Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 1544: Force me to do a trick

The Ji family elder was obviously taken aback. [新笔趣阁], a junior in the intermediate Hinayana realm, actually blocked his attack. Such a combat power is indeed terrifying.

The old man of this family was a little shaken, because it was not in line with common sense.

You should know that he is not only a high-level Mahayana master, but he has been practicing the Dark Sutra of the Jijia for a long time. Besides, he has also cultivated a lot of the various advanced martial arts collected in the Jijia.

His true combat power was much higher than the ordinary high-level Mahayana realm.

call out!

At this time, Lin Fei’s demon body clone had already teleported to, on top of the six or seven-meter-high demon body, enveloped with a strong and extremely evil aura, like a thick dragon after another, spreading its teeth and dancing claws, surrounding it Circling, it's amazing.

In the fierce battle just now, the essence of the flesh and blood sucked by the demon body clone has exceeded 10,000!

As a result, everyone in the entire palace did not dare to approach Lin Fei's demon clone.

Wherever the demon body clone went, anyone desperately avoided.


The old Ji family pointed like a knife, and the tip of the finger shot a black glow, which turned into a three-bladed steel fork, which zoomed in extremely quickly and reached a hundred feet long, slashing towards the demon body clone in a sweeping force.

The demon body clone rushed forward and blasted out with a punch, and the endless evil energy gathered on the fist, like a huge eye of the storm, and the fierce aura released by it was suffocating.


The magic fist collided with the Baizhang three-blade steel fork, shaking violently, and the world resonated.

The demon body avatar retreated a few steps, and the hundred-zhang three-blade steel fork also ran out of energy, exploded directly, and dissipated in the space.

This time head-to-head, the two sides are almost on par.

"Hmph, I didn't expect this clone of you to be so hard!"

The old family's face was so gloomy that it almost dripped water, and his heart was shocked.

A junior of the intermediate Hinayana stage, he was so strong that he could fight hard.

This shows that Lin Fei's strength can actually fight the elders of the Holy Land!

"Hmph, even if this clone of yours is a bit extraordinary, so what? It depends on how I kill you!"

Although the heart of the elder of the planner was shocked, he was in a high-level Mahayana state after all, and his true trump card had not yet been displayed.

Therefore, he still has absolute confidence that he can kill Lin Fei.

I saw him stretch out his hand.


A wide area of ​​dark night, falling from the sky, shrouded the entire palace and even half of the imperial capital.

It was dark everywhere, and it was almost impossible to see with the naked eye.

All the people who were shrouded in this night only felt that they were being attacked by a desperate, cold, and helpless chill. The vitality in the body was also not flowing smoothly, and it seemed that they were waiting to be slaughtered.

"No, Master Ji has used the Dark Ancient Sutra.

Let's run away. "

The people in the entire palace desperately ran out of the palace.

For a moment, the entire palace was empty, except for the old family Ji, Lin Fei, and the demon body.

Lin Fei was in the night, and felt that a terrible feeling of despair and helplessness was affecting his thinking.

In my heart, I gradually developed a kind of unwillingness to resist, and the idea of ​​tying hands and letting others kill.

However, in Lin Fei's sea of ​​consciousness, the soul tree shook, and a powerful protection energy instantly protected Lin Fei's entire sea of ​​consciousness.

All negative emotions were immediately driven out.

Lin Fei was not affected at all.

Jie Jie...

Under the dark night, a series of tall and hideous figures appeared, all with a pair of dark wings, flying back and forth in the night.

Lin Fei could not help but secretly admired.

The elder of the Ji family, the dark sutra of cultivation, the heat is already very deep.

"Lin Fei, you are young and have achieved such a little bit of achievement, you can't be arrogant and arrogant.

Today, I am finally going to die here, remember, in the next life, be a low-key person. "

The icy voice of the old Ji family echoed in the dark night like Ye Xiao's cry.

"With you, do you think you can really kill me!"

Lin Fei said.


A surging golden sea of ​​fire rose from behind Lin Fei, the fire was fierce, blazing, and the terrifying high temperature made people look disillusioned.

Four golden giant **** rose into the sky from the sea of ​​fire.

The surging sea of ​​fire was like tearing a hole in the dark night, reflecting the space around Lin Fei.

"What ancient scripture are you practicing?!"

The old family of Ji was shocked. Based on his knowledge, he knew every ancient scripture in the Eastern Region.

Generally speaking, there are only ancient scriptures that can cultivate visions.

However, he had never seen the vision that Lin Fei showed.

Lin Fei did not answer.

As soon as his mind moved, the four huge golden **** behind him rushed forward and attacked the Ji family elder.

The old Ji family snorted coldly, dozens of Shura with jet black wings holding three-edged steel forks, rushing out of the night.


Dozens of Shura, and four huge golden balls, fought fiercely in midair.

The dozens of Asuras had terrible power. The huge steel fork in his hand burst out with terrifying energy. Every fork hit blasted four golden **** back.

The dark sutra of the old Ji family has reached a relatively high level in cultivation.

The dozens of Shura that turned out were terrifying.

After a while, Lin Fei knew that based on the vision of the Sun's Golden Sutra, he was probably not the opponent of the old Ji family.

So Lin Fei raised his hand and cut out five hundred-zhang giant swords of different colors, the sword intent covering the sky, sharp and sharp, slashing at the dozens of Shura.

Four huge golden balls, five lines of sword aura, finally barely resisted dozens of tall Shura under the night.

call out!

The demon body clone rushed forward again, fiercely mad, tumbling and booming, the demon body clone punched out.


A head of Shura couldn't avoid it, and was smashed into pieces by the fist of the demon body clone, turned into a sky of pitch black vitality, and dissipated in the void.

The Ji family's body shook, and his face instantly paled.

These tall Asuras were actually formed by condensing his vitality through complicated tactics, connected to his mind, and when Asura was destroyed, he was also affected a little.

At this time, the old family of Ji was shocked and shocked.

He was in the high-level Mahayana state, and Lin Fei was only an intermediate-level Hinayana state, which was a big difference.

Unexpectedly, after he showed the Darkness Sutra, Lin Fei still beat him inextricably.

He finally understood why, in the past few years, Lin Fei could make a name for himself in the Eastern Region.

With such terrible combat power, let me ask, who can compare to the younger generation in the Eastern Region.

Definitely the first person in the young generation of Eastern Region!

Boom boom boom!

The demon body clone was extremely fierce, and repeatedly fisted and bombarded, and in a moment, it smashed five or six Shura to pieces.

The Ji family is always implicated, and his face is getting more and more ugly.

"Okay, Lin Fei, I don't believe it, I can't kill you a mere junior kid today.

You forced me to do a trick! "

The old face of the Ji family was very ugly, and he was forced to such a point when he started with a junior boy. After saying it, no one could believe it.

"Hmph, okay, I'll see your Demon Yacha Secret Art!"

Lin Fei said coldly, but his expression was also a little serious.

Because, last time, Lin Fei had already seen the master of the planner, and Ji Wenwang had used this kind of secret technique of the demon Yacha.

This kind of demon yasha secret technique, once displayed, will instantly increase combat power by five or six times, or even more.

The combat power of the old Ji family is already very powerful. If it is increased by five or six times, Lin Fei doesn't know if he can deal with it.

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