Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 1523: Behead

At this time, Elder Nie was holding a nine-story crimson small tower in his hand, and he was walking in the void, step by step up to the heights.

His black hair is like a waterfall, his body is shining, and he is handsome and handsome. He is perfect as a middle-aged man who is in his prime and full of energy.

Who can believe that he turned out to be an ancient man hundreds of thousands of years ago.

Soon, Elder Nie came to the edge of the guardian formation.

"Today is a great day for our Cangyan Holy Land, I don't want to kill more.

So, you should leave quickly.

Don't make mistakes. "

Elder Nie stood on the bright light curtain formed by the big formation, holding the nine-story crimson small tower with his right hand, and his left hand behind his back. His face was flat and his white clothes were hunting, but he was not angry and mighty. The deterrent momentum slowly spread in this area.

All of a sudden, the people of the seven major sects were panicking secretly.

"Hmph, don't panic, hold your ground, our five extreme immortal soldiers attack together.

This old guy is definitely not our opponent! "

The head of the housekeeper yelled.

The heads of the seven major sects are all heroes of one party, able to contemplate the world, and they are all top figures today.

Naturally, he would not retreat because of Elder Nie's words.


The three holy masters, two patriarchs, and two heads of first-class sects all rushed forward and shouted to kill in unison.

"In this case, there is no choice but to fight."

The scarlet little tower in Elder Nie's hand trembled slightly, and a **** ocean of energy rushed out.


The large formation standing at Elder Nie's feet was also shaking gently, and the pressure of terror was faintly emanating.

"Old guy, our five extreme immortal soldiers are enough to kill you, don't pretend to be!"

The holy master of the Holy Land in the early Yuan Dynasty shouted to Elder Nie. He had been injured by Elder Nie in the North Mine before, so he hated Elder Nie deeply.

He stretched out his hand to point to the white jade bracelet high in the sky. The jade bracelet was constantly shaking, and a wave of supernatural power, like punishment from the sky, rushed to Elder Nie.


With one move of the right hand of the Holy Lord of the Holy Land of Heaven, an ancient gold seal as big as a fist flew into the sky.

The ancient gold seal instantly magnified infinitely and turned into a huge gold seal like a mountain. The golden divine power gushed out like a tide, rumbling down to Elder Nie below.


The Holy Fang of Taizhen Holy Land waved his hand, the silver light was bright, and a silver dagger with the size of a palm flew out of his palm, and it instantly turned into a giant sword with silver light, and cut it to Elder Nie.


The master of the family plan was shrouded in darkness, and a three-bladed steel fork with blazing black light flew out of his hand, continuously zooming in, and hitting Elder Nie.

call out!

A small and exquisite milky white mutton fat jade bowl rose from the hands of the head of the Shen family, shining brightly.

When the jade bowl was overturned, endless white energy burst out from the bowl, and a vast expanse of white light filled Elder Nie.

Five extreme immortal soldiers were played simultaneously.

All kinds of energy, like five vast oceans, crushing the sky.

The void is constantly shattering, and a series of huge black and faint void cracks continue to appear, like the mouths of countless monsters, lying high in the sky.

Fortunately, the Void Crack can repair itself.

Otherwise, this piece of sky would definitely collapse completely and be occupied by endless chaos and void.

The extremely terrifying extremely divine power made everyone tremble.

The people of the five major sects retreat desperately, and even the hermit elders are chilling in their hearts, constantly shouting at the people under their sect, and withdrawing to a safe distance.

The power of the extremely immortal soldiers cannot be confronted by humans.

Even if it is a top master at the level of the Holy Lord and the Hidden Elder level, if it is hit by the Extreme Immortal Soldiers, the end must be very miserable.

"Hehe, it turns out that hundreds of thousands of years later, these Holy Masters and Patriarchs of the Eastern Territory, the use of Extreme Dao Immortal Soldiers is far inferior to our time.

Alas, it is estimated that many of the methods of controlling the extreme immortal soldiers have already been lost. "

Facing the attack of the five extreme immortal soldiers, Elder Nie not only didn't panic, but shook his head gently and exclaimed.

I saw Elder Nie's right hand moved slightly, and with a squeak, the nine-story crimson tower flew out, floating above Elder Nie's head.

Then, Elder Nie quickly squeezed the magic formula with both hands, and punched the magic formula into the big formation under his feet.

The apologetic array began to tremble, and thousands of radiant colors emerged, intertwined with mysterious patterns, and a certain kind of imprint appeared.

Boom boom boom...

Suddenly, the great array rushed into thousands of dazzling radiances.

Every divine light is extremely thick, like huge pillars supporting the sky, gorgeous and dazzling, tearing the void through the Xiaohan, making the world tremble.

Thousands of thousands of huge divine lights turned into sky-high swords, and they all slashed forward at the five extreme immortal soldiers in the sky. They actually resisted the attack of the five extreme immortal soldiers!


The Extreme Immortal Soldier of Cangyan Holy Land, the nine-story crimson little tower, suspended above Elder Nie's head, constantly trembling, and flowing out patches of **** ocean.

Pieces of **** ocean covered Elder Nie.

"Since you are obsessed with not understanding, then I have to kill people!"

Elder Nie shouted, looking majestic and awe-inspiring.


Behind Elder Nie, a small world suddenly appeared. In that small world, there were countless caves, heavens, mountains and seas, countless Taoist priests, holding a whisk in their hands, sitting cross-legged and reciting Taoist ancient scriptures.

This is the ancient scriptures of Cangyan Holy Land, Taoyan scriptures, a vision cultivated.

Then, Elder Nie began to walk into the sky step by step.

A giant sword with a handle to the sky hovered beside Elder Nie, and the blood-colored ocean was constantly shaking, and the sound of Taoist chanting sounded in the whole world.

All this set off Elder Nie as if he was a **** from the immortal realm, with a sharp edge and a spirited spirit, but I dominated him.

call out!

Elder Nie rushed directly to the head of the Kylin faction.

The head of the Kylin faction was so scared that he turned around and fled.

However, Elder Nie's body style implies Dao Yun, this is the practice of Dao Yan Jing, to the extreme performance, the whole body and mind seem to fit this sky.

call out!

Elder Nie's figure flashed, and he was already behind the head of the Kylin faction.

"Holy Lord and Patriarch, save me!"

The head of the Kylin faction screamed vigorously, wanting to ask for help from those holy masters.


However, Elder Nie didn't give him any chance at all. He stretched out his hand and slashed out a dozen [Dragon Novel Network] Great Sky Great Sword, splashing blood in the air.


The head of the Qilin faction screamed, his voice filled with unwillingness and regret, and then his body was chopped into a cloud of blood and scattered with the wind.

The head of a first-class great teacher just became a fly ash, leaving nothing.

At this moment, the whole world is dead silent.

No one can believe this scene.

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