfalls are falling down, and the silver horses are thousands of meters long, very spectacular and white.

Standing here, you can feel that the aura is stronger, many times higher than elsewhere. Standing here, without using the magic tricks, the body can automatically absorb the aura between heaven and earth.

Boom boom boom...

Suddenly, there were nine dragon shadows in the distance, rushing from afar, and instantly immersed in the beautiful cliffs ahead.

"It's the nine dragon veins!"

The old man from the stall exclaimed.

No one would have thought that the nine dragon veins would suddenly appear here.

Then, a certain place on the cliff suddenly burst out with dazzling light, as if a sun suddenly exploded, and the entire space was completely submerged by the strong light.

next moment.

On the cliff, where the light burst out, there was an extra shining stone carving pattern.

This stone carving is an old man dressed as a Taoist, holding a simple box in his hand.

Although it is only a stone carving, there is a natural way, and the magical aura of the unity of nature and man radiates.

The old man, although standing quietly, gave people the feeling that he and the whole world seemed to be integrated. He was the world, and the world was him, indivisible.

"This is the Holy Lord of our previous holy land!

My God, the jade box in his hand represents the inheritance of our Cangyan Holy Land, Dao Yan Jing! "

The great elder was suddenly so excited that his body trembled violently. He knelt on the ground, knocking his head several times.

The Great Elder used to be just an ordinary outer disciple of Cangyan Holy Land, and suddenly saw the high Lord. Although it was only a painting, he couldn't control it and wanted to kneel and kowtow.

"I've heard in the Cangyan Holy Land before that when the Holy Master passed the Daoyan Sutra to the core disciples, he didn't directly teach it, but left a stone carving here on the holy cliff for the core disciples to enlighten.

Only those core disciples who can comprehend the mystery are qualified to practice Dao Yan Sutra.

Unexpectedly, the stone carving of the Holy Master's scriptures has now reproduced.

Could it be that this indicates that the inheritance of the ancient scriptures of our Cangyan Holy Land, the Taoist scriptures, will reappear! "

The great elder looked at the stone carvings on the cliff, very excited.

"Lin Fei, hurry up and call everyone in. Let's study and comprehend the stone carvings of the Holy Master's scriptures together to see if anyone can understand the mystery in the foundation!"

The elder ordered Lin Feidao.

Lin Fei quickly went out and brought in the second elder, third elder, and more than 300 base disciples who were still staying outside in the desert, and came to this cliff.

"Everyone sits cross-legged and comprehends the stone carvings of the Holy Lord's scriptures together."

The elder ordered.

So, including three elders, four deacons, and more than three hundred base disciples, all sitting in front of the cliff, staring at the carved stone pattern on the cliff, began to comprehend.

Lin Fei naturally followed along with him.

"Hey, take your time to comprehend, I'll go around and visit your Cangyan Holy Land."

The old man at the stall flickered, took out the copper plate, and flashed away.

His greatest hobby is adventure. This is the famous Cangyan Holy Land headquarters more than 1,500 years ago. He naturally intends to find out.

The Great Elder did not stop him either.

Because without this lay layman, there would be no way to discover this real old land.

Moreover, not long ago, Lay Dadi saved more than 300 disciples from the base, and by all accounts, he was the great benefactor of Cangyan Holy Land.

Lin Fei sat cross-legged and stared at the stone carving on the cliff. His divine consciousness was also released, feeling the old man dressed as a Taoist priest and the simple box in his hand.

One day, two days...

Generally speaking, the martial artist feels a certain kind of inheritance, which requires soul ability, thinking ability, and talent and potential in martial arts.

On the contrary, there is not much connection with their own realm of strength.

Because the realm of strength comes from long-term cultivation and slowly accumulating breakthroughs.

The soul, thinking, martial arts talent, and martial arts potential, these things represent a deeper inner aptitude of a martial artist.

Lin Fei has felt for five or six days without any gain.

The others, including the three elders and the four deacons, did not seem to have gained much.

"Don't give up everyone!

Whether the Tao Yan Sutra can be passed down or not depends on this time.

Once the stone carving of the Holy Master's scripture on the holy cliff disappears, it will be difficult to have such an opportunity in the future. "

The great elder encouraged everyone.

Ten days later.


Lin Fei suddenly seemed to feel something.

A mysterious breath enveloped Lin Fei.

Then, Lin Fei found that in the stone carving on the holy cliff, the old man dressed as a Taoist actually smiled at him kindly.

Then, the quaint stone box he held in his hand opened with a bang, and a stream of light appeared from the stone box, flashed towards Lin Fei, and fell into Lin Fei's head.

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