Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 1501: A good luck

With the shout, a skinny and skinny palm suddenly stretched out, passing through the misty void, as if traveling through endless time and space, blocking the huge scarlet tongue.

This skinny palm seemed old and weak, but with a light grasp, it magically grasped the huge scarlet tongue in the palm.


The tall humanoid creature made a huge roar in its mouth, and suddenly exerted force, trying to withdraw that scarlet tongue.


The skinny palm was lightly squeezed, and the whole scarlet tongue exploded and turned into a cloud of blood.

The three Lin Fei escaped from the dead, and couldn't help being surprised and happy.

At the same time, with grateful eyes, he looked at the owner of the skinny palm, a skinny old man sitting cross-legged.

It was the skinny old man who had seen him before, and at some point, he unexpectedly appeared opposite Lin Fei.

According to the goblin, this old man had meditated here 10,000 years ago.

Now, what Lin Fei and the three people saw was only the scene 10,000 years ago.

But why, this old man who meditated here 10,000 years ago was able to save the three Lin Fei who passed by here 10,000 years later.

Could it be that this old man has such great magical powers that he can cross the endless time and space and come to save people after 10,000 years?

Lin Fei thought about it, and felt her scalp numb.

All this is so incredible, it is like a myth.


The humanoid creature, with its tongue shattered, couldn't help but roar up to the sky in pain.

However, it also seems to know that the old man who shot is so powerful that it can't provoke it.

As a result, this humanoid creature turned around and fled.


The thin old man sitting cross-legged whispered.

He looked, although he was not far in front of Lin Fei, but he looked so ethereal and unreal at all, like looking at flowers in the mist and the moon in the water.

Lin Fei's divine consciousness was released, and he felt the old man's position and found that there was no one there.

It can be seen with the naked eye, but the power of divine consciousness is completely imperceptible.

Under normal circumstances, things perceived by the divine consciousness are more real and more reliable than things seen with the naked eye.

"In this way, my eyes deceived me. In fact, no one exists in the position of the skinny old man.

What I have seen is only the scene 10,000 years ago. "

Lin Fei was indescribably shocked and muttered to himself.

At the same time, there is a feeling of dizziness, because what I encountered today is a bit beyond imagination, and it is impossible to explain this matter with normal thinking.

Boom boom boom...

The void was shaking violently.

The humanoid creature took a big step and was escaping quickly.

I saw that thin old man suddenly stretched out a shriveled finger, and gently swiped it in the direction that the humanoid creature was fleeing.


A thick beam of light lased out, shining brightly, making people afraid to look directly.


The humanoid creature suddenly horrified all over, with a huge sense of crisis, which enveloped it. It seemed to know that it could not run away, it had only one battle.

So, turning around suddenly, the huge fist, the infinite golden light, blasted out.

Above that fist, there were golden scales, shimmering and glowing, exuding an extremely terrifying energy pressure.

In front of the fist, the void continued to collapse and explode, and countless space fragments were scattered all over the sky, forming black holes in eternal space one after another.

This humanoid creature completely shattered a space with one punch. It is conceivable how terrifying its strength is.


The thick beam hit the huge golden fist of the humanoid creature.


The whole fist was blown to pieces and turned into flesh and blood in the sky.

After the thick beam of light smashed the golden fist, the remaining power faded and continued to move forward.


In the end, this thick beam of light shot into the body of the humanoid creature, centered on the position of the heart.

Kaka Kaka...

The body of the humanoid creature stood still for an instant, without any movement anymore, cracks appeared on the surface of its body, like spider silk, spreading rapidly.


Finally, its huge and terrifying body like a mountain, like shattered porcelain, was blasted to pieces. The terrible amount of flesh and bone **** splashed everywhere in this void.

"The little guy ten thousand years later, I feel the breath of the Holy Venerable Continent on you.

Well, for the sake of being a member of the Holy Venerable Continent, I will give you a good luck. "

The thin old man's two superb divine lights seemed to penetrate the endless distance of time and space, staring at Lin Fei and whispering softly.

"Send me a good luck?"

Lin Fei was taken aback for a moment, wondering what the good fortune the skinny old man meant.

At this moment, I saw that thin old man stretched out a thin palm again.

To the position where the body of the humanoid creature exploded just now, he stretched out, as if grabbing something.

"Sit down cross-legged, hold Yuan and return to one, don't think about it."

Suddenly, Lin Fei's ear heard the solemn soft voice of the thin old man.

Lin Fei was taken aback for a moment, and then quickly followed suit.

Sitting cross-legged in the void, eyes closed, holding Yuan with both hands, placed in the position of dantian.

call out!

A sharp wind rushed toward his face.

Then, Lin Fei only felt that something was forcibly stuffed between his eyes and between his brows.


The next moment, Lin Fei screamed.

I only feel the endless pain at the center of the eyebrows, and the pain is overwhelming. This pain goes deep into the soul and is unbearable.

You know, Lin Fei's physical quality is so powerful, much stronger than ordinary warriors.

However, even Lin Fei couldn't bear the pain. One can imagine how painful it was.

"Let's bear it, if you can bear it, you will get a great fortune."

In Lin Fei's ear, the thin old man's whisper sounded again.

Lin Fei knew that this thin old man would not harm him, otherwise, with his strength, a finger could crush him thousands of times.

Therefore, Lin Fei clenched his teeth, sat cross-legged, trembling violently all over his body like chaff, enduring the soul-painful pain from the center of his eyebrows.

"Three little guys, this space is very dangerous. Time and space are already distorted and misplaced to an extreme degree.

Otherwise, between us, we will not be able to see each other after a 10,000 time interval.

Soon after, the void in this location will be completely annihilated, disappear, and become an eternal and deadly silent, empty black hole with no time and no space.

So, I now, send you all back to the Eastern Region of the Holy Venerable Continent. "

The voice of the thin old man rang softly in the ears of Lin Fei, the goblin, and Azi.

next moment.

A powerful spatial transmission force struck, covering the three of Lin Fei.

Then, Lin Fei and the three people only felt that their bodies were moving quickly and the world was spinning.

After a while.

The three figures stopped at the same time.

"We are back to the Eastern Region."

A Zi exclaimed.

However, Lin Fei was still sitting cross-legged at this time, his eyes closed, still wrestling with the great pain.

Until an hour later.

Finally, Lin Fei felt the pain gradually disappeared.

"Huh! It hurts me."

Lin Fei slowly opened his eyes, his face was pale, and he sighed weakly.

At this time, Lin Fei realized that all his clothes had been wet with sweat, as if they had just been picked up from the water.

"Hey? Master, why do you have an extra eye!"

A Zi looked at Lin Fei's head in surprise.

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