Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 1567: Great Killing Array in the Valley

When the middle-aged man spoke, he had already locked Lin Fei.

Moreover, near the middle-aged man, there are seven or eight masters who are also of the strength of the Heavenly Cave Realm, and their eyes are also a little surprised.

"Damn, at least there are eight masters in the cave world."

Lin Fei secretly groaned.

Under this situation, whether he was fighting or fleeing, it was probably very troublesome.

"Okay, let's go over and see, what are these people for letting me over?

It seems that they will not kill me. "

In Lin Fei's mind, a decision was made between lightning and stone fire.

"Okay, I'll go over."

Lin Fei said, and then walked over to the valley entrance.

"Huh, you are smart.

You dare to resist our Chili Palace's order, which is really too long. "

The strange young man was in the back, looking at Lin Fei with a sneer.

"Go, let's go to the neighborhood to catch more people."

The strange young man waved his hand and rushed away with the rest of the people beside him.

Chi Li Palace!

Lin Fei couldn't help but move in his heart after hearing what the strange young man said.

Before coming in, Lin Fei had also heard a lot about the old churches in Zhongshengzhou.

The Chili Palace is an ancient great sect with terrifying strength in Zhongsheng State.

In the entire Central Saint State, among all the ancient great sects, the strength of the Red Li Palace can definitely be ranked in the top ten.

Moreover, it is said that in the Chili Palace, there is an ancestor with the power of transforming the fairyland.

It can be said that the Chi Li Palace is much stronger than any holy land and family in the Eastern Region.

Unexpectedly, these people turned out to be members of the Red Palace.

"Find a place to stay first, don't walk around, or you will lose your life easily."

After Lin Fei came to the valley, the middle-aged man in the cave world gave Lin Fei a cold glance and said in a warning tone.

Then, his gaze looked into the valley again, not caring about Lin Fei at all.


In the valley, screams continued to be heard.

Lin Fei released his divine consciousness out of curiosity and felt it into the valley.

At the end of the valley, purple light rushed into the sky, and the runes flickered, forming a purple light curtain. The bottom of the valley was tightly shrouded in it, and the divine consciousness could not perceive it at all.

Lin Fei knew that at the end of the valley, in the place covered with a purple light curtain, there must be some treasure.

At the same time, in the valley, there are many strange-looking beasts lurking in some hidden places in the valley, showing fierce light, glaring at the outsiders who want to break into the valley.

These strange beasts seem to be the guardians of this valley.

"In this valley, there are many very powerful formations, but they are all very hidden. Those powerful killing formations seem to be hidden by extremely clever phantom formations.

If you walk in, if you are not careful, you will be intercepted by those hidden massacres. "

A Zi's voice resounded in Lin Fei's sea of ​​knowledge.

"Yes, there seems to be traces of formation in this valley."

Lin Fei nodded.

And this time.

In the valley, there were hundreds of warriors with weeping faces. Driven by two vicious middle-aged men, they were walking ahead, trembling, walking into the valley like walking on thin ice.

Moreover, on the ground in the valley, there are already more than a hundred **** corpses lying.

Lin Fei instantly understood that these dead people, and the hundreds of warriors with weeping faces, were definitely not from the Red Palace.

It is estimated that he was like himself, caught by the people of Chili Palace, and then forced to explore the hidden poor worms in the valley.

"Be careful, it's dangerous here.

If you don't want to lose your life, just bring me up.

As long as you can walk to the end of the valley, when we are in the Red Palace, we won't swallow the baby alone, and we will definitely give some to you.

As long as you look at the vision in the deep valley, you can know that there must be a treasure of amazing value there.

So, everyone! "

One of the ferocious middle-aged men said loudly to hundreds of warriors in front of him.

"Senior, this valley is terrifying.

I think I don't have that kind of blessing, I don't want baby anymore, you let me go. "

One of the warriors was crying and begged.


Another ferocious middle-aged man raised his palm, and a slap made of vitality flew out and hit the warrior who asked to leave.

Suddenly, several front teeth of the warrior splashed out with blood and water, and his right face was swollen.

"We who practice martial arts, should fight to overcome adversity! Retreat in danger, what can we achieve in the future?"

The fierce man who hit others said with a deep face.

Suddenly, the hundreds of warriors in front were silent, but they were all swearing in their hearts. These two evil spirits did not dare to walk in front of them, but they forced us to explore the way. How can they say that?

However, the situation is better than people!

On the outskirts of the valley, there were hundreds of people from the Red Palace, surrounding the valley.

Moreover, the masters with eight caves in the sky are in charge.

In this case, no one can escape.

Therefore, the hundreds of warriors who had been captured had no choice but to harden their scalps, fearful, and continue to walk deep into the valley.

After a while.

Suddenly, in front of the team, a warrior stepped on a flat stone slab.

Immediately the rune flashed, rising to the sky, and the terrible murderous intent, beheading.

Before the warrior had time to scream, his entire body was chopped in half by a stream of light, silently.

Then with a pop, his upper and lower halves fell in a pool of blood, and was quickly shattered by the light of the rune, and his body and spirit disappeared.

Obviously, in this position, there is a hidden big killing formation that was triggered by him.

Then, the dazzling runes continued to erupt, and the terrifying murderous intent swept out, and the more than one hundred people walking in the front were all beheaded by the formation in an instant.

No one had time to make a scream.

And the flesh was directly strangled into nothingness, without leaving even a drop of blood or a little bit of meat and bone residue.

Those people walking behind the team were frightened and fleeing back desperately.

"The killing array in this valley is too powerful!"

Lin Fei couldn't help but feel a little chill, and sighed inwardly.

"There is a hidden killing formation here!"

One of the two ferocious men in Chili Palace said toward the mouth of the valley.

In the valley, the eight Celestial Realm masters who were sitting in the air in Chili Palace nodded.

Then, there were four masters in the cave world, shooting out, and instantly came to the big killing formation.

One of them took out a black and faint iron ruler, looked into the sky and threw it, with a thud, turning into a fierce dragon with its teeth and claws, and pounced on the big killing formation.

"Extreme Warrior!"

Lin Fei couldn't help but felt a move. The dark iron ruler turned out to be an extremely immortal soldier.

Then, the four masters of the cave world also displayed their unique tricks, attacking the big killing formation together.

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