Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 1521: Five extreme fairy soldiers

Both the Peacock King and Ren Xiaotian brought their own men and horses across from the position guided by the Great Elder, and then landed on the ancient land of Cangyan.

The number of men and horses carried by the two of them is very large.

Especially the people of the monster race, densely packed and full of monsters, the number is estimated to be at least 50,000 or 60,000.

Suddenly, the entire Cangyan Ancient Land was completely lively, and people's shadows fell everywhere.

Everyone in Cangyan Holy Land was also excited.

Originally, I thought that this reconstruction ceremony would be very deserted, and no one came to watch the ceremony.

Unexpectedly, all of a sudden, so many people came.

"Lin Fei."

Princess Peacock came to Lin Fei with more than a dozen waiting girls.

"Hehe, congratulations, uncle is finally all right."

Lin Fei said with a smile.

"Thank you too much.

The soul crystals you gave me played a big role. "

Peacock Princess said.

"Oh, little man, I haven't seen you for a while, how come I find that you are becoming more and more masculine."

Lin Fei and Princess Peacock were talking. Suddenly, Xiao Xiao twisted her waist and got close to Lin Fei. Her eyes flowed and she cast a wink at Lin Fei.

Her clothes were thin, a pair of protrusions on her chest, the hemispheres were darkly exposed, vaguely trembling, and she kept pressing on Lin Fei, and a woman's unique and alluring fragrance passed over.

Lin Fei almost got a nosebleed.


The little girl joked. "

Lin Fei was a little embarrassed and coughed a few times.

"Hehe, the little man is still so restrained.

Let go, if you like, you can touch it. "

As Xiao Xiao said, she winked at Lin Feilian.

At this time, Elder Nie, the three great elders, and the old man at the stall had already stepped forward to welcome King Peacock and Ren Xiaotian.

"Lin Fei, don't hesitate to come over and meet the two seniors."

The Great Elder shouted to Lin Fei.

"Okay, I'll come over."

Lin Fei was amnesty, and hurriedly fled from the side of his childhood, and went to meet the Peacock King and Ren Xiaotian.

"Cut, there is color, not color."

Xiaoxiaona's cherry mouth curled.

"Little, you are too much."

Princess Peacock's smooth forehead wrinkled slightly.

"Hehe, miss, I'm helping you test his character."

Xiaoxiao said with a smile.

Above the Cangyan Ancient Land, there was a lot of excitement. The Peacock King and Ren Xiaotian were both famous figures in the Eastern Region, and both belonged to the overlord.

The Cangyan Holy Land can't be taken lightly.

Even Elder Nie personally accompanied the Peacock King and Ren Xiaotian and chatted a few words.

Both the Peacock King and Ren Xiaotian knew that the Elder Nie in front of him was an ancient man hundreds of thousands of years ago, and his cultivation skills were unfathomable.

Therefore, both of them respect Elder Nie very much.

"Haha, Lin Fei, this time, I was able to wake up in advance, and the soul crystals you gave me helped me a lot.

So, thank you very much. "

Peacock King smiled and said to Lin Fei, his attitude was very kind.

"Senior Peacock King, you are polite."

Lin Fei replied quickly.

"Anyway, I remember your love."

Peacock King said with a smile.

And this time.

High in the sky, the people of the seven major sects looked at this scene with a gloomy expression.

They naturally understood that both Ren Xiaotian and Peacock King had made a clear attitude and wanted to stand on the side of Cangyan Holy Land.

Especially the Peacock King, so that the top masters of the seven sects are secretly jealous.

This was one of the most legendary monsters in the Eastern Regions.

Moreover, the Peacock King, who was very prestigious among the Eastern Demon Race, was equal to the leader of the Eastern Demon Race.

As long as the Peacock King raised his arms, the entire monster race in the Eastern Region would immediately gather by his side.

The heads of the seven major sects, when you look at me, I look at you, all of them look ugly.

They brought a large number of people and horses to the Cangyan Holy Land with a murderous aura. The fundamental purpose was to gather the power of the seven major sects to prevent the reconstruction of the Cangyan Holy Land and even completely destroy the Cangyan Holy Land.

But now, in the Cangyan Holy Land, the owner of the house is greeting the guests, chatting and laughing, and he is very kind.

It seems that there is no one at all, who cares about the people of the seven major sects in the sky.

"Everyone thinks, what should we do next."

The head of the family planner sent the divine consciousness transmission to the remaining six heads.

"Now Ren Xiaotian and Peacock King have made it clear that they want to stand with Cangyan Holy Land.

Moreover, Luohai Commercial Bank, and Yaozu, so many people came.

The situation is much more complicated than we initially imagined.

Especially the Peacock King, he did not expect that he was still alive.

It is said that his strength back then was terrifying.

Our seven major denominations seem to have little advantage in terms of numbers. "

The Patriarch of the Shen family sent a voice transmission of spiritual knowledge to the rest of the people.

"Hmph, have you forgotten.

Our three holy masters and two Patriarchs all brought the Extreme Immortal Soldiers.

On our side, there are a total of five extremely immortal soldiers.

But the Cangyan Holy Land only has one extreme immortal soldier.

In front of Jidao Immortal Soldier, how many people make sense?

Besides, the old fellow from Cangyan Holy Land who was resurrected hundreds of thousands of years ago, though powerful.

But our five extremely immortal soldiers, and one extremely immortal soldier for him, can definitely gain the upper hand.

So, once we start, we will definitely win! "

The Holy Master of the Holy Land of Heaven said.

"Yes, we brought the five Extreme Immortal Soldiers and we have already taken advantage of it. Therefore, today we must take this opportunity to completely eradicate the Cangyan Holy Land.

Moreover, randomly remove Ren Xiaotian and Peacock King. "

The Holy Lord of the Holy Land in the early Yuan Dynasty said.

"I always feel that the defense formation here in Cangyan Holy Land seems very clever.

The power should not be weak. "

The Holy Master of Taizhen Holy Land frowned and said.

"Hehe, you are too worried.

Do you think that in the Eastern Region, there are still formations that can resist the extreme immortal soldiers?

The Extreme Immortal Soldier represents the ultimate magic weapon in the world. In front of the Extreme Immortal Soldier, all the formations are tattered! "

Said the head of the family planner.

"Well, that's right.

Extremely immortal soldiers can indeed break all formations. "

The rest of the leaders agreed with the planner's words.

"Well, since everyone agrees, then let's get started!

Strongly kill! "

The Holy Lord of the Holy Land in the early Yuan Dynasty said.

The other six heads also nodded one after another.

next moment.

Boom boom boom boom!

Five terrifying torrents of energy burst out in the sky instantly.

The supernatural power of immortal soldiers roared over the sky and rolled the sky, running through the sky and underground, and the whole sky was almost boiling.

The sky is shaking, the earth is moving, and everyone's heart can't help but tremble, with endless fear and depression, crowding the sky and the earth.

The holy masters of the three holy places and the patriarchs of the two great families all took out the treasure of their own sect, the immortal soldier of the extreme path.

Five extreme immortal soldiers appeared in the sky together. This scene shocked everyone.

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