Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 1445: Creatures in ancient times


Just as Lin Feizhan set off to escape from the mine, suddenly the entire mine shook violently, as if a major earthquake had occurred.

Then, with a cry, Lin Fei only felt an extremely dangerous breath surging from behind.

Within this mine tunnel, the power of divine consciousness was not perceivable at all, so Lin Fei looked back in his busy schedule and was startled. A thick black mist rushed out of the mine tunnel like a black dragon stretching its teeth and dancing claws.

"Run! The black mist is here again!"

Lin Fei's figure moved, and he immediately followed the miners, secretly exerted his vitality and pushed forward.

The miners immediately felt that a surging force was coming from behind them, and their bodies immediately involuntarily threw them forward.

In a breathing room, almost all the miners arrived a few meters from the mine mouth.

Lin Fei did not dare to throw all the miners directly out of the mine, otherwise, it would inevitably attract the attention of the three elders of the Holy Land in the early Yuan Dynasty.

"Run away, those ghost mists are here again!"

Hundreds of miners crawled around, crying and rushing out of the mine.


Help! "

More than a dozen miners who ran at the end were overtaken by the black fog behind, and they kept uttering heartbreaking screams. In less than a breath, they all turned into a pool of blood.

And those miners who escaped from the mine dared to stay wherever they were, and desperately fled in all directions.

Lin Fei was mixed among the miners, and pretended to stumble into the distance.

The three elders of the Holy Land at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, the seven deacons, and hundreds of core disciples also started their Shenfa and left the mine.

After all, even the three elders can avoid these terrible evil spirits, and try not to contaminate them.

"You guys, come over to me!"

One of the elders of the Holy Land at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty waved his hand, and the miners who had entered the mine just now were all attracted to the elder by a powerful suction force.

"Under the mine, tell me exactly what happened."

The elder said with a gloomy face.

Originally thought that he had found a crystal mining area that could be mined, but he didn't expect that such a thing happened, how happy he was.

As a result, a few more eloquent miners braved the courage, volunteered to step forward, and explained everything they had seen under the mine just now.

"The creature sealed in the special law mine!"

Suddenly, the expressions of the three elders and the seven deacons of the Holy Land in the early Yuan Dynasty changed on the spot.

"I encountered such an unknown thing.

It seems that we have really encountered a fierce mine. "

The three elders of the Holy Land in the early Yuan Dynasty looked at each other, and they all saw the shock in each other's eyes.

"However, I heard Elder Ruan mentioned last time that many of these ancient creatures that were sealed in the spar were tyrannical existences from ancient times.

Some have not even really died, if we can conduct anatomical research on these sealed ancient creatures.

Maybe, it is possible to get some precious inheritance from ancient times.

Moreover, these ancient creatures are also very likely to carry some ancient magic weapons and other treasures! "

After a while, one of the elders whispered in a trembling voice.

"Not bad.

Perhaps for us, encountering such a fierce mine may be both a crisis and an opportunity! "

The other two elders were all refreshed, and there was a hint of eagerness in their eyes.

Since these miners in front of them were all mortals with low status and almost no martial arts, the three elders did not have any scruples and spoke in front of them.

Lin Fei could hear clearly and couldn't help but move in his heart.

It turned out that the creatures that were sealed in the spar were creatures of ancient times.

Lin Fei suddenly felt.

"Well, when the black mist clears, let's explore together."

An elder said.

It wasn't until two or three hours later that the thick black mist sprayed from the mine mouth gradually disappeared.

Just at this time.

Suddenly, in the distant sky, roars of beasts rang out. In a moment, there was a large group of brutal cavalry, like a torrent of steel, rushing in mighty.

On the back of each brutal beast is a mighty cavalry armed with a golden gun and wearing mighty armor.

"People from the Holy Land, why are they here too?"

The three elders of the Holy Land in the early Yuan Dynasty couldn't help but change their faces.

"Haha, it seems that this place is really weird, Master Li, take a good look."

Two golden-robed old men bathed in a faint golden light came out of the brutal beast team, their divine consciousness was released. After scanning the dozens of mines on the ground, one of the golden-robed old men laughed. Tao.

"Okay, Elder Qian.

In this area, there is a layer of faint crystal light. In my opinion, there may be a large number of special law crystals. "

An old man in white robe walked out of the savage beast team in the sacred place of heaven, his eyes were looking back and forth over this piece of land, while his hands were constantly figuring out what, and his mouth was muttering words, as if he was very professional, and he said a little later. .

"Special Law Crystal Mine!"

The thousand elders in the Holy Land of Tianliang heard this, and couldn't help but feel refreshed.

"Elder Qian, what do you mean, this area, our holy land in the early Yuan Dynasty has already been developed, I hope you people who have a great deal of holy land will not come to mix it up."

An elder from the Holy Land in the early Yuan Dynasty couldn't help it anymore, stepped forward and said in a loud voice.

It turns out that in this northern mining area, various conflicts and conflicts often occur between the major sacred sites and aristocratic families in order to continuously open up new mining areas.

Sometimes even small-scale fighting occurs.

"Haha, Elder Feng, are you a little forgetful?

Haven’t an appointment between the major forces in our north mining area already made? Any force that discovers a new mining area must formally notify all other forces as soon as possible, and start formal mining before other forces Acknowledge, no longer get involved.

However, in this area, your sacred place in the early Yuan Dynasty, did you officially inform us of the sacred place?

Moreover, it seems that you haven't started mining at all, and you don't even know whether there are crystal mines below.

How can you delimit the mining area of ​​your holy land in the early Yuan Dynasty? "

The thousand elders in the Holy Land of Tianliang replied loudly.


Elder Feng of the Holy Land in the early Yuan Dynasty seemed to have nothing to answer, and snorted heavily.


Suddenly, from the sky in the distance, there was another roar of crushing space. A huge, no-friend, hundreds of meters long, like a mighty dragon-shaped warship carved from sapphire, instantly came into midair. .

This is the people of Taizhen Holy Land.

"Haha, hello everyone, it's really unprofitable, I can't think of you all gathering here."

A white-haired old man stepped out of the battleship volleyed in the air, suspended in mid-air. Behind him, several middle-aged men and hundreds of disciples from Taizhen Holy Land came out one after another.

"To be honest, in this area, we have already noticed it a few months ago.

Unexpectedly, but you took the lead. "

The white-haired old man said Lang Lang.

"Hmph, Elder Hao, don't talk too much if it is meaningless.

Anyway, this area, no one wants to monopolize it. "

The thousand elders of the Heavenly Sacred Land said angrily.

"Hahaha, don't you want to divide this area in such a hurry, maybe, this is a fierce mine, no one has the strength to mine it?"

Elder Feng from the Holy Land in the early Yuan Dynasty suddenly laughed.

"Elder Feng, what do you mean by this?"

The two elders of Tianliang Holy Land and Taizhen Holy Land suddenly became vigilant.

Because they are all masters who have been in the North Mining Area for many years, and they are most sensitive to the two words fierce mine.

Elder Feng of the Holy Land in the early Yuan Dynasty knew that under such circumstances, there was almost no chance of the Holy Land in the early Yuan Dynasty being able to swallow this mining area.

So, without concealing it, they explained what happened in the mine just now.

"In this way, it is really weird. Could it be that you have really encountered a fierce mine?"

The expressions of the two elders of Tianliang Holy Land and Taizhen Holy Land changed slightly.

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