Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 1541: Run into the palace

Before the imperial capital of the Ancient Cang Empire, Lin Fei stood in the air, carrying his hands on his back, hunting and dancing in clothes.

Azi and the goblin stood beside him, as well as the heads of six sects.

In the rear, hundreds of thousands of horses stood.

"Wait, I will go in first.

You take the men and horses and be in charge of the queen. "

Lin Fei said.

"Holy Son, the imperial royal family, there are many masters.

Moreover, I heard that there are quite a few masters in the planners who sit in the imperial capital.

Why not let us follow you and rush in together. "

Feng Hui of the Changle Gang said.

"no need.

Just bring your troops and deal with the royal army.

As for those masters, just leave it to me. "

Lin Fei said.

Then, Lin Fei moved his body, unfolding his own body skills, his body instantly disappeared, hiding in the space, and heading towards the huge city in front.

Seeing Lin Fei suddenly disappear, Feng Hui and the heads of the six-person sect could not help being surprised secretly.

Because, they found that not only did they not see Lin Fei with the naked eye, but even their divine consciousness could not perceive Lin Fei's figure.

"The strength of the Saint Child is really unfathomable."

Feng Hui couldn't help sighing.

"Yes, it is said that even the Deacon Shao in the Holy Land of Heavenly Quantity was severely injured by the Son, and finally fled by burning his blood.

The true combat effectiveness of the Saint Child is far higher than his apparent strength level, so common sense cannot be used to speculate. "

Said Liu Wenhua, the leader of the Black Mountain Gang.

The other four heads also nodded in agreement.

They are now relying on Lin Fei.

Lin Fei's strength, the stronger, they naturally happier.

At this time, Lin Fei had already entered the imperial capital.

Lin Fei kept walking towards the palace.

After a while, Lin Fei had already entered the palace, hovering above the palace, and appeared.

"Emperor Dog listen to me, I am Lin Fei, the inheritor of Cangyan Holy Land.

You are limited to a pillar of incense, give up the throne and get out of the imperial capital.

From now on, the Ancient Cang Empire will be managed by our Cangyan Holy Land! "

Lin Fei lifted up the voice of luck and performed the roar of magic sound.

The roaring sound, like thunderbolts, spread rumblingly.

In an instant, it sounded everywhere in the palace.

Even in the entire imperial capital, Lin Fei's voice was heard.

The entire palace suddenly became silent, there was no sound, only the roar of Lin Fei, which was spreading.

However, after a dozen breaths.

The entire palace was completely boiling.

"It's Lin Fei!"

"Lin Fei of Cangyan Holy Land has arrived!"

Countless figures, densely packed, like locusts in transit, rushed out from every corner of the palace.

Lin Fei's name was so loud in the Eastern Region that almost no one knew it.

The people in the entire palace were shocked when they heard that Lin Fei was here.

In a moment, a total of forty to fifty thousand people rushed into the air and surrounded Lin Fei.

Moreover, in the imperial capital, there were also groups of soldiers in other positions, shouting, rushing towards the direction of the palace.

Lin Fei hovered above the palace, standing volley in the sky, looking calmly at all this.

Finally, a middle-aged man wearing a dragon robe, a crown and a majestic face, surrounded by a group of ministers, rushed out of a huge palace inside the palace and stood far away from Lin Fei.

This person is the emperor of the Ancient Cang Empire.

"You are Lin Fei!"

The emperor shouted to Lin Fei.

"Yes, I am Lin Fei.

Emperor Dog, what I said just now, you should have heard clearly.

You take the initiative to abdicate.

It's better not to let me do it myself. "

Lin Fei said with a sneer.

"Hugh is rude, a younger man, don't talk gibberish here and be disrespectful to my emperor.

The royal family of the ancient Cang empire, passed down for thousands of years, is ordered by heaven and belongs to the orthodox royal family.

How can you be a junior kid who can overthrow a few words lightly! "

Behind the royal family, an elderly **** was furious and scolded Lin Fei.

"Lin Fei, our ancient Cang Empire royal family, and your Cangyan Holy Land, there is no festival, why should we break into the royal family and insult our emperor?

Is this deceiving our ancient Cang Empire and no one in the royal family? "

A majestic general yelled at Lin Fei with a loud voice like thunder and fierce speech.

"Lin Fei, although you are in the Eastern Territory and you have a small reputation, but our ancient blue empire royal family, it is not you who can provoke and retreat quickly, don't make mistakes!"

A minister with a bookish face and an elegant appearance opened his mouth to persuade Lin Fei.

"Humph, there's nothing in an imperial palace, it's an insult or not.

The Ancient Cang Empire, a thousand years ago, was already a subsidiary country of our Cangyan Holy Land. The heritage of the Ancient Cang Empire came from our Cangyan Holy Land.

Thinking of my Cangyan Holy Land, it has a long history and profound background. It has a much higher status and a much stronger strength than the royal family of an empire in your area.

I am the saint son of the Cangyan Holy Land, and now I am here on behalf of the Cangyan Holy Land and personally ordered the Dog Emperor to abdicate and take back the imperial power of the Ancient Cang Empire.

In fact, it is just right, the dog emperor, you'd better abdicate quickly, don't wait until I do it myself. "

Lin Fei said indifferently, with contempt in his words.

"Lin Fei, what you said was something that happened more than a thousand years ago.

Now, our ancient Cang empire is one of the three inherited families, the subordinate country of the Judge.

This is well known throughout the Eastern Region.

I don't want to conflict with your Cangyan Holy Land, so I don't want to embarrass you.

You go back.

I can't hold you accountable for being rude to me.

However, please don't be rude to the royal family of our ancient blue empire in the future.

After all, my patience is limited. "

The emperor, suppressing his anger, said to Lin Fei.

During this period of time, Cangyan Holy Land developed very rapidly and its strength increased rapidly.

Moreover, not long ago, on the day Cangyan Holy Land was rebuilt, a resurrected ancient man from hundreds of thousands of years ago in Cangyan Holy Land single-handedly defeated the people of the Seven Great Sects.

Therefore, the emperor did not want to provoke the Cangyan Holy Land, and took a tolerant attitude towards Lin Fei.

"Hahaha, don't tell me about family planning.

The Ancient Cang Empire used to be a subject of our Cangyan Holy Land, and it will also be in the future.

The planner wants to occupy the subject country of our Cangyan Holy Land, no way.

Moreover, Emperor Dog, in order to please the planner's clan elders, you actually sent the royal army to arrest warriors in the ancient blue empire and escorted to the imperial capital for the planner's clan elders to practice taboo secret techniques.

Hmph, as the emperor of an empire, he was cruel and innocent. He didn't know how to protect his own people. Instead, he used the lives of his own people to please the family.

The Ancient Cang Empire, it is really unfortunate to have a dog emperor like you.

Today, I will ask for justice for the people of the Ancient Cang Empire and depose you, the dog emperor. "

Lin Fei said.

"You... bold!"

The old **** behind the emperor, trembling with anger at Lin Fei's words, pointed at Lin Fei and cursed.

Lin Fei's thoughts moved, and the small tripod of divine knowledge instantly rushed into the sea of ​​knowledge of the old eunuch.


The old **** was struck by lightning, and his body was thrown away instantly, vomiting blood again and again, and his face was pale as paper.

He was only the strength of the elementary Hinayana, how could he resist Lin Fei's divine sense Xiaoding.

When the old eunuch's body was thrown away, Lin Fei raised his hand and slashed out with a black sword aura.


The head of the old **** was cut off, and blood rushed up like a fountain where there was no head or neck.

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