Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 1473: Looting

After a few sticks of incense, Lin Fei returned to Tianzhou City again at the gate of Luohai Commercial Bank.

Lin Fei quietly unfolded his self-created body technique, and his figure instantly disappeared into the space.

Then, he entered the Luohai Commercial Bank.

After a while.

In the elegant and exquisite room on the second floor of Luohai Commercial Bank.

The obese middle-aged man was in the room. For some reason, he suddenly felt a little irritable.

In the room, pacing back and forth.

This obese middle-aged man is the shopkeeper Li of Luohai Commercial Bank in Tianzhou City.

"Could something be wrong?"

Shopkeeper Li thought to himself.

Suddenly, shopkeeper Li's eyes shrank, and he stubbornly stood at the door of the room.

There was no one at the door.

However, shopkeeper Li still felt a chill out of his body.

In this room, there is an extremely evil aura, which is quietly permeating, as if a peerless evil demon is lurking.

"Who! Bold, we dare to enter the forbidden area of ​​Luohai Commercial Bank!"

Shopkeeper Li shouted.

"If you dare to send someone to catch me, I will naturally dare to break into your forbidden ground."

A figure suddenly emerged from the void and appeared in the room. It was Lin Fei.

"Boy, it's you!"

Shopkeeper Li was shocked.

Hearing what Lin Fei said, he naturally knew immediately that Lin Fei was the one he had sent out to capture not long ago.

Moreover, from Lin Fei's performance, he immediately knew that the young man in front of him was by no means simple and difficult to deal with.

"Presumptuous, what kind of status are you, dare to be so rude to break into my office.

This is a provocation to our Luohai firm! "

Shopkeeper Li shouted.

"Hehe, death is imminent, still pretending to be."

Lin Fei smiled coldly.


call out!

A five or six meters high demon body, surrounded by a monstrous evil spirit, appeared directly in the room. It was Lin Fei's demon body clone.

"What kind of ghost is this!"

Shopkeeper Li felt the ferocious aura radiating from the clone of the demon body, and he couldn't help but straighten up his whole body, taking two steps backwards.

"It happens to use you as a test product."

Lin Fei looked at the shopkeeper Li coldly and said in a playful tone.

"The Third Demon Forbidden!"

Lin Fei said slowly.

Immediately, the demon body clone stretched out a thick demon finger and lightly tapped it towards the space ahead.

Endless monsters and strange symbols are generated in an instant, covering the entire space.

"Damn, why can't I move!"

At the next moment, the shopkeeper Li couldn't help but yelled in surprise, because he found that his body, including the vitality in his body, was completely sealed by a vicious mysterious force, and he couldn't move at all.

"Well, yes, the third magic forbidden method can actually seal a master at the elementary Hinayana realm."

Lin Fei was very satisfied.

It turned out that this treasurer Li was the strength of the elementary Hinayana realm.

Lin Fei's surprise was a little bit by Lin Fei's direct sealing of the powerful power of a junior Hinayana master, sealing the heavens and earth demon forbidden methods.

Next, Lin Fei moved his mind and directly transmitted the sealed treasurer Li into the slave tower.

Then, in the slave tower, Lin Fei conducted a severe torture on the treasurer Li.

At the beginning, Shopkeeper Li was still a little stiff.

However, after Lin Fei released the half-meter-high divine sense small cauldron, and hit his divine soul body twice.

The shopkeeper Li almost lost his soul, and then he was completely panicked.

Lin Fei's current divine consciousness is stronger than most Hinayana masters, and it is already close to the strength of Mahayana masters.

It was a piece of cake to deal with this junior Hinayana, the shopkeeper Li.

In addition, the whole body of Li shopkeeper was sealed, which meant that there was no power to bind the chicken, where there was half of the resistance.

Soon, he cooperated with Lin Fei obediently. Lin Fei asked what he asked, and he didn't dare to hide it.

Through the interrogation, Lin Fei figured out what happened in Luohai Commercial Bank.

It turned out that the people inside Luohai Commercial Bank, although on the surface, were very united.

However, in fact, Luohai Commercial Bank is divided into two factions.

One of the factions, headed by the head of the Luohai Commercial Bank, is Ren Shanshan's father.

