Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 1504: Cangyan ancient land sees the sky again

  Lin Fei's figure, flying by and leaving the practice chamber.

   After a while, he came to the location of the Great Elder.

   I saw Elder Nie, the three elders, the old man at the stall, a few deacons, and a large number of disciples.

   "Grand Elder, the Guardian Front has really been restored!"

   Lin Fei asked.

   "Yes, now the official formation ceremony begins."

   said the elder.

   "Okay, now for the last step, team up!"

   Elder Nie's expression is very serious.

   Suddenly, Elder Nie, the three elders, and the old man at the stall all took out a large number of formation flags that exuded a mysterious atmosphere.

   Body shape exhibition, everyone, occupy a position nearby.

   "Do it!"

   Elder Nie shouted.

   Boom boom boom...

   The five masters all had a terrifying force of Yuan force bursting out of their bodies at the same time, shaking the entire space slightly.

   The real big formation, when arranging the formation flag, it is necessary to seal the formation flag into the formation base with powerful elemental energy.

   The large array arranged in this way is stronger and more durable, and can withstand the baptism of years.


   I saw five masters, all of them started to shoot the flags in their hands into the space next to them, continuously blasting them out.

   The array of flags, carrying a powerful force of power, quickly sank into the space, causing the originally calm space to stir up ripples in the space.

   Lin Fei, the four deacons, and more than 300 disciples, all retreated far away, watching the formation ceremony in front of them nervously and excitedly.

   Gradually, as Elder Nie and other five masters kept throwing the flags, everyone clearly felt that the entire space of Cangyan Old Land began to undergo some very obvious changes.

   Heaven and earth aura, at a speed visible to the naked eye, it quickly becomes rich.

   All the flowers and trees are rapidly becoming crystal clear and full of aura.

   Lin Fei couldn't help but admire secretly, the effect of the guardian formation left by the ancients was really amazing.

   half an hour later.


   Suddenly, the entire Cangyan Ancient Land shook violently.


   Elder Nie and other five masters yelled softly almost at the same time, their tone full of surprises.


   Everyone feels that the ground under their feet is sifting chaff, constantly shaking and swaying.

   "Oh my God, the earth is shaking, what is going on!"

   There are some timid disciples who can't help but scream.

   "Don't panic everyone.

   Apologize, is madly absorbing the aura of heaven and earth in the outside world.

  Because, all of a sudden, too much aura energy rushed in, so this space trembled.

   You can rest assured. "

   The Great Elder comforted.

   Sure enough, after a while, the rich aura of heaven and earth began to infuse frantically into this ancient land of flames.

   Because of too much aura, it has completely turned into a thick mist visible to the naked eye.

   At a glance, the entire Cangyan ancient land, steamed with clouds and rosy clouds, was full of vitality and looked magnificent, with a faint sacred light flowing.

   "There seems to be something incomplete in this ancient space of Cangyan, which is gradually improving."

   Lin Fei muttered to himself, the divine consciousness sensed it, and found that there were some very subtle things in the entire Cangyan Ancient Land space, which was recovering.

   "Oh, you can feel that there is something in this ancient land that is being restored."

   Elder Nie asked when Lin Fei said to himself.

   "Yes, it seems to be something very mysterious and subtle. It used to be incomplete, but now it is being repaired and completed."

   Lin Fei replied.

   "Well, unexpectedly, you can perceive this.

   shows that your soul perception is very powerful.

   Yes, this ancient land of flames has been sealed for too long.

   Many laws and rules in this space have gradually been missing.

   Now, due to ample aura, these missing laws and laws of heaven and earth have begun to be repaired. "

   Elder Nie said.

"So that's the case."

   Lin Fei nodded suddenly.

   "Lin Fei, your current understanding of martial arts should still be at the level of domain power.

   Unexpectedly, you can directly feel the existence of the law in the space without comprehending the profound power.

   It seems that I want to find a time to give guidance and let you realize the power of the law in advance.

   See if you can cross the level of the power of the profound meaning and directly understand the power of the law. "

   Elder Nie said to Lin Fei.

