Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 1562: Burning God ancient lamp array method

Lin Fei raised his hand, and the Five Elements Sword slashed out, attacking the ten ancient lamps around. ()

At the same time, a black light gleamed, bursting forth fierce runes, traversing through the void space, and also rushed to the ten ancient lamps.

Lin Feizhan's method of starting, disappeared in place, and rushed out of the range surrounded by ten ancient lamps.

"Sure enough, it's a bit of a way.

It's just a middle-level Hinayana, and the ten lights to attract the soul will not have much impact on you.

I guess, there must be some powerful magic weapon in the sea of ​​knowledge.

Haha, but it doesn't matter, just now, it was just a warm-up.

Next, is my real means, you can be careful. "

The young man appeared extremely confident, and said to Lin Fei in a playful tone.

Lin Fei looked at this young man, secretly jealous, the strength of this young man, compared to that of Tan Qing, did not know how many times stronger.

Moreover, the ten ancient lamps he displayed were extremely strange and difficult to prevent.

If he hadn't had a soul tree, he would have already learned the truth just now, maybe he would have been defeated by him.


As soon as the boy's voice fell, eight ancient bronze lamps appeared again around his body, also burning a white flame.

Eight ancient lanterns rushed out and joined the ten ancient lanterns just now. A total of eighteen ancient lanterns, constantly rotating at high speed, set off a sea of ​​white violent flames, crowding the entire world, and it seemed that it was becoming impossible. Stabilized.

All people felt that they knew the soul body in the sea, and they were also following this white sea of ​​fire, and they began to sway.

"No, go back quickly, Senior Brother Feng is going to use the ancient lamp burning method!"

The expressions of the several students in the White Tiger Academy suddenly changed, and they shot out into the distance.

"Quit! If you don't want to die, go back!"

Tan Qing also yelled at those disciples who were too true to the Holy Land, and took the lead to flee away in embarrassment.

The dozens of people in Luohai Commercial Bank also fled several kilometers away in the other direction.

In an instant, a blank area of ​​several thousand square meters was vacated around the boy and Lin Fei.

All the people were far away, looking at the situation here from afar with fear.

"Unexpectedly, Brother Feng's ancient burning lamp array is so terrible, it is terrifying.

It is estimated that Brother Feng will become a first-level student in the next selection competition. "

"The strength of that kid is actually pretty good. In a remote place like the Eastern Region, he has such combat power at a young age, and he is also a small genius.

However, it was a pity that he met Senior Brother Feng and was doomed to fall. "

The students from the White Tiger Academy discussed each other.

"Huh, Lin Fei, it's a pity that I can't kill you myself! Anyway, you are dead!"

Tan Qing sneered and said.

"Hahaha, little thief Lin Fei, I didn't expect you to have today!"

"Great. Once Lin Fei dies, our Eastern Region will become much safer.

We disciples of the Holy Land, walking around the rivers and lakes, no longer have to worry about it. "

Those disciples in the sacred place were also gloating and gleeful, feeling that once Lin Fei died, he would be much safer in the future.

It is also true that in the Eastern Region, those disciples of the Holy Land family and first-rate sects have already developed a deep fear of Lin Fei.

At this time, the boy was looking at Lin Fei with a very interesting look.

"You seem to be very calm.

Don't you fear death?

Or, you are a face-saving person, at this critical moment of life and death, you are still struggling? "

The boy looked at Lin Fei with a playful look.

He showed a condescending feeling of completely mastering the situation.

"Cut, like a girl, just go ahead if you want to fight."

Lin Fei was speechless.

"Well, since you want to die like this, I will fulfill you!"

The boy's voice suddenly became sharp, and he reached out his hand.

Eighteen ancient bronze lamps ran frantically, and waves of violent white fire storms continued to emerge, sweeping across the entire world.

A series of white mysterious runes rushed out from the eighteen ancient lamps, constantly changing and intertwined.

Everything in this space seems to have disappeared.

Only an endless sea of ​​white fire remains.

In a moment, eighteen ancient lamps and countless mysterious white runes in mid-air formed a complex magic circle, directly surrounding Lin Fei.

"Fine for me!"

At the corner of the boy's mouth, a strange smile was outlined, and at the same time, it also contained a cruel killing intent.


A white sea of ​​flames that seemed to have no bounds imprisoned Lin Fei in it, and endless terrifying white flames surged toward Lin Fei.

Lin Fei's body was burning.

What was even more frightening was that Lin Fei discovered that these white flames had broken into his sea of ​​consciousness and swept over his soul body.

At this moment, Lin Fei's whole body, including his body, and the sea of ​​consciousness, were completely occupied by the blazing white sea of ​​fire.

"Sure enough, it's amazing. But, fortunately, playing with fire, I also have a little bit of fun."

Lin Fei sighed.

Then, with a movement of his mind, the three kinds of different fires in his body rushed out in an instant, erupting at the same time, the light red flames of the sun, the green wood armor fires, and the black bones of the bones.

Three seas of flames tightly protected Lin Fei's body.

At the same time, Lin Fei knew the soul tree in the sea, and suddenly shook, smashed, and pieces of leaves flew out, cutting past the white raging flames.

And it produced a kind of refining energy, refining those white flames, and directly transformed into Lin Fei's spiritual energy.

"Hey, that's fine too."

Lin Fei was overjoyed and almost forgot that the soul tree in the sea of ​​his own consciousness can refine all energy and transform it into the function of divine consciousness energy.

Therefore, Lin Fei moved his mind and let go of the defense of the sea of ​​consciousness, allowing more white flames to continuously rush into the sea of ​​consciousness, making the soul tree refining.

This is equivalent to an opportunity to enhance his spiritual consciousness, Lin Fei didn't want to miss it.

In a moment, the white flames of the refining of the soul tree increased, and Lin Fei's divine consciousness also increased in a straight line.

"How is this going!"

Suddenly, the young man screamed.

He felt that the energy of the eighteen ancient lamps was rapidly weakening.

"Impossible! Train for me!"

The young man's face was ruthless, he bit his tongue violently, and then spewed a mouthful of blood on the eighteen ancient lamps.

Suddenly, the white light was blazing, and the eighteen ancient lamps burst out even more terrifying energy, rushing towards Lin Fei to refine Lin Fei.

"Damn, this is equivalent to gifting me divine consciousness energy and practicing for me!"

Lin Fei was simply stealing joy, and in the sea of ​​knowledge, the soul tree burst out with even more powerful refining power, quickly refining those white flames.

Divine consciousness is rapidly becoming stronger.

After a while.

Puff puff puff...

Suddenly, the young man threw his body back and coughed up blood.

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