Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 1565: The practice of unicorn thunder beast

More than twenty miles away.


The blood ran into rivers, and there were stumps and pieces of meat everywhere, not a complete body.

Nearby, in a clearing.

A dozen people were sitting cross-legged on the ground to heal their injuries.

All people have injuries that are mild or severe.

Suddenly, the earth began to vibrate, and there was a faint rumbling noise in the distance.

"No, those things seem to be coming again!"

Immediately, the dozen or so people who were sitting cross-legged to heal their wounds all opened their eyes, and most of them stared into the distance with horrified eyes.

"Go! Those things are coming here again!"

A young man sank and said.

His body flickered and galloped away.

Suddenly, the rest of the people also fled in embarrassment.

"Lin Fei, wait, I will kill you sooner or later!"

One of them, gritted his teeth and said while running away, his eyes were full of spite, it was Tan Qing from Taizhen Holy Land.

Just now, the batch of thunder monsters rushed and killed all the disciples of Taizhen Holy Land.

As for the students of the White Tiger Academy, five or six fell.

The rest, including Brother Nawan, were injured.

Fortunately, the batch of Thunder Monsters suddenly retreated.

Otherwise, most of the dozen or so White Tiger Academy students will probably be killed.

Tan Qing watched the disciples in Taizhen Sacred Ground with his own eyes, all of them were killed, and the resentment in his heart towards Lin Fei, to the extreme, was beyond description.

And this time.

Lin Fei had already developed her body skills long ago, desperately rushing along with the fastest speed he could achieve.

After a long time, I don't know how much distance I have ran, and I finally feel relieved.

In the rear, those thunder monsters did not seem to follow.

Lin Fei found a hidden place and teleported himself into the slave tower.

Came in front of the dozens of warriors from Luohai Commercial Bank.

"Thank you Saint Son for your life-saving grace."

Those people from Luohai Commercial Bank hurriedly saluted Lin Fei.

"Didn't you send in with the head of the head office?

Is it scattered? "

Lin Fei asked.

"However, the people of our Luohai Commercial Bank, after being transmitted in, were indeed scattered.

However, before we came in, the head of the bank had instructed us not to gather together after we came in.

Instead, they scattered to find clues to Miss Ren. "

A man in the junior Hinayana state replied that he belonged to the little leader among the dozens of people in Luohai Commercial Bank.

"Each of us has a special induction jade slip. Once this jade slip senses the breath of Miss Ren, it will react."

The man in the elementary Hinayana replied.

"Ok, I know.

Scattered to find, the chance of finding Miss Ren is indeed better.

Well, next, you have to be careful and try not to conflict with others, especially those ancient churches in Zhongshengzhou.

Wherever you think about saving your life in advance. "

Lin Fei nodded.

Before entering the realm of Falling Immortal, Ren Xiaotian also distributed these induction jade slips to the Cangyan Holy Land, Monster Race, Fire Crow Tribe, Xiao Yi and others, so that everyone can help in the realm of Falling Immortal and pay attention to Ren Shanshan's trail.

Lin Fei also has a jade slip like this on him.

It can be said that Ren Xiaotian entered the world of falling immortals with the greatest purpose of finding his beloved daughter, and secondly, it was treasure hunting and chance.

"Yes. Shengzi, don't worry, the head office owner has also told us so."

The man in the junior Hinayana realm quickly replied.

Lin Fei and Ren Xiaotian's friendship is relatively familiar, and they are also the descendants of Cangyan Holy Land.

Therefore, these people from Luohai Commercial Bank were very respectful in front of Lin Fei.

What's more, Lin Fei's wicked name is very famous throughout the Eastern Region.

In front of Lin Fei, these people from Luohai Commercial Bank did not dare to show any fear.

You know, Lin Fei killed the disciples of those holy land families who don't know many in the Eastern Region.

Then Lin Fei teleported all these people from Luohai Commercial Bank out of the slave tower and told them to leave first.

The ninth floor of the slave tower.

In the practice secret room.

Lin Fei waved, two piles of fruits appeared in front of him.

A pile of red-red Daulei fruit, about five or six hundred.

The other pile is the azure blue thunder **** fruit, about eighty-nine.

Both fruits contain amazing lightning energy.

Of course, the lightning energy contained in the Thunder God Fruit is much higher than that of the Dao Thunder Fruit, and the two cannot be compared.

The lightning energy contained in a Thunder God Fruit is at least several hundred times that of Dao Thunder Fruit.

These Dao Lei Fruits, and the Thunder God Fruits, Lin Fei was specially prepared for the Unicorn Thunder Beast.

Lin Fei thought, and the unicorn thunder beast sprang out of the dantian.

Lin Fei decided to let the Unicorn Thunder Beast devour these Dao Lei Fruits and Thunder God Fruits.

Although these two fruits contain amazing lightning energy, no one dares to swallow them directly, otherwise, it is extremely likely that the body will be directly shattered by the terrible lightning.

But the unicorn thunder beast is different. It was originally dedicated to devouring thunder and lightning. These two fruits are simply a tonic for it.

The Unicorn Thunder Beast leaped forward and first began to devour Dao Lei Guo.

Boom boom boom...

As the unicorn thunder beast continued to devour Dao Lei Guo, the loud sound of thunder and thunder continued to be transmitted from its body.

At the same time, a thick thunder light began to be born in the secret room.

After a while, the space of the entire secret room was densely packed with thick lightning snakes, wandering around, the lightning energy continued to explode, exuding a violent aura of destruction, like the end of the world.

Because the lightning energy was too violent, Lin Fei had to teleport himself to the eighth layer.

After half an hour, the Unicorn Thunder Beast finally swallowed all the five or six hundred Dao Thunder Fruits.

At this time, the whole body of the unicorn thunder beast was full of terrifying lightning.

A wave of thunder and lightning storms that ruined the sky and the earth continued to blow out from its huge body.

"The strength of the Unicorn Thunder Beast has advanced by leaps and bounds, and it has increased too much!"

Lin Fei was overjoyed.

"Well, next, let it devour the Thunder God Fruit."

Lin Fei's gaze was full of expectation.

According to the key to the essence of the alchemy, the **** of thunder and lightning is the treasure planted and protected by the thunder and beasts, possessing unimaginable lightning energy.

It is a precious elixir for all creatures who cultivate thunder and lightning energy.

But this time, Lin Fei almost swept the two thousand thunder monsters together to guard the **** of thunder and lightning.

Eighty to ninety Thunder God Fruits were obtained. Such a harvest is very amazing.

Under the control of Lin Fei's mind, the unicorn thunder beast began to devour the first thunder and lightning fruit.

Ho Ho Ho...

As the first thunder and lightning fruit entered the unicorn thunder beast's belly, the unicorn thunder beast suddenly raised up to the sky and roared. The whole body expanded rapidly. come out.

In a moment, the entire secret room completely turned into a thunder and lightning ocean world.

"too frightening.

It seems that even if it is a unicorn thunder beast, if you want to devour the **** thunder fruit, you must be careful and not too fast.

Otherwise, there is a possibility of explosion. "

Lin Fei was surprised.

Therefore, Lin Fei left the unicorn thunder beast in the ninth floor of the cultivation chamber, slowly devouring the **** of thunder and lightning.

Lin Fei estimated that with so many Thunder God Fruits, it would take at least a few days for the Unicorn Thunder Beast to finish eating.

As for Lin Fei himself, using the Dao breath method, he disguised himself again and became a strange ordinary young warrior.

Then, teleported out of the slave tower, unfolded her body skills, and moved forward.

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