Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 1556: sensation

"Luo Xianjie, ha ha, it's really unexpected, it's been so many years.

Luoxianjie actually moved to our holy land again.

This time, our Saint Continent doesn't know how many people are going to die in it. "

Suddenly, a short figure appeared in front of the bronze gate, looking at the top of the gate, the words Luoxian, sighed.

Seeing this small figure, everyone's eyes couldn't help but shrink, and each one showed shocked faces.

It turned out that this short figure turned out to be a seven or eight-year-old boy!

"What's the matter, when did a child come in."

The fairy Caixia, who was holding a cane, couldn't help but exclaimed.

"Huh, no big or small!"

Suddenly, the boy faintly looked towards Fairy Caixia.

Suddenly, Fairy Caixia only felt like she was struck by lightning and stepped back for several steps, her face full of wrinkles, and her face paled.

"Senior, please forgive your sins and forgive Caixia for her rudeness!"

Fairy Caixia was frightened.

At this time, she could already see that this boy, who seemed to be only seven or eight years old, was actually an unfathomable master. His true age was probably too frightening.

The rest were also secretly jealous.

You know, this fairy Caixia is a reclusive elder of the Jade Profound School, the first-class powerful sect in the Eastern Region.

Her strength, in the entire Eastern Region, belongs to the group of extremely powerful masters, which is equivalent to standing at the top of the pyramid.

However, the boy, just looking at her, caused her to suffer a dark loss. One can imagine how terrifying the boy's strength is.

"Emperor Yan, have you heard of Luoxianjie?"

Lin Fei asked the Emperor Yan in the Sea of ​​Knowledge.


It is estimated that the masters of the older generation will know it.

When I was in the Eastern Region, I had never heard of Luoxianjie. "

Yandi replied.

Lin Fei was taken aback for a moment, even Yan Emperor, a native warrior, had never heard of Luoxianjie.

It seems that this Falling Immortal Realm is really mysterious.

"Senior Ren, what is going on in this world of immortality?"

Lin Fei then sent a voice of divine consciousness to Ren Xiaotian.

"I have heard that once, it is said that Fallen Immortal Realm was the place where immortals fell in ancient times.

Moreover, Falling Immortal Realm is not fixed in our Holy Venerable Continent.

It's walking around in various worlds, big and small, erratic.

It is said that a long time ago, the Fallen Realm once appeared in our Holy Venerable Continent.

Even the great powers in the Saint Venerable Continent have entered the realm of falling immortals, looking for immortal fate.

As for the more specific situation, I don't know. "

Ren Xiaotian replied.

Lin Fei was very shocked when he heard it. Even a super master like Ren Xiaotian didn't know much about Falling Immortal Realm. It seemed that Falling Immortal Realm was really mysterious.

Moreover, even the power of the fairyland has entered the world of falling fairy.

It can be seen that in this falling fairy world, there may really be a great opportunity for shocking the sky.

"This place has the smell of Shanshan.

Shanshan must have been here before. "

Ren Xiaotian said to Lin Fei.

"Miss Ren came here?

In that case, Miss Ren, will she have entered the world of falling immortals? "

Lin Fei was taken aback.

"Oh, I hope she didn't go in.

It is said that although there is a great opportunity in this world of immortality, it is also extremely dangerous. With Shanshan's strength, if he really enters, the consequences will be disastrous. "

Ren Xiaotian sighed.

During this period of time, in order to find his daughter, he did not know how much he had fucked.

"You people in the Eastern Region cannot enter for the time being.

Only when we are all in the Central Saint State, can we enter behind us.

Remember my words.

If you dare to enter privately, then you will be at your own risk, hehe. "

Suddenly, the boy standing in front of the bronze door said lightly.

As soon as he raised his hand, a white bead appeared, floating in front of the bronze gate.

Among the white beads, a series of complex and mysterious white runes burst out. In an instant, the dense white runes formed a magic circle just in front of the bronze gate.

This magic circle radiated astonishing energy fluctuations, sealing the bronze gate tightly, making people daunting.

Then, the boy moved and disappeared in place.

"This is a space crack, he can actually teleport!"

Kongtian said in surprise.

Everyone was secretly chilling.

Obviously, this boy with an unknown identity is frighteningly powerful.

"This person's space power is much stronger than mine."

The voice of the goblin's divine consciousness sounded in Lin Fei's sea of ​​knowledge.

"Yes, this is the depths of the space crack. He can teleport away directly. The space power is indeed terribly powerful."

Lin Fei was also very shocked.

"This bead is an extremely immortal soldier!"

Suddenly, Fairy Caixia looked at the white bead floating in front of the bronze door and whispered softly.

The eyes of everyone suddenly fell on the white bead.

"Yes, it is indeed an extremely immortal soldier.

This person can take out an extremely immortal soldier casually. It is estimated that his status and status in the Central Saint State is certainly not low. "

Said Kongtian.

"In Zhongshengzhou, there is an ancient big religion called Xuanyu Sect.

It is said that there is an ancient scripture in the Xuanyu Sect called Prison scripture.

In the prison scripture, there is recorded a mysterious tactic called the Six Paths of Reincarnation tactic.

Anyone who practices the Six Paths of Reincarnation Art will undergo reverse growth. The longer he gets, the younger he gets until he returns to the state of a baby, and then grows up.

Repeatedly, after experiencing six cycles of reverse growth, you can cultivate to the highest level.

Is the boy just now a master of Xuan Prison Sect? "

An old man in black said shockedly.


The rest of the people couldn't help but gasp.

Because, Xuan Prison Sect is an ancient great sect with terrifying strength in the Central Saint State.

Compared with those sacred places and aristocratic families in the Eastern Region, it is not known how much stronger it is.

Moreover, it is said that there is a great power in the teaching of the fairyland.

"Oh, we have to wait.

In case he is really a master of the mysterious prison sect, we can't provoke him.

If you don't do what he wants, it will cause catastrophe. "

Fairy Caixia sighed.


In the Central Saint State.

An astonishing news spread among some ancient big sects, the world of falling immortals appeared, in the Eastern Region!

Suddenly, many of the top masters trembled with excitement.

"Falling in the immortal world, that's where the immortal fell!

Although it is dangerous, it contains endless fairy fate! "

In the depths of many ancient big sects, in some forbidden areas, excited roars came out one after another.

Even among the four colleges.

"Get ready now, organize the masters in the academy, and some core students to go to the Eastern Region, enter the world of falling immortals, and find immortal fate!"

The deans of the four major colleges all issued such orders.

Even, somehow, the sacred land and aristocratic families in the three states of West Wilderness, Nanling, and Beiyuan also heard the news that Luoxianjie appeared in the Eastern Region.

Therefore, among these three states, those holy places and aristocratic families also organized people to come to the Eastern Region and prepare to enter the world of falling immortals.

The entire Great Sect of the Holy Venerable Continent was completely boiling because of the appearance of the Falling Immortal Realm.

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