   "Across the power of profound meaning and directly comprehend the power of law?!"

   Lin Fei couldn't help being surprised and happy after hearing Elder Nie's words.

   You must know that the martial artist's perception of martial arts is first to comprehend the power of profound meaning, and then, can go further and comprehend the power of the law.

   "You can skip the power of the profound meaning and feel the power of the law, is this okay?"

Next to   , the old man at the stall asked in surprise, and the three elders were also shocked.

  "Not bad.

  In our time, there was a genius disciple in Cangyan Holy Land. After comprehending the power of the domain, he immediately began to comprehend the power of the law.

   directly jumped over the level of the profound power.

   Later, that genius disciple grew up all the way, and finally reached the fairyland. "

   Elder Nie replied.

   "Transform to Wonderland!"

   The three elders, the old man at the stall, all exclaimed at the same time.

   You need to know that Transforming Wonderland is the highest realm that a warrior can reach in the Sovereign Continent.

   Transformation of Wonderland, it is said that one level higher is the legendary Wonderland!

   Now in the entire Saint Venerable Continent, there are no more warriors who can cultivate to the fairyland.

   "Yes, Lin Fei is now comprehending the power of the domain, but he has just sensed that the law in this space is recovering.

   shows that he has great potential.

   When the time comes, I will personally guide Lin Fei and comprehend the power of the law. "

   Elder Nie said.

   "Thank you, Elder Nie."

   Lin Fei couldn't help being overjoyed.


   Suddenly, the entire Cangyan Ancient Land shook more violently.

   "Elder Nie, this land is rising!"

   Lin Fei couldn't help but yelled softly.

   "Hehe, yes, Cangyan Ancient Land has been sealed into this small space. It has been too long.

   Now, it should be time to see the sun again.

   Cangyan Ancient Land is now breaking through the seal of this small space and returning to the outside world. "

   Elder Nie smiled and nodded and said.

"So that's the case."

   Lin Fei suddenly.

   Sure enough, the entire Cangyan ancient land began to rise as a whole, shaking.

   after a moment.


   A huge explosion sounded.

   The entire Cangyan ancient land broke a certain powerful seal and rushed upwards quickly.

   This time, in the outside world.

   Cangyan old land.

   The former Cangyan Old Land was a vast desert.

   The old land of Cangyan is already a dense grassland.


   Suddenly, a certain piece of ground in this dense grassland burst into pieces.

   In the ground, a dark space-time passage appeared.

   Then, a huge piece of land rushed out from the dark space-time passage.

   Finally, this vast piece of land suspended above the grassland at a height of about 100 meters and stopped moving.

   "Cangyan Ancient Land has returned to the outside world!"

   There are more than 300 figures on this vast land suspended in mid-air, and it is Lin Fei and others.

   At this time, on this piece of land, all the disciples from the Cangyan Holy Land cheered.

   Cangyan ancient land, finally sees the sky again.


   Suddenly, above the Cangyan Ancient Land, there was a loud noise.

   Then, an extremely large-scale formation rose up and quickly spread out into the space in all directions.

   is the great array of apologetics.

   After a while, the distance of 50,000 meters was completely protected by the guardian formation.

   This apologetic array is a huge array of the Cangyan Holy Land that has existed hundreds of thousands of years ago. It is huge in scale and extremely powerful.


   Near the old Cangyan land, the aura that exists between the heavens and the earth continuously poured into the old Cangyan land with a crazy attitude.


   In the entire vast expanse of Cangyan Old Land, there are many places where the ground is slowly rising, forming a series of small mountains.

   "In one year, there will be several real big mountains here."

   Elder Nie looked at everything in front of him, smiled and said in a loud voice.

  "Now, immediately announce to the entire Eastern Region that this place, from now on, will be the headquarters of our Cangyan Holy Land!

   Three days later, our Cangyan Holy Land will formally hold a reconstruction ceremony.

   At that time, welcome all the schools in the Eastern Region to come and watch the ceremony!

   And, from now on, our Cangyan Holy Land will face the entire Eastern Region and recruit disciples. "

   Elder Nie’s voice resounded throughout the old land.

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