Another faction, headed by the second line master of Luohai Commercial Bank.

There have always been contradictions between the two factions, and conflicts have occurred from time to time.

The main reason for the contradiction was the second-line master. He was not convinced that Ren Shanshan's father should be the head-office owner. He wanted to force Ren Shanshan's father to give up the position of the head-office owner.

The treasurer Li in Tianzhou City belongs to the faction of the second line master.

A few days ago, Ren Shanshan was murdered, seriously injured, and then missing.

Ren Shanshan's father immediately sent a large number of people to search for Ren Shanshan's whereabouts.

The second line master of Luohai Commercial Bank also quietly sent his confidant to look for Ren Shanshan's whereabouts.

However, the second line master gave himself the order that after he found Ren Shanshan, he was immediately imprisoned in secret, and he must not let Ren Shanshan's father know.

Shopkeeper Li belongs to the faction of the second line master, and has also received the order of the second line master, and has been secretly searching for Ren Shanshan's whereabouts.

Today, Lin Fei came to the Luohai Commercial Bank in Tianzhou City and took out Ren Shanshan's token, which immediately attracted the attention of treasurer Li, so he sent someone to capture Lin Fei.

Unexpectedly, he stepped onto the iron plate, but was caught by Lin Fei.

"It turned out to be so."

Lin Fei muttered to himself.

Suddenly, Lin Fei thought of something.

"You are the treasurer of the Luohai Commercial Bank in Tianzhou City. Then, the Luohai Commercial Bank in Tianzhou City should belong to the second line owner's industry."

Lin Fei asked the shopkeeper Li with a smile.

"Yes, this Luohai Commercial Bank in Tianzhou City, all the profits will actually end up in the hands of the second line master."

Shopkeeper Li replied.

"Well, now you immediately order your subordinates to send all the wealth of this Luohai Commercial Bank in Tianzhou City to your room."

Lin Fei said coldly.


Shopkeeper Li immediately understood that the boy in front of him wanted to take away all the wealth of Luohai Commercial Bank in Tianzhou City.

"Just do it, otherwise, I will let you die miserably."

Lin Fei stared at the treasurer Li fiercely.

Then, Lin Fei took treasurer Li, directly teleported out of the slave tower, and returned to treasurer Li's room.

Shopkeeper Li knew that his life was completely in Lin Fei's hands. After gritting his teeth, he had to do what Lin Fei said.

Soon, all the people in the Luohai Commercial Bank were ordered by shopkeeper Li to immediately close their doors and work hard, and then send all their money to shopkeeper Li's room.

Although these people in Luohai Commercial Bank felt very strange one by one, the treasurer Li was the head of Luohai Commercial Bank in Tianzhou City. He had the final say in everything.

So I had to do it.

But Lin Fei was invisible in the space, standing next to shopkeeper Li, no one noticed.

Half an hour later, in Tianzhou City, all the properties of the entire Luohai Commercial Bank fell into Lin Fei's hands.

Lin Fei liquidated it a bit, and all his belongings added up to about 70 million yuan worth of Upanishads.

Lin Fei couldn't help being surprised secretly.

The Luohai Commercial Bank in Tianzhou City was just one of the branches of the Luohai Commercial Bank, and it owned 70 million pieces of Upijing.

And the Luohai Commercial Bank, in the entire Eastern Region, I don't know how many such branches, if they add up, then the wealth of the Luohai Commercial Bank is really terrible.

It is estimated that the three holy places, and the three aristocratic families, are far behind.

Lin Fei transported the treasurer Li into the slave tower, was imprisoned, and then quietly left Tianzhou City.

Two days later, Lin Fei returned to Cangyan Ancient Land.

Directly hand over all the assets equivalent to 70 million Upani Crystals to the Great Elder as the resources of the Cangyan Holy Land.

The Grand Elder was a bit strange, wondering why Lin Fei only got so many Upanishads after only two days of going out.

Lin Fei directly told the great elder what happened in Tianzhou City.

"That said, you ransacked the Luohai Commercial Bank in Tianzhou City!"

The great elder suddenly realized.

"Not bad."

Lin Fei nodded.

"Haha, good job."

The elder laughed.

Next, Lin Fei retreats and begins to refine the Green Underworld Pill.

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