Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 1550: Divine Consciousness Circle

"Elder, you don't have to worry, even the clan elder of the planner, I will kill.

That Ji Donglai, no matter how enchanting, is just a younger brother of the Ji family, what's so terrible. "

Lin Fei said.

"Then Ji Donglai, I heard that he is now a first-level student of the White Tiger Academy.

Each of the first-level students of the four major academies is very enchanting, and the real combat power is not worse than the ordinary elders in those holy places in the Eastern Region.

In other words, Ji Donglai must have the same combat power to kill the elders of the Holy Land.

So, don't be careless.

Ji Donglai's strength is not necessarily worse than yours. "

The Grand Elder appeared very cautious.

"Students from the four major colleges, so powerful?"

Lin Fei was also a little surprised.

The most important thing to behead the clan elder of the Ji family is to rely on the pupil of the ancestor of Hades and the demon body clone, especially the pupil of the ancestor of Hades.

But his true cultivation level and martial skills couldn't do this.

"Lin Fei, maybe you don't know much about the four colleges in Zhongshengzhou.

The four colleges have ancient heritage and terrifying strength.

It can be said that in our Sovereign Continent, there is absolutely no sect force or family that dares to compare with the four major colleges.

Now, in the Holy Venerable Continent, the four states of Eastern Region, Western Wilderness, Nanling, and Beiyuan have no power to transform into a fairyland.

However, it is said that in each of the four colleges, there are at least a few Transmigrating Wonderland powers. This alone, you can know how terrible the strength of the four colleges is. "

The Great Elder said with a wry smile.

"What, the four colleges, each of them has at least several great powers in the fairyland!"

Lin Fei couldn't help being taken aback.

The great power of the fairyland, that is the entire Saint Venerable Continent, the most powerful existence, can overlook the entire continent.

It is said that the mighty power of transforming the strength of the fairyland, with a cultivation base, is already close to the legendary fairy.

If you take one step further, you can transform into a fairyland, become a legendary fairy, become a fairy, and ascend to the fairyland.

"Yes, among the four major academies, the masters are like clouds, like me, just grab a lot of them.

Because, among the four colleges, the collections of tactics, martial arts, and all kinds of secret techniques belonged to the most powerful in the entire Holy Venerable Continent.

Not only these aristocratic families in the Eastern Territory, and the holy land, are far from being compared with the four colleges, even those powerful holy land and aristocratic families in the Central Saint State cannot be compared with the four colleges.

In short, the four colleges are the real hegemons in our holy continent. "

The elder said.

So that's the case.

After Lin Fei listened, he couldn't help being very shocked. It turned out that the strength of the four major colleges was so terrible.

"Moreover, there is one more point.

Then Ji Donglai, and those students who came back from the four major academies, if they want to kill you, the high level of our Cangyan Holy Land cannot intervene, and can only let your juniors fight each other.

Otherwise, if we old guys interfere.

Once it reaches the ears of the masters of the four major academies, I am afraid it will immediately root out our Cangyan Holy Land.

Even if there were a hundred Cangyan Holy Lands, they would not be the opponents of the four colleges. "

The elder said.

"Well, that's how it is.

I understand. "

Lin Fei nodded.

"Master, this time the four colleges are recruiting new students, so you should also sign up.

This is the separation of the last master, before leaving, let me tell you. "

Suddenly, in Lin Fei's sea of ​​knowledge, Lu Qi's divine consciousness sounded.

"True old man, let me join the four colleges?"

Lin Fei was taken aback.

"Yes, when the last master's soul-separation left, once said that once the four colleges of Zhongshengzhou recruited new students, let me notify the master and strive to join the four colleges.

Only by entering the four major colleges can you get a better opportunity to temper and become stronger.

Moreover, the secrets held by the four colleges of Zhongshengzhou are beyond your imagination.

You only have to join the four colleges and use the four colleges as a springboard to qualify as a true protector in the future. "

Lu Qi said.

"Well, since it was meant by the real old man, then I will do it.

Anyway, I would also like to visit the four major academies, and meet the true young talents in the Holy Venerable Continent for a while. "

Lin Fei clicked on the [New Biqule Hotel].

"Elder, I plan to sign up for the selection of the four colleges and enter the four colleges."

Lin Fei said directly to the Great Elder.


Okay, that's okay, haha, how come I didn't expect this.

Lin Fei, with your development potential, it is impossible to stay in the Eastern Region forever. You should indeed enter the four colleges.

Haha, I support you. "

The Great Elder was stunned for a moment, and then laughed loudly.

"Lin Fei, for a while, be careful and try to keep a low profile.

By the way, Elder Nie cares about your safety, and he asked me to bring you two secret techniques.

Elder Nie said that these two secret techniques belonged to the ancient treasures of our Cangyan Holy Land.

It should be useful to you. "

The great elder said, directing the two streams of information into Lin Fei's sea of ​​knowledge.

"Okay, Lin Fei, I'm leaving now.

During this period of time, the scale and strength of our Cangyan Holy Land has developed rapidly, and thousands of new disciples have been recruited, and many things have to be busy. "

The great elder hurried away.

Lin Fei quickly checked the two streams of information in the sea of ​​his own knowledge.

Sure enough, there are two secret techniques.

A secret method called Dao Breath, whose main function is to cover up the real spirit aura, and to change the appearance.

The other one turned out to be a mysterious magic circle of divine consciousness!

The so-called magic circle of divine consciousness is a circle that must be portrayed by the power of divine consciousness.

Moreover, the main function of this magical array of divine consciousness is to allow the spirit of the magic weapon to leave the magic weapon in a short time and move in the outside world.

"Elder Nie actually has this kind of divine consciousness array, it's great!"

Lin Fei couldn't help being overjoyed.

Before, the old man from the stall had once told Lin Fei that the special divine consciousness array that allowed the spirit to leave the magic weapon had long been lost in the Eastern Region.

Unexpectedly, Elder Nie had such a magic circle.

However, Elder Nie was an ancient person hundreds of thousands of years ago. In addition, he had a lot of research on the formation method. It seemed not surprising that he possessed this kind of divine consciousness array.

If this divine consciousness array is really useful, then Lu Qi can temporarily emerge from the slave tower and move in the outside world.

Therefore, Lin Fei immediately teleported himself into the slave tower.

He also told Lu Qi about the magic circle of the divine consciousness.

"Oh, if you can leave the slave tower and take a look in the outside world, that would be great.

In short, I have been in this slave tower for a very long time. "

Lu Qi said.

"Well, I will try to portray this circle immediately."

Lin Fei said.

Therefore, Lin Fei directly teleported to the cultivation chamber on the ninth floor.

To portray the magic array of divine consciousness, the strength of divine consciousness must at least reach the Mahayana state.

Lin Fei's current divine consciousness is estimated to be stronger than most Mahayana realms, and naturally it meets the requirements.

In the secret room, Lin Fei sat down cross-legged, embraced Yuan and returned to one, and began to try to portray the magic circle in the slave tower.

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