Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 1531: Anti-killer

Lin Fei's movements were extremely fast. After cutting a dark figure in half with a sword, his figure immediately disappeared, hiding in nothingness.

The other assassins were shocked one by one.

Because, they felt that the body techniques and moves that Lin Fei displayed were similar to the killing scriptures they had cultivated. Obviously, it was also an extremely subtle assassination secret technique.


More than a dozen killers, only hesitated for a moment.

Lin Fei's figure was already in the void, approaching the other two assassins, and the Infinite Sword slashed out.

The white light suddenly appeared, out of nothing, appeared abruptly, and rolled towards the heads of the two killers.


Two heads flew with blood, and two killers were killed.

The other dozen assassins were surprised, and quickly backed away, like a dozen thin smoke, disappearing in an instant.

However, their task was to kill Lin Fei, and it was impossible to just give up.

More than a dozen Ruoyouruowu figures, in the void, from all directions, once again quietly moved closer to Lin Fei.

"Humph! In front of me, your set is useless!"

Lin Fei snorted coldly.

Before, when Lin Fei had just obtained Infernal Sutra, the old man Ditan once said that in the Eastern Region, the history of Infinite Realm is much older than that of Killing Realm.

Wujianjie was a killer organization more than one million years ago.

The Killing Realm is a killer organization that only appeared after the disappearance of Wujianjie.

The Infinite Sutra of the Infinite Realm is much more powerful than the Sutra of the Killing Realm, and it is an ancient sutra that represents the highest level of the assassin world.

Therefore, in the assassination secret technique that Lin Fei cultivated, Lin Fei was actually more powerful than these dozen assassins.

"They are the killers of the killing world!"

"Someone hired a killer to assassinate Lin Fei!"

Those onlookers around the martial artist, at this time, all exclaimed in a low voice.

Many people are cold in their hearts.

Killing World is a mysterious and dangerous killer organization.

Once targeted by the killer of the slain world, it will be a nightmare for most warriors.

Because those assassins, like poisonous snakes, hide in the dark, staring at you all the time. I don't know when they will suddenly come out and give people a fatal blow.

Even the three sacred places and three aristocratic families, these super powers, are also assassins to the killing world, helpless.

"Why those killers are all gone.

Did the assassination fail, is it gone? "

Among the crowd watching the excitement, some people were curious and couldn't help but ask in a low voice.

"Where can I go so fast, the killer who kills the world, he won't give up easily if he doesn't complete the task."

"Yes, it is said that once a killer in the killing world is invisible, he will not even be able to perceive it with his divine consciousness."

A warrior replied next to him.

In the blink of an eye, the dozen or so killers who were invisible in the void had already quietly approached Lin Fei again.

Lin Fei held a white sword with a sneer in his eyes, and his eyes seemed to be cold.

In fact, Lin Fei had already locked the positions of these dozen killers.

"Just use you to try the power of the Five Elements Tyrant Sword!"

Lin Fei secretly said in his heart.

at this time.

Hh hh...

Five or six murderous sharp swords slammed out of the void in the space near Lin Fei's body and attacked Lin Fei.

"Those killers really haven't left yet, they have appeared again!"

There were warriors around who couldn't help but exclaim.

Lin Fei's eyes were cold, five sword energy of different colors burst out of his body, it was the five elements of sword light, each of which was dazzling and boundless.

The sword light of the five elements burst out, representing the power of the five elements law, faintly forming a sword formation of Shengke, strangling out quickly, penetrating nothingness.


A series of screams came out of nothingness, and then, six figures shrouded in pitch-black robes appeared staggeringly in the space around Lin Fei.

In every figure, the chest is pierced, and it is the wound of the heart, blood is rushing.

Looking at this situation, you know that you will definitely not survive.

"You..., from the beginning..., you can see through our body...?"

One of the dark figures, covering the wound on his chest, stared at Lin Fei with horrified eyes, and asked intermittently.

"Huh, little bugs, what's so great."

Lin Fei snorted slightly and swept the Infinite Sword in his hand.

The six heads flew high.

Six more killers were killed.

Those warriors around were shocked to see.

In these legends, the terrifying killer, how could he be so weak in front of Lin Fei that he was unable to fight back.

"Mission failed, retire!"

At this time, a soft shout came from the space near Lin Fei.

Then, five illusory figures, like five wisps of smoke, went away in an instant, all of them flew to the extreme without turning their heads back.

As well-trained assassins, they know how to make choices. If they fail to attack, they must retreat.

From the beginning to now, there have been nine killers who died in Lin Fei's hands.

Moreover, what made the remaining five assassins even more fearful was that Lin Fei seemed to be able to lock their positions.

Their invisible assassination method seemed to be completely useless in front of Lin Fei.

"Want to go, it's not so easy!"

Lin Fei sneered.

Being assassinated, how could Lin Fei let these killers go.

Lin Fei unfolded his body creation, almost in an instant, he chased after him, his eyes fixed on the five phantom phantoms, locking the figures of the five killers.

Then Lin Fei stretched out his hand.

The five elements of sword aura shot out, and the terrifying sword intent swept out.

Five sword lights of different colors cut into nothingness.


Five screams sounded almost simultaneously.

Then, the figures of five killers appeared in everyone's eyes.

Four of the assassins had already been split in half by the Five Elements Sword Light, and they had long since died.

Only one of the assassins was left, his feet were cut to the knees, and he was seriously injured, looking at Lin Fei in horror.

The sword light that Lin Fei used just now is too powerful, he has no resistance at all.

At this time, all the martial artists in the surrounding area were shocked and shocked. A total of 13 killers from the world came to assassinate Lin Fei.

The whole army was wiped out, and none of them could run away.

Everyone's eyes were on Lin Fei's body.

At this time, Lin Fei was holding the white Infinite Sword in his hand, his eyes were cold, and his killing intent was awe-inspiring, as if a **** of death descended to the earth.

"This Lin Fei is indeed a well-deserved reputation, extremely terrifying, and worthy of being a terrifying little demon in the Eastern Region."

Most people think this way in secret.

When Lin Fei moved, he was already standing next to the last killer.

With a wave of his hand, a light golden vitality shot out, already sealing the assassin's body.

"Say, who on earth asked you to kill me!"

Lin Fei's voice was full of killing intent.

"Huh, the mission failed, what else to say.

Just kill me. "

A hoarse voice came from the killer's mouth.

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